2019 : Our Rides in Words, Photos & Maps

Someone's Christmas present …

Ride : 120 km / 2019 : 16,467 km
You are so fortunate to have such a wide range of riding options. Where are you from the wild fires ? So said that they have lost thousands of koalas . Do you ever attend any of the dirt track races? They are my absolute favorite here in the US! Have a Happy New Year !!!
Where are you from the wild fires?
Tom …
We've been spared from the bushfires. I took this photo along the rail trail this afternoon. There was a small fire there about a week ago and, as you can see, the rail trail provided a sufficient barrier to stop its progress. The xanthorrhoeas (four grass trees in the foreground) are notably fire-tolerant. Perhaps, the plant closest to me fell to the ground during a previous fire — the curved trunk and vertical flower stalk with thousands of seeds waiting to take their chances, indicate that it has been that way for some time.

Irrigated farmland closer to the Brisbane River is generally lush green. I'll see if there is a photo spot on this evening's ride.

The termite mound is about six months old. Busy little fellows!
… David
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Your awesome opus is near completion. What a marvelous two pronged accomplishment! Over 10,000 miles ridden in a year is amazing. However to me even that is dwarfed by the steady chronicling of your rides through the amazing place in which you live. Your photos and commentary have been a source of daily delight for me and many others I am sure. I have suggested this in the past but a self published book of your ride photos and commentary is something I would be very interested in and I suspect others would be as well. Perhaps it is too expensive a project with all those great photos.

I know that many other members of this forum would join me in saying,

Thank you very much for your dedication and work this past year. Amazing riding, astounding photos and interesting commentary...Good on ya mate!
Your photos and commentary have been a source of daily delight for me and many others I am sure. I have suggested this in the past but a self published book of your ride photos and commentary is something I would be very interested in and I suspect others would be as well.
Richard …
As always, thank you for your kind words. At present I'm sorting through this year's photos on my computer; that's code for tossing out the duds and duplicates. Hopefully, I'll be able to upload a few collections and make them available.

After twenty intense years (1996–2016) spent working on websites, I decided to retire absolutely from computer work but the EBR Forum has facilitated a gentle return to tapping away at a keyboard, this time as an amateur. Long may it continue! (Oh, how I feel for Court Rye… all that labour for insignificant financial return.)

Like many retired people, I relish the opportunity to pick up on long-abandoned pursuits. Flying and marathon running will have to be omitted but ebikes have provided the perfect way of continuing my 1960s cycling obsession; and, since mid-November, a simple little compact camera has become an essential item of kit.

That people enjoy being transported to Australia – how different from 'transportation' two centuries ago! – is a bonus added to my ebiking enjoyment. Just where we'll venture together in 2020 depends largely on how much professional care, both day respite and residential, I can obtain for Jen.

Perhaps, we'll head south of the border when the sun rises on 2020. The weather forecast looks promising.
… Dave
The end of the cycle path for 2019 …

We can ride no further this year.

2019 was a wonderful ebiking year for me and, I know, for many other EBR Forum members. Thank you for following my adventures and, especially, for sharing your own rides in words and pictures on this thread.

I had no idea how far my two ebikes would take me in 2019. There was no early target but, as the year progressed, there was a growing awareness of how the numbers might turn out. It was only after doing some late-afternoon calculations on today's New Year's Eve ride that a firm target was set. Was the total really going to be so near to that 'magic' figure that I hadn't thought about? Let's try!

I rode back to the car but, instead of loading up, pedalled for another thirty minutes. Not quite there. A shorter lap and then a bit more and still a little bit after that. Perfect!
David 292 rides only ? That means you will have 73 more opportunities for enhancing those totals next year. But seriously KUDOS! If I do half of what you do it will be a good year in 2020. Happy New Year!
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David, I have enjoyed following along on your travels, and your photography is amazing. Hard to believe your pictures were all taken on an iPhone. Thanks for bringing us along. Happy New Year. 🙂