Does anyone know where I can find the Wiring Diagram of the ShengMilo MX02S?
After testing the bike with the new 1500W hub motor, I decided to finish the whole wiring installation and when it came to the head light and horn, I found nowhere to connect the double wiring coming from the HeadLight and the switch assy, that ended with a single connector with two black cables. From the new controller I only had one connector left and that was a black and red cables......NOW, DO NEVER DO WHAT I DID NEXT.... I know that normally RED means battery power and BLACK is earth.... well I thought that ShengMilo must have run out of red wire and that the dual black cable connector was actually a red/black one and since the red/black connector on the controller was same size and matched female-male set I went ahead and plugged both together..... As a result, when I turned on the lights they didn't come on but instead a lot of black smoke started coming out from the new controller and by the time I turned off the battery, it was just a FRIED controller unit !!
I had to order a new one straight away. Now I'm at the same stage I was back then, but this time I won't move a finger till I have the wiring diagram of the MX02S; have been searching the web for two days with no luck, so I'm counting on you guys/gals to help me out.
By the way, I have also sorted out the problem I had with the bike being too tall for me by installing a 20" rear wheel (1500W motor). It looks ugly as hell, with the 26" front wheel, but just imagine, if with the 26"-1500W hub motor the bike climbed walls, with the 20" it must pull like a rocket, even if top speed is reduced (IMHO as it was with the 26", it was already too fast for me).
Added a photo for you to see what it looks like.
Best regards,