External vs Integrated battery packs - which do you prefer and why?

How is this different from your Honda? Can you easily replace your engine, alternator, or engine control module (ECM) with one from Toyota?
I have to say that's a good point 😄 - but maybe not so relevant to the bicycle battery question?

The Honda reference was intended to point out I have no desire to compare my car, or my bike, to the best available. I'm WAY beyond trying to impress anyone with my ride(s). Here it's more about bucks spent for bang received. To keep that under control that, I've learned to avoid proprietary parts on my bikes....
And here, you're implying that I can't afford anything but an inexpensive bike, no? I can assure you that I can afford any bike I want (pretty easily). The issue is justifying that expense. I've had some really nice cars in my younger years, but any more, I'm really happy with a Honda. You prefer expensive cars? Go for it!

The "license to steal" is a situation I use to describe where a manf, being the only place you can go to for a replacement part, can charge anything he wants to for it - regardless of quality. I consider that situation a "license to steal" as they have no competition You buy the part you need from them or scrap your bike. You can go off trying to explain it off as "quality control" or something, but I see it as a situation to avoid. No rocket science involved.....
Please...you’re only kidding yourself. Your Honda parts are as proprietary as any ebikes.
Please...you’re only kidding yourself. Your Honda parts are as proprietary as any ebikes.
I think the Honda is a bit off topic (as previously explained) , and second, I think the same case could be made regarding about any car manf, no?

Lets get back on topic, please? Proprietary batteries vs. others?
Change the subject, then call on others to get back on topic when you don't like the push back. Time to push the ignore button, at least for me.
Oh for pete's sake. To get this in proper context, let's take a second and go back to my Honda reference.....

You- "I am not advocating you change your "druthers". Your reason is plain and rational. Lower cost is always a very important consideration. I was pointing out that it is not the only thing to consider, IF you can afford something better."

My response- "And here, you're implying that I can't afford anything but an inexpensive bike, no? I can assure you that I can afford any bike I want (pretty easily). The issue is justifying that expense. I've had some really nice cars in my younger years, but any more, I'm really happy with a Honda. You prefer expensive cars? Go for it!"

You do as you please....
Back on topic!
I like my proprietary external battery setup. It’s not too heinous and it’s very easy to install and remove. Just turn the key to remove it. No covers to remove and no extra levers to push or pull.... Although not to say I’d have much heartburn if my next bike has a proprietary internal battery! 😜

Agreed! Even a 110 VAC outlet for connecting a standard charger at these EV power stations would be useful. A full charge would take longer but using it to just "top off" would be a help.

Standardized batteries would be even better. That way, you could exchange a dead battery for a fully charged one at any LBS. It could work similarly to the propane tank exchange program already in use.
Um a Honda isn't a cheap car😁. Any way I would say that if your battery cost more because of the quality and fit there is nothing wrong with that however if your charging a much higher price just because its the only one that fits that's different. That being said sadly the industry does do this. Charging a bit more is one thing but when charging a boat load that's wrong! Couple things to consider one is that the enteral battery is not real about looks. 2 most are just as removable as external ones.