Hi there, I haven't posted here in a awhile. I typically don't do much posting of any length on anything other than my desktop PC. It's been out of service for a few weeks as the power supply was starting to fail, and I had no desire to take out any hard-drives so I kept it powered off for a few weeks until I changed out the PS.
In the meantime, I've been riding a bit, bit most have been in the same place as usual - Nose Hill here in Calgary, Alberta.
Therefore, I'll only show the route of my latest ride, from today.
My May numbers, have been 342 Km traveled, with climbing of 4,452m and a riding time of 21.5 hrs.
But I've taken a few breaks in there, as I hurt my knee a bit (improving thankfully, and the weather was pretty poopy for a while.
Oh - and golf season returned and I'm happy to say my shoulder is holding up remarkably well - with a crap load of birdies to start the year. Unfortunately my driver is not up to scratch yet and is forcing me to modify my swing a bit, but it's a heck of a lot better than I thought it would be.
Here's some stuff from today - I was hitting the singletrack up on the hill and combined it with a visit to my brothers and one of my best friends. My brother has put money down on a Giant Talon and is returning to biking. Bike is supposed to be here in the next 2 weeks. His house backs on the park - so getting anything other than an eMTB would have been silly. He's go some physical ailments so he's starting off with a lower priced bike.
The ride itself :
As you can see via the bottom graphic - lot's of ups and downs.
A lot of it was reasonably technical and my skills are coming back, and some of my downhills were fairly quick.
Pics from today:
I took both the Ergon GP2 grip and Mirrcycle mirror off as I knew I would just be up on the hill and needed slightly narrower bars for riding through some of the thickets.
I am still considering cutting them back a bit, but in the meantime I am using GA3 grips.
Today's ride, had I taken a selfie - would have looked like this - I know I had a big smile on my face as I was having a blast!
Some older pics from the hill:
And even more older pics -
@LouLouLePew and I rode from Calgary out to a suburb called Chestermere Lake a few weeks ago. There's an irrigation canal that comes off teh Bow River and feeds an irrigation district to the east of Calgary. As the route was a paved path beside a canal - it was flat and not my normal type of ride, but we had fun nonetheless.
One final story, regarding one of my longtime friends who I golf with a lot.
He's the one one the left on the tee box overlooking the Bow River south of Calgary.
I Birdied that one too, #17 at
Speargrass GC - 3 Hybrid and pitching wedge to 2 feet

. Feast or famine round - birdies and double bogeys, it's early and I'm still semi broken.
His wife just bought a bike from Costco to ride to work and back, an iGo Elite 3. Nice basic bike and great deal at $1800.
So last Thursday my buddy borrowed my old BionX powered Electra Townie to ride the Legacy Trail between Canmore and Banff, and when they stopped in Banff to grab a snack, she bought a lottery ticket and won $15k. So he is now shopping for an eMTB like mine, although I did tell him the bike rental was $14k and he could keep the bike...