New Frey Owners

I'm with you brother, having trouble opening software package Ivy sent me, file not supported message, downloaded first package no prob, the second package Frey says is the torque package with instructions will not open?? to be continued

One of my batteries, if tilted up or down, i can feel the whole pack shift up and down a couple inches inside the case ???
to be continued
Talked to watt, fat bike, triangle monster bag battery, all the bells, A mouse click away


You seem to have been born under a bad sign when it comes to the CC. Reminds me a bit of the old Li’l Abner comic strip character “Joe Btfsplk” with his constant attending dark cloud. But then you’re likely too young to get this reference.

Percussing and stethoscoping (as your GP would listening for fluid in your lungs) along the battery case, I couldn’t perceive any obvious empty cavities, but perhaps this was the battery that was stolen and the thief did something unspeakably nefarious to it. I did notice a manufacturer’s label, Turnlife from whom Frey sourced the batteries at least for my bike and I presume others in the group order.

They appear to be a company of similar vintage to Frey, but about an order of magnitude larger sales-wise. Do your batteries have similar branding? Possibly relevant for apples-to-apples experience comparison if they switched vendors.

Stay Well
Yes my battery’s have improved, working on other issues, some minor shipping damage when I received the bike from the extra battery packed inside the box floating around took out my tail light (Frey sent me another) I look now and see wear and tear on the chain and cassette , only about 80 miles on the bike,
BIKE was stolen day 2 , thief put 4 miles on it, sheriffs Recovered , so who knows , take my comments with a grain on salt
What? Bike was stolen and recovered?!? Great news for you. That seems highly unusual for quick recovery. Congrats on finding it back in one piece, I hope. ;)
I respectfully disagree. One size will fit almost all. I would say if you are at 5' 2" or shorter this bike may be too big. Other than that just personal choice, some folks like big some like small
A person 5'9 1/2" barely standing over vs a 5'2" person is a very wide margin. @onlineaddy made a valid point. Do you work for Frey? You just seem to take every comment regarding Frey very personally and take it to the level (per your words) "known to humankind that exists in our universe, " :rolleyes:
I respectfully disagree. One size will fit almost all. I would say if you are at 5' 2" or shorter this bike may be too big. Other than that just personal choice, some folks like big some like small
What is the standover height to the "crossbar"? Anyone with less inseam than that height won't fit. I'm 5'8" with a 30-in inseam. From your description I probably won't fit, and I'm hardly short short--just short medium.
Thank you Dave for your very interesting and balanced review of the CC. I am still awaiting mine, so I cannot really comment at this point. However, I was surprised by the crossbar being at your crotch. Frey lists a stand-over height of 650mm (~25.6") in their geometry specs for the CC. I would expect such stand-over height to even accommodate short inseams.
You are greatly overthinking this my friend, there is no negative feedback on Frey bicycles, I understand there is one person on this particular thread that seems to have an issue with batteries. No offense to that individual but I cannot find any other negativity towards Frey bikes known to humankind that exists in our universe, unless you have?

It also seems to me that TomDav's reports on his new CC are less than stellar. Yes, he is in the very early ownership stages with his bike as well (and we all understand that new batteries typically benefit from a few charge/discharge cycles under their belt), and the sample size going into my opinion is ludicrously small, but I just haven't seen the type of enthusiasm extolled by Micah Toll from his test rides, by new CC owners.

I have nothing against Frey, nor do I have direct experience with their bikes. I was very tempted by their recent free shipping/Aug-Sep delivery offer to become a Frey bike owner, but didn't personally pull the trigger. I have also seen so many owners post their top ratings of Frey bikes, which I do not doubt in the least.

I just haven't yet seen the high level of glowing reviews which I was thinking that I would see. Maybe my expectations were too high?
A person 5'9 1/2" barely standing over vs a 5'2" person is a very wide margin. @onlineaddy made a valid point. Do you work for Frey? You just seem to take every comment regarding Frey very personally and take it to the level (per your words) "known to humankind that exists in our universe, " :rolleyes:
Still waiting for that link! I apologize if im defensive. Ive realized that there are many tire kickers here and that frustrates me. Again, link?
Still waiting for that link! I apologize if im defensive. Ive realized that there are many tire kickers here and that frustrates me. Again, link?
You're misunderstanding my point. There are people that have qualms or questions and they have every right to. I don't know how many because it's not my job to keep count or search the web looking for them. I'm being facetious regarding your combative tone when people challenge or question the bike in anyway. In the same vein as your "link?" Are you an ambassador for Frey? :rolleyes:
Do have a source or evidence for this suggestion? I mean, "some have suggested" is about the weakest statement possible. It this is true, it would be a serious issue, so it seems kind of reckless to suggest this without providing any more info.

ebike range estimates seem sorta like the wild west right now, with few rules. Minimally, I think most ebikes assume you'll be pedaling at the same time. And for hub-drive bikes, I suspect your gear choice matters, and with all bikes, velocity makes a HUGE difference (power goes up with the cube of velocity). So if you cruise your CC at the same speed you ride your RadRover, you'd probably get better range from a charge.

Here's a fun bike power calculator:
Using the default parameters, cruising at 15mph takes 88.18 watts, while cruising at 25mph takes 326.16 watts.

So if you have a 1000Watt-hour battery, at 15mph you can cruise for 11.34 hours and cover 170 miles.
But at 25mph you can only cruise for 3.1 hours and cover 76.6 miles.

Obviously those specific numbers won't match your specific bike, but the point is that cruising at 25 instead of 15 reduces your range by more than half.
Thank you Seabeast for providing the link to the bike power calculator. It was very informative and should be useful to anyone trying to calculate the expected range of their bike. I’d also like to respond to the suggestion that Frey would substitute generic battery cells in place of the proprietary Samsung cells. I think it highly unlikely that Frey would risk their good reputation with such an unscrupulous action. I expect that they will continue to offer great customer service and respond appropriately to any legitimate concerns.
By the way, my AM1000 and EX are scheduled to arrive next Monday and I was just called back to work after being furloughed for 7 weeks. My office agreed that I will return next Tuesday so I can be home when the bikes are delivered.
To clarify, I like my CC and warming up to it every time I ride it. I created a separate thread to provide impressions along the way, positive and negative. I tend to be a perfectionist so perhaps have emphasized the negatives more than the positives. Some of the negatives are minor, like the light that kept falling off and eventually stopped working, the poorly adjusted derailleur that was off by a full click, the shift sensor which seems to be cutting power over big bumps, the brakes making odd noises, etc. No bike is perfect, the CC will not be for everyone. The Ultra will not be for everyone. Frey will not be for everyone. I bought the CC because it ticked more of my boxes than any other bike did. My frustrations have more to do with the characteristics of the stock controller which are more specific to the Ultra than the CC or Frey.

Battery quality may or may not be a factor. I asked Frey point blank about the supplier and cells in an email this weekend. They have not responded back. I heard they are having email issues if you reply to old emails. The lack of range I am getting may have more to do with the efficiency of the stock controller. Watt Wagons is reporting 20% efficiency gains with the aftermarket controller. I am also NOT running my batteries to 0%. My understanding is this is very bad for battery health, so I factor that into my range.

As noted the CC is a very heavy bike. Before I got my CC I used to walk past my 25 pound MTB in the garage and marvel at how light it was relative to my 50 pound eMTB. Now as I am passing my 50 pound eMTB in the garage I marvel how light it feels relative to my 75 pound CC. 😅 I'm not sure I would recommend this bike for an older person due to the weight. Grandma would be better off with a 50-60 pound low step. That said it rides super stable and comfortable and loves to go fast.
I think it highly unlikely that Frey would risk their good reputation with such an unscrupulous action.

To clarify, Frey does not make their own batteries, so they are somewhat at the mercy of whatever battery supplier they choose. I had heard they needed to change battery suppliers as they scaled. It is good to hear reports of people getting 60 miles on their CC.
To clarify, I like my CC and warming up to it every time I ride it. I created a separate thread to provide impressions along the way, positive and negative. I tend to be a perfectionist so perhaps have emphasized the negatives more than the positives. Some of the negatives are minor, like the light that kept falling off and eventually stopped working, the poorly adjusted derailleur that was off by a full click, the shift sensor which seems to be cutting power over big bumps, the brakes making odd noises, etc. No bike is perfect, the CC will not be for everyone. The Ultra will not be for everyone. Frey will not be for everyone. I bought the CC because it ticked more of my boxes than any other bike did. My frustrations have more to do with the characteristics of the stock controller which are more specific to the Ultra than the CC or Frey.

Battery quality may or may not be a factor. I asked Frey point blank about the supplier and cells in an email this weekend. They have not responded back. I heard they are having email issues if you reply to old emails. The lack of range I am getting may have more to do with the efficiency of the stock controller. Watt Wagons is reporting 20% efficiency gains with the aftermarket controller. I am also NOT running my batteries to 0%. My understanding is this is very bad for battery health, so I factor that into my range.

As noted the CC is a very heavy bike. Before I got my CC I used to walk past my 25 pound MTB in the garage and marvel at how light it was relative to my 50 pound eMTB. Now as I am passing my 50 pound eMTB in the garage I marvel how light it feels relative to my 75 pound CC. 😅 I'm not sure I would recommend this bike for an older person due to the weight. Grandma would be better off with a 50-60 pound low step. That said it rides super stable and comfortable and loves to go fast.
I am warming up to the CC also, I did not mean to suggest Frey use counterfeit cells, I’m sure Frey doesn’t even make the Batteries, some people have rebadged 35E cells. If they use original 35E cells , good battery , for better battery 30Q or even better- LG HG2 cells. My batteries look different than other CC battery’s . I have seen has no info label , and in one of my batteries the cell pack is loose inside, flops around, I got a early bike maybe one of the first, received in February , any way , lots of things I need to check out as I learn about bikes, I’m clueless , need to take it to someone who knows what they are doing,
Sorry to worry anyone with my ignorance
For people interested, I chatted with Rico of Innotrace on WeChat yesterday.
He told me that they will start selling complete motors next month.
In future there may be some resellers that can mount the controllers for people who already have a Bafang M620/G510.
Any questions or need the Innotrace email please send me a message.
I haven't done much research on this yet but is it likely that we will be able to upgrade to the new controller when it comes out? Is it easy to purchase and install on your own? What can we expect to see in terms of performance increases?
I haven't done much research on this yet but is it likely that we will be able to upgrade to the new controller when it comes out? Is it easy to purchase and install on your own? What can we expect to see in terms of performance increases?
No, either you buy a new motor now or in the near future have a reseller mount the controller using special software, I believe it is needed to balance the motor.
On another forum there is a thread about the Innotrace controller, mistakenly identified as Exess controller.
It's a far better controller than the stock Bafang, allowing more output at the same torque and a smoother ride.
But I haven't tried it myself, others worry that the high power may put a lot of stress on chain, cassette and derailleur.......