Saskatchewan River Crossing to Bow Summit
It was a little over a year ago when my better half and I last rode up to Bow Lake in hope of seeing some spectacular scenery along this stretch of the Icefields Parkway. At 2093 meters (6866 ft), Bow Summit is the second highest paved highway in the country next to the Highwood Pass at 2206 meters (7237 ft). Last year's trip to Bow could be one to easily forget as smoke from the BC fires blew in and pretty well scuttled the epic views that we had come to expect. It also made breathing difficult at times particularly on the climbs up towards the Lake.
Fast forward a year later and what a difference as we were rewarded to a smoke free second ride along this scenic area in the Canadian Rockies. We weren’t going to gripe about the stiff headwinds or the fact that the summer holiday traffic was dreadful. The sun was shining bright and we were not going to be denied. A stopover at Peyto Lake was also in the plan as we missed out on visiting this spot last year due to the road being closed as a result of construction enhancements being done to its viewing areas.
The drive to our starting point at Saskatchewan River Crossing was almost 3 hours away and to get back in timely fashion an early wake up call was essential. Unfortunately, we got off to a rather late start and by the time we had arrived it there it was almost 12 noon. We quickly saddled up on got on our way. The scenery quickly changed from the drab surroundings at the Crossing to towering snow capped peaks as we approached Waterfowl Lake.
We settled on a pull out just above the lake and snacked on munchies while admiring the view in front as well as behind our grassy perch.
I brought along a RE just in case but neither of us had bothered to use it so I ended up having to haul around this 2 ½ lb brick for the remainder of the ride.
Shortly after, we arrived at waterfowl lake and it was as pristine as we had imagined it. A few lucky souls were on the water enjoying the spoils of the day. Nothing beats spending time with friends and family.

A bit more climbing before we reach the road up to the Peyto Lake lookout and Bow Summit.
The fireweed along the Peyto road was in vivid bloom.
One of the highlights of this ride was the viewpoint above the vibrant blue glacial fed Peyto Lake and the magnificent backdrop of the Waputik Range. Glacial rock flour suspended in the water is what gives the lake its turquoise coloration and is a must see if you are ever in the area. As expected, the viewing platforms were packed with visitors each clamoring for a prime spot to take selfies. Can’t say that I blame them.
We stayed at Peyto long enough to snap a few pics and then we were off to the final destination, Bow Lake and the Crowfoot Glacier.
Another spectacular view from the road as we approach Bow Lake.
We were expecting it to be a frenzy considering that it was peak tourist season so it didn’t come as a surprise to see the road into the lake lined with vehicles and even more congestion as we rode in closer to the Lodge.
We pushed our bikes further down one of the walking trails away from the maddening crowds and settled our butts down on a blanket of soft moss. Not a bad view considering.
All of the picnic tables closer to the lodge were occupied but when it comes to snacking al fresco, we require little space as our dietary needs are quite simply put, minimal. There should be an apple in the pic but I had already eaten it. We also supplement our rides with gels and chews and find that they provide a convenient energy boost.
We made our way out from Bow Lake and carried on further down the road towards an enhanced view of the lake and the Crowfoot Glacier.
Heading back to base, we bade a fond farewell to this beautiful section of the Icefields Parkway.
As we neared the end of our ride, we decided to take it a bit further and cycle the last few kms east along the David Thompson Highway. A few minutes down the road we encountered a mama bear and her three cubs no doubt scouting the area for food. Not wanting to disturb them any more than necessary, we hightailed it and rode back to finish up the ride where it all started at The Crossing.