Our Rides in Words, Photos & Videos

So, had a great day, started off mowing the front and back yards, then thought I would ride the usual 25-27 mile ride. The next thing I know I had gone 38 miles and still had plenty of leg left, so decided I would do my monthly metric century earlier in the month than usual. It was easy peasy :)



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No Comment hahahaha


Disappointed, used 83% battery for 63 miles, there was a 13 mph headwind most of the way!
So I had to use electric more than I wanted.


The reward, ahhhhhh...


Shameless selfie, awwwww...

Just polished off a family size Stouffer's Lasagna, now on to the very hot Mr. Bubble bath and then off to bed for the night,
G'nite my fellow denizens!
E-Bike Swapping...

I returned my Trance E+ to Jacek, and he returned my Vado to me, decently washed. (As Jacek had a cold last week, he didn't ride e-bike at all).


Brother was not happy to see Monster totally covered with dirt :) To his credit, he's learnt not to wash bikes under pressure anymore :)

Now, I'm planning a metric century for (hopefully) warm and dry Sunday, and expect to meet @Jerzy Bańkowski somewhere on the trail :)

@PowerflyLee formerly known as CheetahLee: The donut/police car photo made me really smile! :D
Drain the Ocean…

Sandgte : Moreton Bay

Moreton Bay Cycleway
Sandgate, Brisbane
After two weeks, and only seven rides, I think Homage #2 is tiring of being woken up early by its new owner and taken to the same familiar places, Somewhere different, Dave!

Just one more month and we'll being heading north a wee bit to where there are real waves.

Ride with GPS
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Another hilly ride but not as much as Wednesday, I could still feel it in my legs but after about 6 miles my legs felt fine again! I was greeted with light winds (thats about to change) so I could really pick any direction today, I chose the quiet back roads rather than the busier flatter roads, very wise choice I must say as I hardly saw any cars! :D The local loch was very calm, always nice for some photo opportunties!




Up the big hill again, from the opposite end this time which is slightly easier!



A lovely descent awaited me!

This will probably be my last ride until next Wednesday due to the wet and windy forecast, maybe I will have my motor back by then and the hills will be a little easier! Ok a lot easier!:p I've had a fun time riding my old Giant Hybrid, its still a great bike and I'm sure other opportunities will arise to have another blast on it!


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Did the last stretch of the new trail from Kinderhook down to Hudson, NY this morning. Given the name of this trail, kind of tough to object to ebikers:


This stretch is particularly good looking, going by several waterfalls and a good bit of open farm land. The village of Kinderhook is very attractive as well.


Drain the Ocean…

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Moreton Bay Cycleway
Sandgate, Brisbane
After two weeks, and only seven rides, I think Homage #2 is tiring of being woken up early by its new owner and taken to the same familiar places, Somewhere different, Dave!

Just one more month and we'll being heading north a wee bit to where there are real waves.

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Wow, that is a great photo to print and frame on the wall 👏
Well done.
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On Thursday morning, I rode an unfamiliar area with the boys that took us out towards the south end of the local college grounds much of which is surrounded by grassy knolls and forested trails. We enjoyed our time exploring the perimeter for points of entry and discovered that not all of the trails were so clearly delineated.


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We eventually made our way over to Heritage Ranch where we completed a couple of loops within the confines of the ranch’s property.
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One of two log berms along the way and a few muddy sections were the only real impediments that we encountered along the trail.

Muddy Trail.jpg

How does the saddle feel to you at this point? :)
Right now I am pretty positive about the saddle. When I find the sweet spot it is amazing. The challenge has been keeping that sweet spot.

What has made things more challenging is that the Kinekt seat post makes it a little tricky to get the saddle flat, as the angle of the saddle rails changes as the spring compresses. I'm lining up someone to do a bike fit next week and that should sort most of the issues out.
Glad you didn't get heat stroke-- or not too bad, anyway! I totally understand getting lost even when it seems impossible to get lost, even when there are two or thee roads.

My sense of direction has improved a lot since the days when I drank and smoked weed, but it's still hit or miss. A couple of years ago, I bird-dogged a series of icy back roads to my local ski resort flawlessly, was so proud of myself. A month later, I got hopelessly lost taking a much simpler route, and only got to ski for three hours.

One of the logical fallacies I am struggling with: I really thought that having a new bike with roughly three times the range would mean I wouldn't worry about getting lost as much, because on my first bike, if I made a wrong turn and ran out of juice, I'd usually come up a mile or two short.

Man, was I wrong. More range means more opportunities to get lost-- and get lost much further from home.

Like I did last week by the L.A. river. Oh, and update: I did get a slow flat from riding on all that broken glass.
The easiest way to set the preload on the Kinekt is with the help of another person. First make sure you have the right color springs on for your weight. It is permissible to use two different colors if you are near a cusp between two weight ranges. If you change springs, Kinekt has good videos for these processes. As you disassemble, pay close attention to the order in which springs and spacer are installed.

Sit on the saddle and have your assistant take up the slack created by the sag of the parallelogram under your weight. Make a note of the preload setting as shown by the scale on the left side of the parallelograms. Then ride the bike and fine tune the preload in 1/4 turn increments. You want to eliminate any bobbing with hard pedaling. This reduces the range of motion of the suspension such that it engages when you hit a bump or rut but keeps you stable and not bobbing under normal pedaling.

I found that the right angle for me on the Infinity saddle is start with the rails parallel as recommended. Then, if there is any pressure up front tilt the saddle forward in very small increments till that pressure is gone. It takes very little to get there.
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I found that the right angle for me on the Infinity saddle is start with the rails parallel as recommended. Then, if there is any pressure up front tilt the saddle forward in very small increments till that pressure is gone. It takes very little to get there.
That's approximately where I am right now, I am tilting the saddle forward one notch at a time to find that magic spot.

A bonus is that I'm finding the saddle works fine with or without padded shorts. Still I like triathlon shorts the best.
Spent a few days over the hill in the Lycra part of the county (apologies to Mr. Coffee) and chose a state park for base camp. I tried to get to Mazama, WA off highway but ended up on a trail which had too many whoop de doos for my Galoompa Loompa style bike and my riding. I went mapless and turned around thinking I was probably on the correct forest road but had not seen anybody else. Being alone, I listened to the conservative part of my brain, did the safe thing and turned back. I was afraid that I might end up in the Twisp River Valley instead of Mazama. A look at a trail map included in the newspaper I bought on the way back to camp showed that I was on the correct road. So, next time I shall bail off the trail and go on the Wolf Cr. road.

That, turned into This. This was still pleasant and with the river right there, no map was needed.

Then, the trail veered away and went back to road. I almost rode past another part of the trail, and had I done that, would have ended up where I wanted to go. Instead, the trail followed an old road and had some steep parts where I ended up pushing the Galoompa Loompa bike up the last bits. This is where I decided that being alone and not seeing anybody else might not be a good thing so I turned back. But first, I dug my smooshed up sandwich out of the bottom of the pack, and munched on it whilst contemplating the sunflowers, which are really not sunflowers but are Arrowleaf Balsam Root, but we call them sunflowers.

I left the trail where it intersected with a former logging landing. Knowing a bit about such things, I knew that the access road there would take me to a more traveled road, which it did. I just didn't know which road I was on but turned and headed back at that point. THAT was where I should have been in the first place and would have taken me to where I wanted to go. I rode back the way I came and near the campground, saw a sign saying Lake Cr. Trailhead. I could not resist so turned. The trail allowed bikes so I started out. It was single track and I met lots of non-lycra clad dog walking folks who were very polite, as were their dogs. They actually got off the trail and let me by. It must be my non-threatening Galoompa Loompa bike? I rode on, again not knowing for sure where I'd end up, but thinking it had to be where I wanted to end up. I ended up pushing the bike for short bits where the trail was narrow with a steep drop on one side, and where I failed to get a fast enough run at a hill, or where there were pointy, sharp rocks. The trail undulated and went on along the lake. The flowers were at peak bloom in this area. This is looking back towards where I came from.

More flowers.

Is this the end yet? No it was not.

It was not too much farther. I made it back to "base camp" and then took my Demon Dog out for a trot. All in all, it was an enjoyable ride and I shall return, with my map.
Nearly finished the monster, took it for a spin without even trying it in the garden.
Oh dear, the bbshd is waaay to powerful for the cheap frame.

Hilarious , but annoying, I might start again or try to strengthen the swinging arm.
I rode it on the sand because I was pretty convinced it was going to snap in half.
Skip to the middle and you will cringe , what idiot would ride that?

Well that would be me.
Nearly finished the monster, took it for a spin without even trying it in the garden.
Oh dear, the bbshd is waaay to powerful for the cheap frame.

Hilarious , but annoying, I might start again or try to strengthen the swinging arm.
I rode it on the sand because I was pretty convinced it was going to snap in half.
Skip to the middle and you will cringe , what idiot would ride that?

Well that would be me.
The Monster lives another day!! Great vid CR and those seaside dunes are spectacular! 👍Wish that we could play in your sandbox. For the time being (just for a few hours) it’s going to have to be snow.
What has made things more challenging is that the Kinekt seat post makes it a little tricky to get the saddle flat, as the angle of the saddle rails changes as the spring compresses.
Does it? I thought the whole idea of Kinekt was to suspend the saddle without changing the saddle angle... At least I didn't notice the saddle on Kinekt were tilting.