What Do You Do During The Lockdown?

Yeah but which chic chicken breed is the trendy treat to eat? Are they just the new pet poultry or is it the exaggeration of egg excellence that beats the Jones?
Psst, Dallant, I have it on good authority from ´Q´ that this chicken thing is just a front to buy large
quantities of mash from the co-op to make stove top whiskey🤠 He even gave me the recipe, but
my gramma´s is better.
Chain maintenance...

"What does he need television for if he's got an e-bike?"
Yesterday I did 1000+ random clicks on the Walgreens site (big US pharmacy chain) for their vaccine online lotto.
What do people who want the vaccine believe it will do for them?
a. help prevent them from getting an infection
b. help prevent severe illness if they get infected
c. help prevent transmission of the virus to others
d. help them get passes to get out of lockdown and do normal things, such as travel or be on public (government) property.
e. other
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Yesterday I did 1000+ random clicks on the Walgreens site (big US pharmacy chain) for their vaccine online lotto.
Not helpful in California; doses are being redirected to teachers, regardless of age or pre-existing health issues. They refuse to go back to teaching in person unless they all get vaccinated. 😱

Back to our regular scheduled programming...
Not helpful in California; doses are being redirected to teachers, regardless of age or pre-existing health issues. They refuse to go back to teaching in person unless they all get vaccinated. 😱

Back to our regular scheduled programming...
Now the teachers wanna kill Granny... everyone wants ta kill Granny!
Chain maintenance...
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"What does he need television for if he's got an e-bike?"
There are exceptions!!! Local Seattle channel 7 has decided it won´t show the Super Bowl.
That is patently Un-American!!! This might incite a riot that makes the Capitol riot look like a church social!!
What the hell were they thinking??? Can you imagine what would happen in the EU if they decided not
to televise the World Cup? Fortunately, I can circumvent Ch. 7 & watch on ROKU. They probably
disconnected their phones & locked the doors on the building, but that will not slow up the lynch mob!!!
There are exceptions!!! Local Seattle channel 7 has decided it won´t show the Super Bowl.
That is patently Un-American!!! This might incite a riot that makes the Capitol riot look like a church social!!
What the hell were they thinking??? Can you imagine what would happen in the EU if they decided not
to televise the World Cup? Fortunately, I can circumvent Ch. 7 & watch on ROKU. They probably
disconnected their phones & locked the doors on the building, but that will not slow up the lynch mob!!!
Has political correctness gone too far? Here's a photo of the Blue Angels from our last Superbowl in the Bay Area. ;)

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What do people who want the vaccine believe it will do for them?
a. help prevent them from getting an infection
b. help prevent severe illness if they get infected
c. help prevent transmission of the virus to others
d. help them get passes to get out of lockdown and do normal things, such as travel or be on public (government) property.
e. other
If I can ever get one/two, I hope it will keep me from having to be hospitalized or die.🙏🏻
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SuperBowl is so American, I'm not getting that :) I don't know why Seattle cancelled televising the event.

Can you imagine what would happen in the EU if they decided not
to televise the World Cup?
Well, there were hardly any sporting events on Eurosport in 2020... It's good I can at least watch ski-jumping and snooker (both sports with players/athletes and referee presence only). Fancy German Masters Snooker Championship held in Milton Keynes UK instead of Berlin!
SuperBowl is so American, I'm not getting that :) I don't know why Seattle cancelled televising the event.

Well, there were hardly any sporting events on Eurosport in 2020... It's good I can at least watch ski-jumping and snooker (both sports with players/athletes and referee presence only). Fancy German Masters Snooker Championship held in Milton Keynes UK instead of Berlin!
People still play snooker? I can even find a decent coin-op pool table around here. There´s one
down at the pub, but all they have are some really funky fiberglass cues that shudda bin fishing poles.
They bow when you shoot, & thereś no telling where the ball will go.
I think Ch 7 just doesn´t want to pay for the network feed; I bet they cave before Sunday. They pull
this sorta c&#p fairly often.
There are exceptions!!! Local Seattle channel 7 has decided it won´t show the Super Bowl.
That is patently Un-American!!! This might incite a riot that makes the Capitol riot look like a church social!!
What the hell were they thinking??? Can you imagine what would happen in the EU if they decided not
to televise the World Cup? Fortunately, I can circumvent Ch. 7 & watch on ROKU. They probably
disconnected their phones & locked the doors on the building, but that will not slow up the lynch mob!!!
Quote:" Negotiations between the AT&T satellite television provider and KIRO 7’s parent company, Cox Media Group, have broken down, and DirecTV yesterday removed the channel from its menu."s
This looks like a licensing fight between the content and distribution business.
The content providers are choosing to pick the biggest event of the year to exert their "power".

Get used to it folks, as the ability of the content providers to monetize (capitalize) on their huge investments is being undercut by - well, most everything (no Budweiser ads at SB this year etc,,,).
So who do they go after for more $$$ if the advertisers are tightening their belts - you. How do they do it - via the distribution part of the industry.

My comments above are high very level and it's a very complex situation.
In some jurisdictions, the content providers and the distribution companies are one and the same - those companies are walking the "anti-competition" tightrope.

My $0.02
Quote:" Negotiations between the AT&T satellite television provider and KIRO 7’s parent company, Cox Media Group, have broken down, and DirecTV yesterday removed the channel from its menu."s
This looks like a licensing fight between the content and distribution business.
The content providers are choosing to pick the biggest event of the year to exert their "power".

Get used to it folks, as the ability of the content providers to monetize (capitalize) on their huge investments is being undercut by - well, most everything (no Budweiser ads at SB this year etc,,,).
So who do they go after for more $$$ if the advertisers are tightening their belts - you. How do they do it - via the distribution part of the industry.

My comments above are high very level and it's a very complex situation.
In some jurisdictions, the content providers and the distribution companies are one and the same - those companies are walking the "anti-competition" tightrope.

My $0.02
Stuff like this happens frequently in our area. It’s a business tactic. I could care less about the SB this year.
Quote:" Negotiations between the AT&T satellite television provider and KIRO 7’s parent company, Cox Media Group, have broken down, and DirecTV yesterday removed the channel from its menu."s
This looks like a licensing fight between the content and distribution business.
The content providers are choosing to pick the biggest event of the year to exert their "power".

Get used to it folks, as the ability of the content providers to monetize (capitalize) on their huge investments is being undercut by - well, most everything (no Budweiser ads at SB this year etc,,,).
So who do they go after for more $$$ if the advertisers are tightening their belts - you. How do they do it - via the distribution part of the industry.

My comments above are high very level and it's a very complex situation.
In some jurisdictions, the content providers and the distribution companies are one and the same - those companies are walking the "anti-competition" tightrope.

My $0.02
Quote:" Negotiations between the AT&T satellite television provider and KIRO 7’s parent company, Cox Media Group, have broken down, and DirecTV yesterday removed the channel from its menu."s
This looks like a licensing fight between the content and distribution business.
The content providers are choosing to pick the biggest event of the year to exert their "power".

Get used to it folks, as the ability of the content providers to monetize (capitalize) on their huge investments is being undercut by - well, most everything (no Budweiser ads at SB this year etc,,,).
So who do they go after for more $$$ if the advertisers are tightening their belts - you. How do they do it - via the distribution part of the industry.

My comments above are high very level and it's a very complex situation.
In some jurisdictions, the content providers and the distribution companies are one and the same - those companies are walking the "anti-competition" tightrope.

My $0.02
Ah, I just discovered the same, ya saved me the trouble. DTV pulls this s#!t all the time.
Stuff like this happens frequently in our area. It’s a business tactic. I could care less about the SB this year.
I´m not a particular fan of either team, but, dammit. it´s the principle of the thing! I´m sure as hell
not watching the ´Puppy Bowl´ , got that live at home. Can the CEO of DTV be impeached?
This is tantamount to treason!