Watt Wagons Critical Product Availability Status

The official availability page was updated on 6/22, jfyi icymi :)
Mostly green, I hope this means my bike is in the next batch, what are the odds?
Yeah, notice how all mentions of the Helios have disappeared from the page. 😢

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Helios critical availability update?

I celebrate my year anniversary next week

some of you a lot longer

good things come…
Just received the (6) gaskets I ordered from Greenbikkit thanks for the tip. Took 10 days from when I ordered to when I got em.....Be nice if that was the norm for other orders, so sorry guys...
Helios is not dead. It is further delayed. When I talked to Pushkar earlier this week he indicated he will be reaching out individually to all founders (as well as purchasers) to discuss options available.
I talked to Pushkar last week and the options we discussed did not include waiting for Pushkar to find a new frame manufacturer. Maybe that's changed....it no longer matters to me.
Tom, I hope you're right and that Pushkar finally gets the Helios built. I also hope that all the founders who remain get the bikes they planned for and deserve.
I talked to Pushkar last week and the options we discussed did not include waiting for Pushkar to find a new frame manufacturer. Maybe that's changed....it no longer matters to me.
Tom, I hope you're right and that Pushkar finally gets the Helios built. I also hope that all the founders who remain get the bikes they planned for and de
No, it seems you misunderstood. I just gave Pushkar a quick call to confirm I wasn't mistaken.
@pushkar - it seems that the product availability page was recently updated indicating troubles acquiring rear shocks for the Hydra, but the comment appears to be cutoff:

Rear shocks options are limited (Rockshocks SDLX ultimate,

I was wondering basically if this was affecting my order, and/or if Watt Wagons reaches out when there's an availability issue for a part picked in a build. I am still in need of some type of main/reliable transport given my recent issues on my current bike and would like the option to upgrade/switch out parts as necessary when possible.
My advice would be reach out to Pushkar and say I am open to any substitutions and pay whatever is necessary for the better parts. You won’t regret it I didn’t think I needed the MT7 but they are so much better than MT5. I’m glad I told Pushkar put whatever you got on there so I can get my bikes.
"Group stalking gang uncovered", social media figures prominently - News at 11. :)

(I stated to contact P at 4 this AM, held myself back till 5:30 Pacific Time. Kindernay VII sounds like an abundantly viable alternative to Kindernay XIV.)