What's your opinion on the "Idaho Stop" law?

Just a quick search shows that California has the same laws as motor vehicles. Looks like Newsome vetoed the Stop Sign exclusion back in 2021. I rarely see bikers stop at Stop signs in Palm Springs
Interesting so there is no requirement to move the right if you can?
Well, there is that, like many jurisdictions... stick to the right, unless you're turning left.

We have some good bike lanes, but some head scratchers too. Two lanes of car traffic with a bike lane on the right, but it diagonally cuts through the right lane to provide a through lane for cyclists.

This particular intersection by my home is a major commuter artery, and during rush hour, that bike lane is occupied by cars going straight.

It doesn't help that the lane, though only 3 years old, is poorly labeled, and the paint has been all but non-existent for the past 2 years. When busy, it's safer to stick to the right in the right turn lane.
WOOHOO Just passed in Minnesota. Now we can smoke up the recreational and run stop signs with impunity.
as a frequent pedestrian i never step off the curb until the cage slows down. next time stop. if you ever needed to regularly cross a busy street on foot you’d understand.:)
Yeah, probably so. This happened in Grand Marais, probably around 10-12 years ago, and I was towing a 3500 lb trailer plus feeling some time pressure. But if I had a do-over I'd stop anyway. Hindsight is always 20:20. 🤓
I find it really irritating when cars with the right-of-way stop and wave me through…….NO! I’M STOPPED! YOU GO!
I find it irritating too while I'm biking, but it's what I do most of the time if I'm the driver:

I drive almost daily through an intersection with 4 way stops where I have to make a left across a fairly busy trail that runs along the same road. I would say about 25% of cyclists go straight through the intersection regardless of what any other cars or bikes are doing. 25% stop out of an abundance of caution, and the other 50% coast waiting to see what the car(s) are doing. At least 50% of each of those groups will do their thing without any visible sign(eye contact or hand signals) that they are aware of me in my car.

So yeah, I'll be irritating and wave bikes through if I have ANY uncertainty about their intentions.

As a cyclist I try not to be irritated at drivers who are actively trying to watch out for my safety.
So yeah, I'll be irritating and wave bikes through if I have ANY uncertainty about their intentions.
I'm really annoyed by cars that stop and perhaps wave me through, with black windows. I can't see any hand. Are they playing with their cell phone? Watching the dashboard screen? This can take forever, if the driver doesn't roll a window down.