It's funny that I get the same much appreciated smile and wave by ringing a bell. A bike bell is a very familiar, non threatening and friendly sound and I've yet to startle a single person let alone any animal whether domesticated or wild using it. When I ring my bell at a much greater distance then you can vocally notify, I instantly see most step right... young parents coralling toddlers fascinated by every rock, stick and leaf to the right well in advance of my arrival. Kids absolutely love it and I often give a gratuitous second double ring as I pass just to make them smile and that many times gets me a big smile from their parents as well.
And it's not about being in a rush or a race, it's about a mutual respect for each individuals use of the path. I fully respect walkers but if I have to slow for every person on the path then it's no longer enjoyable for me and I'm not getting the exercise that I expected. I ride at normal bicycle speeds and walkers must mutually respect my use of the path as it is clearly marked for such use. This is why a bell is essential for cycling as voice is no where near as effective for walkers unless you slow to their speed. In the rare event I do need to slow down or stop... I don't stress it at all as implied, especially for children or the elderly.
But the braindead iPhone'rs....
No Quarter /
Tower Buzzed