Another Frey Savannah Ultra - CC owner

It was a slow progression of the chain starting to skip. When I did the chain ring swap, there were no issues. In the last 2 months I started to notice things. Luckily I haven't been riding as much as I did when I got the bike. The weather has been less than great on weekends this winter. Lots of rain.
When I changed out the chain, I also changed out the front caliper of the bike. I did this out of pocket as I truly think I messed up the seals on the caliper when I switched out the tires. Why I think this is the rotor was also bent. I kinda remember "forcing" things while in a hurry. The good news is I have a spare mt5e brake lever for another day.
The obvious things were the sound and the fact that the new rotor and pads were saturated in mineral oil. Lesson learned.

My next big purchase is going to be getting the Silca chain waxing system when it is available again. After switching out the chain and seeing how simple it is, the Silca solution seems a no brainier if I alternate 2 chains.
Oh, and the 30ah battery that my frame can accommodate. Makes the Silca look like a st4rbucks coffee.
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Results after the latest tune. From what I understand about the avg efficiency number, 11.7 is a good number. The ride was straight, really flat, with hardly any others in the way, and barely any intersections that we needed to stop. The battery is currently at 50.1v according to the cheap multimeter.
HOW THE F did I have a 18146 ft elevation gain?

Finally got around to some wh/mi stats and I'm in about the same ballpark as you. I live surrounded by hills so on shorter rides say about 15 mi or so I'm usually around 11.5wh/mi... but when I'm dragging ass I've seen as high as 12.75wh/mi.
On longer rides in the 20 to 25mi range that have the same hilly beginning but then adds mostly flat terrain I've been averaging around 10.5wh/mi. Even got that number on one ride that had 2 miles of pretty steep, rocky horse trails in the mix
On two recent 25+ mi rides that were all paved surface and I was feeling a bit more froggy than usual I achieved 9.75 and 9.2wh/mi.
These numbers are still a little higher than what I was doing on my BBS02B.. but I was also in better shape then. I'm thinking I'll probably average about 10wh/mi by the end of the riding season when I'm typically in my best shape.
My average speed and top speed are almost identical to yours (16.7mph /26mph respectively) though my elevation change I'm pretty sure is greater (when the decimal is in place). Google maps info on elevation is way off on the rail/trails I ride.

Have you had any changes in efficiency as you tweak the programming?
Been doing a little more tweaking and things have improved more than I originally predicted. Lowered my current settings marginally in PAS 1 - 4.. my most used PAS. Additionally started pushing myself a little harder by dropping 1 PAS in most of my riding. Meaning using PAS 1 when I had been using 2... 2 when previously using 3 and so on. This has resulted in rides less than 20 miles averaing 8.5wh/mi... and those over 20mi averaging 7.8wh/mi. This also has resulted in slightly slower speeds with me doing more of the work and the average falling to about 14.5mph and top speeds around 22mph.. though the last few rides I've been able to get the up a little.
Even had one 28mi ride that I was feeling particularly froggy achieve 6.9wh/mi @ 15.5mph
Though the tuning did contribute I feel most of the gain is from increased stamina since I've been riding more often. Well that and some dark chocolate espresso beans.


That said I'm finding the Ultra is as if not more efficient than the BBS02B in that the torque sensing controller eliminates many of the inefficient current spikes.
And this being on a much heavier 80lb bike compared to my 45lb BBS.
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Just ordered my 30ah battery and charger for the bike. Battery is at the U.S. warehouse and hopefully will be here by next weekend.
Just ordered my 30ah battery and charger for the bike. Battery is at the U.S. warehouse and hopefully will be here by next weekend.
You're gonna love it. I'be been running with 35Ah's for a year new. Could not go back to a lesser amount.
Had an issue with the battery process. The U.S. warehouse sent me the wrong "cover". I was supposed to get a metal rail like device that I need to install that replaces the plastic housing over the internally routed cables. As the picture attached shows, the original battery on the left has a valley that works well with the current setup. The new battery on the right is flat. I can get the battery in and hanging but not get the battery to lock. I have verified that the battery does work.

I ended up actually getting the outer plastic cover for the battery instead. After some sleuthing with Frey, the actual part I need is on the way.

I did do a ride with my 17.5 and 21 Ah batteries this past weekend. Decided to do a full power ride (sport pas 9) with the 17.5 Ah battery until it cut out. I rode in Sport PAS 9 for about 96% of the time. Trail etiquette was required in spots. The 17.5 cut out at 33.9 miles. Average moving speed was 20mph, with a top speed of 34.5mph (road). Taproom math after that ride figures I burned 1.9ah per mile.
So the rest of the dirty top power math (not verified yet) is I should get 40.5 miles on the 21 Ah battery and 57.9 miles on the 30ah battery if I rode the same course the same way. I wasn't doing completely flat riding. So things could change in the next test.

I did order the Route Werk handlebar bag even though they do not recommend it for a suspension fork. I am not riding in places that my front fork would be an issue. And If I was, I wouldn't use that bag. Should be here early next week. Once I get it in I'll snap some pictures (before/ after) of the setup. I reorganized the cables in a new wire loom also.


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Later today riding the C.C. rode up on a Florida Bobcat.

Animal list of the things I have seen in Central Florida riding the trails around here: turtles, rabbits, deer, black snakes. rattle snakes, pigs, goats, donkeys, horses, cows, cats, dogs, children, bobcat, multiple birds/birds of prey. chickens, turkeys, suicidal squirrels, sane squirrels, squirrel falling out of tree and splatting on the trail.
WOW, that's amazing!
Had an issue with the battery process. The U.S. warehouse sent me the wrong "cover". I was supposed to get a metal rail like device that I need to install that replaces the plastic housing over the internally routed cables. As the picture attached shows, the original battery on the left has a valley that works well with the current setup. The new battery on the right is flat. I can get the battery in and hanging but not get the battery to lock. I have verified that the battery does work.

I ended up actually getting the outer plastic cover for the battery instead. After some sleuthing with Frey, the actual part I need is on the way.

I did do a ride with my 17.5 and 21 Ah batteries this past weekend. Decided to do a full power ride (sport pas 9) with the 17.5 Ah battery until it cut out. I rode in Sport PAS 9 for about 96% of the time. Trail etiquette was required in spots. The 17.5 cut out at 33.9 miles. Average moving speed was 20mph, with a top speed of 34.5mph (road). Taproom math after that ride figures I burned 1.9ah per mile.
So the rest of the dirty top power math (not verified yet) is I should get 40.5 miles on the 21 Ah battery and 57.9 miles on the 30ah battery if I rode the same course the same way. I wasn't doing completely flat riding. So things could change in the next test.

I did order the Route Werk handlebar bag even though they do not recommend it for a suspension fork. I am not riding in places that my front fork would be an issue. And If I was, I wouldn't use that bag. Should be here early next week. Once I get it in I'll snap some pictures (before/ after) of the setup. I reorganized the cables in a new wire loom also.
Hi Keith, thank you for your sharing. Any further update available?
Hi Keith, thank you for your sharing. Any further update available?
I did finally get the part that Frey sent to cover the internal cables. Bike has been down for the last couple of weeks due to a front brake leak (no o-ring on the bleed valve, and other new o-rings on the banjo Joint). And horrendous Florida evening heat and rain.

As far as the new part to cover the cables, I am not overly sure that it will work. It does require me to jb weld parts to the frame. So at the moment, I have all the lines taped to the frame while I think about what I am going to do with the cables. I am thinking that I might get a cheap cutting board and trace out the the old plastic piece ends that connect like the original and use it instead with some extra tape.

As far as the 30ah battery. After the other issues as described, I finally did a 14 mile ride today and it worked. I need to reset the battery stats in the eggrider so it knows it is a 30ah battery and not a 21ah battery. I am on vacation this week and plan on doing more riding in with it.

If you have any specific questions, please let me know.
I did finally get the part that Frey sent to cover the internal cables. Bike has been down for the last couple of weeks due to a front brake leak (no o-ring on the bleed valve, and other new o-rings on the banjo Joint). And horrendous Florida evening heat and rain.

As far as the new part to cover the cables, I am not overly sure that it will work. It does require me to jb weld parts to the frame. So at the moment, I have all the lines taped to the frame while I think about what I am going to do with the cables. I am thinking that I might get a cheap cutting board and trace out the the old plastic piece ends that connect like the original and use it instead with some extra tape.

As far as the 30ah battery. After the other issues as described, I finally did a 14 mile ride today and it worked. I need to reset the battery stats in the eggrider so it knows it is a 30ah battery and not a 21ah battery. I am on vacation this week and plan on doing more riding in with it.

If you have any specific questions, please let me know.
Great! Looking forward for your further news. if there is anything you need support from Frey, please feel free contact.