Watt Wagons Critical Product Availability Status

Another owner of relatively new Ebike company recently made a video and said some bike parts are now 600 days out; this is madness, if you have parts you don't need now is the time to sell.
You will never make more money than right now for Ebike parts on the secondary market.
Yes it’s crazy.
But think of all the car dealers all over the country with brand new cars that have been awaiting electronic chips.
One reason to have supply chains in the USA for critical pieces
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I'm going to put this here because I think it fits...if I should move it elsewhere let me know.

Anyone wanting Bafang Ultra gaskets? (Post #16)

They have evidently been in the past. In post #68 above I tried to forward what someone else shared about new found availability. The link in post #68 takes you to the thread, then read his post #16 which I do not know how to link specifically.

In your post #71 isn't the guy listing those for sale for $7.50 each? ...and your offering him $15 apiece for 10 of them? Not wrong, he will appreciate the 100% tip. :)

It could still be me that's confused. :)