Horn, Bell or Voice, how to warn others of your presence and intentions

You lost me at the last entry. Anyone recklessly overtaking unprotected, slower moving, and/or distracted traffic, will be responsible for the consequences. 3 feet should be given as a minimum general rule (often the law depending on where you live). That goes in reverse too, since cycling lobbyists have been campaigning to secure that safety buffer from cars for generations. Callous actions stand to get cyclists banned from mixed-use municipal trails where privileges are already somewhat politically tenuous, in some regions. #bebest
A ban will never happen... So you lost me at "you lost me" 🙃
This should take care of dogs and people with headphones. 120db
I had a loud electric horn on my last bike that just made people mad no matter how short of a beep I used. I removed it.
I have a loud but nothing extreme electric horn as well as a bell... but very rarely use it for pedestrians.
It's for road use and the maintenance crews on the path that usually have some type of equipment running. They too wave as a mutual acknowledgement of both parties being safe.
A ban will never happen... So you lost me at "you lost me" 🙃
There's a whole EBR sub-header on community regulation/legislation changes which can pass for or against a cycling community. Nevertheless, hitting and injuring someone to teach a malicious lesson, can result in personal legal problems, on top of cycling community backlash, maybe even some damage to bike and rider. That should be reason enough not to contemplate.
I gave away my classic clown horn. It worked great because it made people smile. It did not come across as rude. These new earbuds have automatic noise cancelation as the zombies shuffle around looking down at their phones.
There's a whole EBR sub-header on community regulation/legislation changes which can pass for or against a cycling community. Nevertheless, hitting and injuring someone to teach a malicious lesson, can result in personal legal problems, on top of cycling community backlash, maybe even some damage to bike and rider. That should be reason enough not to contemplate.
Ok.. Time to unbunch the panties.
I don't head out looking to run people off the path and even the brain dead get as wide a berth as possible and are in no danger of being hit unless they make some last second drastic move and step further from the right.
But I'm not slowing to a crawl for them so my second wrong makes it allllll right. 🙃
If it's a shared trail, then do it. That is not to say some people aren't going to be totally in wrong weather there a runner,cyclist,hiker or whatever else and these things should be delt with.
Geez, do your own thing. I know how I approach the subject (with respect and as much courtesy as possible), but if you want to be an A-hole, go for it. Just don't try and sell it to me as "correct" under ANY circumstances.....
Geez, do your own thing. I know how I approach the subject (with respect and as much courtesy as possible), but if you want to be an A-hole, go for it. Just don't try and sell it to me as "correct" under ANY circumstances.....
Respect & Courtesy is a two way street... So how many can I put you down for?
Schizophrenics are drawn to the left. It is why they will walk on the wrong side of a Multi-Use Path. It is like they are walking along a cliff or void to their right.

Spurcycle Original Bell​

Not cheap but works every time getting peoples attention. Audibly piercing.
Sometimes I have to muffle it as not to be obnoxious.
Highly recommended


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I have a pile of these Audibells. They are brass and almost as good as a Spurcycle. But cost $12 and I get a 15% discount because I spend a ton with these folks and send them a lot of local business. I often include them as a bonus gift. They attach with an O-ring, two sizes are included. Check out the commuter coffee holder.


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Spurcycle Original Bell​

Not cheap but works every time getting peoples attention. Audibly piercing.
Sometimes I have to muffle it as not to be obnoxious.
Highly recommended
never had much lvuk with on when riding the tandem people never heard it. I still have it on my commuter and it's ok there. this guy they hear and my wife has more fun with the two tone bell. plus its easier to use with gloves.

"on your left"
For some reason trains weren't running, something like MLK day. So I had to ride 25 miles to work on a stealth bike. It started out cold. At mile 22 I needed to remove some layers while on a MUP. I just had finished tucking the in panniers and stated up when I heard 'On Your Left'. The guy was in all red from head to toe on a red carbon road bike. I quickly got up to him and called On Your Left. And just blew away. He had no Idea. Here is what one of my bikes looks like. See the white wire to the battery?

Respect & Courtesy is a two way street... So how many can I put you down for?
Not up for a pissing match here, so I'll just note that it's pretty tough for me to expect much in the way of "respect and courtesy" from somebody that has no idea I'm anywhere near them. Even if if I have to stop completely to avoid them, I'm fine with that.....

Not all are in possession of 100% situational awareness 100% of the time. If you have a tough time with that, that's on you.
Not all are in possession of 100% situational awareness 100% of the time.
Tell me about it. My neighborhood's full of oblivious pedestrians night and day. I give them a wide berth on my bike and in my car.

And yesterday, I joined their ranks. My dog was in a mood, so I walked her across the street to avoid another dog coming our way -- right in front of a silent electric car behind me. The driver had every right to be mad but accepted my profuse apology.

I'm kind of a situational awareness fanatic and spend a lot of time these days wishing that other folks had more. Yet I had a lapse that could have turned out badly for all concerned.

Only one conclusion: Defensive riding isn't optional. Any pedestrian, cyclist, or driver around you can have a lapse at any time -- with or without a phone or earbuds or a companion to distract them.