Hehehe. Love your perspective, Mike. Truth is, I was around
long before the beginning. For me it was being around during the strong growth/development of the mountain bike in the Bay Area in the early 1990s. I was there with my CA friends, riding the hills in Marin and getting mountain bike tickets from the water cops for going too fast down the trails of the back side of Mt. Tamalpais.

Oddly, they never cited me over for going too fast
up the mountain where the hikers and equestrians actually would’ve been spooked!

(I was never a fast climber and never threatened a pedestrian or equestrian, just to be clear!!)
In all seriousness, though, I certainly was watching the development of these fat ebikes from afar as, unfortunately, there were no room in my life for biking. I had tried to ride a non-assisted fatty at some family vacation in Maine in the 2000s when I realized you had to be a superman to actually enjoy riding one. But I loved the concept. I really gave up riding almost entirely during those years. It’s only recently, in retirement and divorce, that biking has come back to me and that the fat ebike is the tool.
My unfortunate perspective is that commodity bikes are squeezing out the really good stuff. But I’m not sure what you mean by “apex.” As for technology, it seems like new/cool gear is always popping up, electronics are improving, and hopefully some new battery and motor technologies are on the way. And, as for adoption, well, there seems to be a lot of fat ebikes continuing to crop up. You probably mean high-end / quality… You’re probably right about that, but I’ll stay optimistic since I’m technically a newbie.
Shimano lists several customers of their stuff, including Norco. I haven’t looked around much at many of these, but they seem nice. I haven’t studied Bosch stuff, but now that you mention it, Mike, I’m sure ebike components from them would be wonderful.
I’ll have to root around for those videos from the teens.
Just out of curiosity, Mike, and seriously not to poke the bear, but why are you attached to the mid-drive configuration?