Sheng milo 1000W Fat ebike

For anyone thinking about this bike, do not buy this bike! It’s $1900! Insane. The Ride1up LMTD it’s $1900, great company and bike. I have the Core5 which does 32MPH. Ariel Rider XClass with the 52v system and 2000w peak is like $2000( 2100 on sale right now) maybe? With a 17mah battery. That thing is a monster.

Don’t buy this bike unless it’s like 700 bucks. It is NOT a 1000w motor.
When this bike was first sold, and many people on this thread bought it, it was somewhere between $1400 - $1600, which was a pretty good deal at that price. Prices on all ebikes are moving up. There are a lot of choices out there. Who makes a Core5?
I own a Sheng Milo MX02S with its 1000W motor and I'm having problems going uphill. Where I live in Spain, it's all up and down; hills everywhere, and pretty steep for that matter. I have a 60% discapacity on my left leg after a car to motorcycle crash and wanted an ebike so I could do some exercise and recover my leg muscles as much as possible and at the same time enjoy the beautiful scenery where I live. Never got an owners manual, so I don't know if there is anything I can do to improve the torque. Wonder if anybody can tell me where I can download the manual or how to improve the bike's behaviour. My previous bike was a Yamaha VMX17, so I know pretty well what torque is ; )
I know my weight doen't help with 16 stone.....
I own a Sheng Milo MX02S with its 1000W motor and I'm having problems going uphill. Where I live in Spain, it's all up and down; hills everywhere, and pretty steep for that matter. I have a 60% discapacity on my left leg after a car to motorcycle crash and wanted an ebike so I could do some exercise and recover my leg muscles as much as possible and at the same time enjoy the beautiful scenery where I live. Never got an owners manual, so I don't know if there is anything I can do to improve the torque. Wonder if anybody can tell me where I can download the manual or how to improve the bike's behaviour. My previous bike was a Yamaha VMX17, so I know pretty well what torque is ; )
I know my weight doen't help with 16 stone.....
You might need a mid drive.
Thanks TForan, I have found that after purchasing the MX02C and now it is too late; I wonder if getting a 52V 20A battery would make the needed difference (at least improve the actual situation)...
The other question I need an answer for is the user manual in *.pdf file or whatever, that I can download. Mainly to go through the configuration using the buttons and display, those 20 programs, even though in theory it comes with the best settings for this model.
Best regards,
Hello Spanish Flyer this is a link from my Google drive with the pdf file you requested.
Best greetings from the Netherlands

Thanks a lot BasNL, just what I needed but was never delivered with the new bike.
Now let's see if I can change some settings so I get more torque from the motor.... If not, at least I know where I stand.
Best regards,
Thanks a lot BasNL, just what I needed but was never delivered with the new bike.
Now let's see if I can change some settings so I get more torque from the motor.... If not, at least I know where I stand.
Best regards,
I just registered because of your question 😂 but I'm also in direct contact with the producer / factory from these bikes because I ordered some mx03 I ask them your question also and I'm waiting on the answer, because of the time difference. Because of laws I need to torque them down to 25 km/h and program the gas handle. 😉 So I'm sure you can give them a bit more juice also.
Hi again BasNL,
So you are getting several MX03´s... lucky boy!!
My guess regarding the lack of torque is either the motor is not a true 1000 W or the motor controller is not allowing the motor all the needed amps to climb up hills (at least the ones I have at home). Problem with replacing the controller is that most probably the display will either be not compatible at all or will only give you a certain amount of data...
I nclude a photo of the Sheng Milo motor clearly stating it is a 1000W unit


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After further and deeper inspection to the Sheng Milo MX02C and even though I am no expert electrician, I can assure you (that at least the ebike I received) does not have a 1000W motor or anything of that sort. For starters, the thickness of the wires from the controller to the motor are far too thin to handle that kind of amperage and even the motor itself looks more like a 250W unit. Take a look at some photos I took and tell me what you think...
I'm now looking for a REAL 1000 to 1500W motor to swap and go from there; any needed help will be welcome. All spokes will of course need replacing, but I intend to keep the rim and tyre.
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Have received the new kit with a 1500W motor and exactly the same rear wheel and tyre; now I'm in the process of swapping almost every item since not even the battery connection to the new controller is compatible. This motor does have much thicker wires and the controller is huge compared to the original one.
In doing this swap I have found myself with an unexpected problem that maybe someone can help me out. It's regarding the brakes and the wires that run from the brake levers to the controller... I can see none on my bike; not on the lever, nothing on the hydraulic line running down to the calliper and of course no cabling on the actual calliper (as expected). This means as far as I can understand, that my hydraulic brakes don't send a signal to the controller so it stops the motor from producing any power. I was very surprised and confused, since ShengMilo states on their website that the brakes DO stop the motor... Am I missing something here?
Best regards,
Spanish Flyer
It is like night and day!! with the 1500W DD motor it will almost climb a wall and at no expense of the speed. It has sorted out "most of my problems". I have also included the brake motor deactivation using sensors stuck to the levers, so when I brake the battery is regenerated (to some extent, but what is more important, I don't wear the brakes as much; the motor does that for me. The original GUNAI does not have that brake motor deactivation wires on the controller, so that's that.
The controller that came with the 1500W motor is much bigger than the original and had to install it on the tube coming down from the seat; it fits just right.
My only problem now it the height; the bike for me is too tall and with my left foot problem I feel very unsafe when I sit on it. For that reason, my next move will be to change the tyres and rims to 20"; might look rather funny, but I'll do whatever it takes to feel safer.
I will include photos when I have done it.
Best regards from northern Spain
Spanish Flyer
Does anyone know where I can find the Wiring Diagram of the ShengMilo MX02S?
After testing the bike with the new 1500W hub motor, I decided to finish the whole wiring installation and when it came to the head light and horn, I found nowhere to connect the double wiring coming from the HeadLight and the switch assy, that ended with a single connector with two black cables. From the new controller I only had one connector left and that was a black and red cables......NOW, DO NEVER DO WHAT I DID NEXT.... I know that normally RED means battery power and BLACK is earth.... well I thought that ShengMilo must have run out of red wire and that the dual black cable connector was actually a red/black one and since the red/black connector on the controller was same size and matched female-male set I went ahead and plugged both together..... As a result, when I turned on the lights they didn't come on but instead a lot of black smoke started coming out from the new controller and by the time I turned off the battery, it was just a FRIED controller unit !!
I had to order a new one straight away. Now I'm at the same stage I was back then, but this time I won't move a finger till I have the wiring diagram of the MX02S; have been searching the web for two days with no luck, so I'm counting on you guys/gals to help me out.
By the way, I have also sorted out the problem I had with the bike being too tall for me by installing a 20" rear wheel (1500W motor). It looks ugly as hell, with the 26" front wheel, but just imagine, if with the 26"-1500W hub motor the bike climbed walls, with the 20" it must pull like a rocket, even if top speed is reduced (IMHO as it was with the 26", it was already too fast for me).
Added a photo for you to see what it looks like.
Best regards,


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So did you buy this direct from the Sheng Milo store on AliExpress or their Amazon store??
I found them on AliExpress very willing to communicate and other reviews sing their praises. I didn't order from them as I could get the bike for a third of the price from a seller with good communication.
It sounds like your battery wasn't charging and went too low which is critical for this type of battery I understand. I guess the battery pack doesn't also have a basic power level indicator.

It sounds like you got a dog, and Sheng Milo didn't take due responsibility. I'll update when I get mine.

I'm in need of a spare motor controller for my Sheng Milo MX02S, would you happen to know an exact place i can find a like for like replacement as I am having a complete nightmare tracking one down. Cheers
I have the MX02S, bought from Amazon.. I had a couple of issues, but the service center responded quickly and now the bike is in perfect running condition..extremely fast and can handle inclines easily.. I found the service center to be very responsive..the video on YouTube is all need unless you are missing a part or something is broken...if so service center will get you taken care of..I think they will sell alot of bikes.
Hiya, I have an MX02S and am in desperate need to get it repaired as I believe the motor controller has died so am looking for an exact replacement, I have tried contacting Sheng Milo direct to purchase a replacement but have received no answer as of yet. Do you happen to k now any service/ repair centres in the UK?
I have one brand new one (done 5 miles with it), before installing a 1000W kit that came with its own controller. I'm in Spain if you are interested...
I also have the Shengmilo mx03 it's an excellent bike if you know what you want it for, I did 29 miles with more than 60%battery left this was on pas2 mainly flat with some short hills , hills are no problem if you switch to biggest cog and choose the right assist(check the Relive link)
I checked the next day on pas3 same route and had 30% battery left ,
I went out again 2 days after and thought I'd give the motor a test (hills) I got 27 miles until battery depleted but I did go up some rather steep hills and had to work on the steepest climbs but I did stay in the saddle ,
Overall I'm happy with the bike for getting out and about if you want to climb mountains get a mid drive motor ,I pedal in manual mode meaning I use half energy and it assists when needed and if I go over 16mph in pas2 the current fluctuates from 2-1 on the display to conserve battery( I usually ride in 2/3 pas but found 2 is the best otherwise I'll miss the scenery 😊



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