Watt Wagons Critical Product Availability Status

Founders have parts reserved. except for 2 items
1. Kindernay - they ship every 2-3 weeks , and we have enough to cover most founders.
2. Supernova - finally came in last week. We are short by 6 but Another smaller shipment is on its way.
@pushkar what is the reserved fork for Helios founders? I know its a minor issue but I'd like to confirm before settling on a color
It has been a week since the last critical update. Have you gotten any shipment confirmation on the Helios frames.
It has been a week since the last critical update. Have you gotten any shipment confirmation on the Helios frames.
not yet. we received one Step through plus dropout parts and thru axles etc. just painted.

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It's been two weeks since the last update (5/6). Are parts arriving and work progressing? @pushkar
I think we'd have seen more pictures, heard from owners who have taken delivery, and received much more in the way of status updates if this was the case. Lot's have been asking and it's been pretty quiet.