Body Float Suspension Seat Post Thoughts

Final Thoughts..... Part 3!

In the video below you'll see my genuine reaction to my first time riding with the BodyFloat. I still laugh when I watch it:

In the video Charlie went through all of the settings and we had some good laughs at my again ridiculous seat position.
You're an inspiration, James.
80Km a day, 5 days a week is just incredible...!!
This is truly a worthy addition to your ride. Saves your back/hip bones from absorbing too much shock.
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Thanks Rav, its been an interesting journey that's for sure!
The videos are awesome James, thanks for sharing your thoughts and experience with the Body Float! I'd like to echo Ravi's admiration for the distances you've been riding as well :)
Just ordered 2.0 (aluminum)! Can't see putting anything light on an already beastly 50 Lb bike. BTW - Tried electricbikereview as discount code, no dice ;(

This may delay my brake upgrades,.. and save my back, Tnx.

I was about to...then had to stop and ask a distributor why the cheaper aluminum version is referred to as "2.0" (which is usually a generational designation).
Showing two posts right next to this one with the "3.0" designation(s)...while claiming that all three are exactly the same (save material)... makes no sense to me from a marketing standpoint (unless you're concerned that the "2.0" version will kill your previous higher end sales).

Regardless...I'll probably be ordering two sight unseen (hope that we're all happy).
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Update: I ended up calling BodyFloat direct after one of their dealers refused to respond for two full days (some guys just have too much money already, apparently). One of the founders informed me that most of their new product launches or tweaks will be targeted at the higher end products (a protective case is in the works as well) and that the aluminum posts probably won't see any improvements for at least the next 6 months (same mechanism apparently).
$570 OTD for two posts, two 31.6mm shims and two adjustment springs.
Gosh I hope this works....:confused:
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I just hope they are shipping in a reasonable time, no estimated delivery date or tracking number for me to Jones on. Also where to put the tool bag now..
Thx...looks like I will be holding off for a little...but I do think I want one, please all add your thoughts :)

Just got a tracking number! Oh the simple joy of it all. opimax I'll be sure to share my experience with the floater, maybe I can do a 3/4 view or hire a girl for the video.
Instant LOVE! Got her set up and the first bump I spotted was a fire hydrant marker (blue reflector) so I took aim, what? Did I miss it - did not feel a thing. This trend continued and I'm about to get a longer ride in ASAP. More latter, and yes I sprang for expedited shipping to play this weekend.
That's awesome Shea. I'm awaiting mine as well! Stoked to get it back on the bike... I sent back the demo unit 2 months ago and miss it terribly!
'I sent back the demo unit 2 months ago and miss it terribly!'

Oh I bet, I'm just back from a zippy test drive and I'm more than satisfied, even some of the low frequency bumps (stuff I steer around) were dramatically attenuated, never even sensed the hard limits of the mechanism. It is like I got a new bike today. I have a locking collar on the way, and for my Dash 2014 it was the 27.2 to 31.6mm seatpost sleeve that was required to install.

I'm think I'll try it on my road bike!
