2020 : Our Rides in Words, Photos & Videos

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Today's 10 miler in the midst of winter here in the Pacific Northwest.
First, the backyard glacier-- Leftover snow pile from a couple weeks ago. Then, the Tiffanies, where it is winter this winter. They are on the far east of the Cascade Range. Then, a typical county road here. No shoulders, 50mph speed, but not a lot of traffic. Next is a typical apple orchard in the not typical winter. Pruning season is now. #5 is looking east. Those hills are part of the Colville Reservation--tribal lands. There's a bit of winter on the hilltops. #6 is looking through the smoke down to the valley bottom across the river. I live on the side not shown so this, and most rides have long uphills. Orchardists burn a lot around here, and cause the local fire department to get a bit excited at times. I inhaled a mixture of smoke and manure while riding. They were spreading manure in the orchards today.View attachment 43602View attachment 43603View attachment 43604View attachment 43606View attachment 43607View attachment 43608

This time of year, one has to ride carefully as there is sand on the roads which can cause problems. It is leftover from a week ago, when we had frozen rain to deal with.
sometimes a place can give peace of mind , this place is one of them.
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