Sheng milo 1000W Fat ebike

I've got the MX01, and i've got to say Shengmilo are dicks.

I've had nothing but trouble with it (ive only had it just over a month). It turned up with a broken screen, they sent a new screen for me to replace it with, then a couple of days later the battery died (i only learned this recently didn't realise thats what the issue was as it said 100% on the screen but kept shutting down after a few KMs) the morning after the battery incident the motor started playing up so they sent a motor out, not a hub as you may expect, a barebones motor, i still havent installed it as i dont have a fully functioning battery.

The main issues i have with them is all the lying, they lie about everything. Say they've shipped when they haven't and then gaslight you constantly.

The current situation we are in is they know that i know theyre lying but they just can't stop doing it. I'm probably going to charge back for the bike.

Sad thing is - i like the bike, meets my requirements but they just couldnt help but bullshit. So i'll charge back give them a time and date to pick it up and if they don't it'll be tough titties for them as i will no longer be legally responsible for what would then be their property and it will go outside for someone else to own.
I have the same bike and the display broke and all the wires came off the back .I need help if anyone can tell me where the wires go back than i can try to solder them back or else if i can have help on where to buy a new display .Please get back to me on my email [email protected]
Hello. I am new here, and perhaps being a bit bold to make the following requests. I am interested in this bike, but some technical specs are completely absent in SM's promo info. Some of you already own this, correct? I currently own an SMLRO C-6 electric bike - 500 watts continuous, 600 watts peak - for nearly 3 years, have learned a bit about ebikes, and am considering replacing it. I hope that this is not too much to ask, but if any of you know these specs, or even some of them, please let me know:
1.) controller max amps
2.) frame size, meaning the classic definition, which is from the center of the crank to the top of the seat tube
3.) Is there a quick disconnect on the motor cable? I couldn't see it in the pics.
4.) step-over height. They've put the controller on the top of the top tube, thereby reducing step over height. IMO, not the ideal place to mount a controller, although it can probably be moved elsewhere.
5.) Re: the gearing; Number of teeth in both the smallest and largest gears in the rear derailleur. Number of teeth in the largest gear in the front derailleur.
6.) Hydraulic disc brakes, correct ?
7) Your observed top speed, throttle only. Your observed top speed, PAS 5 & pedaling.
Thanks in advance for any help.
Hello. I am new here, and perhaps being a bit bold to make the following requests. I am interested in this bike, but some technical specs are completely absent in SM's promo info. Some of you already own this, correct? I currently own an SMLRO C-6 electric bike - 500 watts continuous, 600 watts peak - for nearly 3 years, have learned a bit about ebikes, and am considering replacing it. I hope that this is not too much to ask, but if any of you know these specs, or even some of them, please let me know:
1.) controller max amps
2.) frame size, meaning the classic definition, which is from the center of the crank to the top of the seat tube
3.) Is there a quick disconnect on the motor cable? I couldn't see it in the pics.
4.) step-over height. They've put the controller on the top of the top tube, thereby reducing step over height. IMO, not the ideal place to mount a controller, although it can probably be moved elsewhere.
5.) Re: the gearing; Number of teeth in both the smallest and largest gears in the rear derailleur. Number of teeth in the largest gear in the front derailleur.
6.) Hydraulic disc brakes, correct ?
7) Your observed top speed, throttle only. Your observed top speed, PAS 5 & pedaling.
Thanks in advance for any help.
This isn’t the bike for need a step through Rad Rover...your asking to many tech. questions, your dealing with a Chinese co.if you want al those questions answered buy a USA made bike...I’ve had this bike for 6 months no problem..if I did I’d take it to a Ebike shop and take care of the problem. Some of your questions are too technical, and what would that help you with making a decision. You buy a bike, enjoy it, if it breaks you take it to someone who can fix it...Once you buy it its yours.
The company will take care of any shipping or product issues...I’ve had a couple, however I had no problem getting them resolved..It’s only a bike. Like anything else they break..and anything can be replaced by a reputable shop....Sounds like need to purchase a bike from a local shop that can answer all your questions. This isn’t rocket science.
As far as I can tell from the pics and a Youtube VDO, there is a quick disconnect on the motor cable, Also, apparently hydraulic disk brakes. Unfortunately the rest of the info is shrouded in mystery since SM apparently won't give out detailed specs. And more unfortunately they've placed the controller on TOP of the top tube, lessening the available stand over height. My inseam is only 30" and I like to flat foot at a stop, so it looks like this won't be the bike for me.
As far as my questions being too technical, they may be too technical for some of you, but they help me in making an intelligent decision. Asking for the controller max amps tells me if the motor is 1000 watts continuous or 1000 watts peak, since amps x volts = watts (Ohm's law, which anyone riding an electric bike should know). We already know that this bike has a 48 volt system so knowing max amps will give us the peak watt rating. Asking for frame size or seat size range lets me know if the bike will fit me or not, since one size does NOT fit all in either bikes or motorcycles. Quick disconnect on the motor cable makes rear tire and tube service easier. Step over height I've already discussed in my prior post. Gearing lets me know if I can aid the bike in top speed by pedaling or the gearing is too low and I will poop out (over 60-70 rpm cadence before the bike hits top speed) and top speed is reached on throttle only. Also, although currently fashionable I am not a big fan of fat tires because I ride amost exclusively on the road where fat tires simply add weight, additional cost and extra drag. Although not a huge purchase, I won't buy a product for which the manufacturer is reluctant to give out their technical specs, regardless who they are. Hope I have made my point and you understand it.
I knew it had fat tires, but I was considering it if all the other specs lined up. But since we don't know the other specs, since SM wouldn't give me the requested specs ( I asked them directly through their website) , I won't be buying it. Also - regarding gearing, knowing gearing will not only tell us if the bike is geared too low, but also tell us if the bike is geared too high, meaning it won't climb hills well. Hope this helps in your understanding of e-bikes.
IMO, if a manufacturer or distributor won't release certain specs, I feel that they're possibly hiding something. In not giving max controller amp specs on this bike, it leaves open the possibility that it is actually a 650 watt continuous motor making 1000 watts peak. We don't know that of course, but the possibility arises. Regarding frame sizing, the best manufacturers/distributors are offering 2, 3 and sometimes even 4 frame sizes. The ones that offer only 1 frame size are basically trying to sell the same bike to everyone. As I said before, one size does NOT fit all. They do this because there are additional production costs to manufacture more than one frame size and there are also additional costs to stock (keep inventory) on more than one frame size. So knowing something about technical aspects of bikes can save us from making poor choices.
If that’s the case, you don’t belong asking those kind of questions on this forum, most of us like plain vanilla. We don’t need to know the properties of a styrofoam cup before we drink from it. FYI, don’t consider a Tesla..Elon won’t give you the codes to the touchscreen. I’m going to say bye.. I’ve wasted to much time on something that is not going anywhere. You should be able to find something in a couple of years.
Hi I have a battery problem on my MX02. Voltmeter shows 48V but when attached nothing power up but when the charger is plugged in
all fires up. Checked all the connections in the battery and all seems ok. Quite surprised the on off switch was not wired in.
The bike is out of warranty so it is down to me. I suspect (hope) that the battery controller may be faulty and have ordered another.
I have no idea why the unit has failed. Any other thoughts please.
cheers Jopo
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I'm from mid Wales UK and have just ordered the above bike, a Sheng milo MX02S 48V/17A 1000W Electric Bike

More info on AliExpress:

The bike seems to be new to the market and I can't find any reviews on it, apart from the Amazon user review in that link.

The only unknown is the motor, which the manufacturer says is "Shengmilo". So I imagine they re badged, possibly tweaked another manufacturers motor?

I mostly intend to use it for recreational purposes. Nothing too energetic! 😁 Some short steep hills back to home hence the bigger motor.

Any advice/ opinions welcome

Happy to be here 👍
I've had mine 6 months, don't listen to the nay sayers, it's a beast of a bike..can go 30 miles, no trouble...go on youtube plenty of info...imop the best bikes come from china...any problems any bike shop will fix all...changed out the seat...cloud9 .


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