Horn, Bell or Voice, how to warn others of your presence and intentions

I have a set of generic car horns rigged up to 14v accessory battery. Programmed a macro to give a very short blip for saying hi or a gentle nudge as well as the traditional blast that gets used for cars or pedos in bike lane. Horn also doubles as alarm when the bike is locked up.
Please explain this procedure.
horn, blinkers, alarm are handled by a separate computer(in this case microcontroller like arudino) and custom code to have a intuitive UI for a 3 button remote. Also has a bluetooth module for proximity unlock, panic button etc. have been planning to publish to github and do a writeup but been lazy.
On our ebikes we use a traditional ding-ding bike bell for lower speed paths and trails, and a rechargeable moped-like loud horn for t-bone merging cars and other traffic, made by Juiced. The latter also has an accelerometer and a loud AF alarm for coffee stops which is a nice extra feature.
As fast as I ride on the trail sometimes I just slow down and wait for them to notices me. Point is do what's needed given that situation. Another words alert them of your presents with the required level needed. You can do this with or without a bell.
As fast as I ride on the trail sometimes I just slow down and wait for them to notices me. Point is do what's needed given that situation. Another words alert them of your presents with the required level needed. You can do this with or without a bell.
Not sure that works very well considering that 50% of those encountered are not facing you. Then add distractions they have in tow such as a dog, baby carriage and or phone and it'll leave you at a walking pace
Which solves any problem if the rider isn’t to self absorbed to just slow the f*ck down. FFS it’s for fun and relaxation not a road race on a multiple use path. Kidz!

Bell for a polite warning, Airzound for peckerwoods.
Really... You can ride at a walking pace? I'd fall over.
It's not all or nothing and a rider has just as much right to the path as the daydreaming on their phone self absorbed wandering morons.
And this is why a bell is essential and to give a friendly wake up call. I'll be damn if I slow down that much for every person i need to pass and wait for them to hopefully turn around at some point.
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I have been using incredibells basically forever: Incredibell.
My bike came with a very similar bell. Looks nice and takes up little space, but it's just not heard far enough ahead. Lots of oblivious pedestrians on the streets and bikeways around here, and they clearly need more advance notice -- even at 10 mph.

Since my LBS has nothing louder, I'll just have to order online till I find the right one. Really hoping this one works out...
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Not sure that works very well considering that 50% of those encountered are not facing you. Then add distractions they have in tow such as a dog, baby carriage and or phone and it'll leave you at a walking pace
It works fine that's when it might be necessary to alert them with more intensity. I find that it is even more than 50% it is from behind. As a side note in a lot of places Sidewalks are just that(for walking) So please stay off them for the most part.
Weirdly the snap, crackle, and pop, bowl of rice crispies sound from my winter studded tires is loud enough to attract the attention of walkers before I need to use my bell.