Our Rides in Words, Photos & Videos

Portland Oregon rain and 37 degrees on Christmas eve with freezing coming next week. it was really coming down this morning and really dark.

Went back to Buckingham to explore Bourton Park further. Found it to be very nice and peaceful. Mind you we couldn’t believe how many park benches that were there.

The weather today was a balmy 8oC with virtually no wind chill. However, the heavens opened on our way home and it never stopped raining all the way home.

I was nice and dry, but the wife’s Regatta waterproof trousers aren’t exactly waterproof as she found out. They are now destined for the bin and we’ve ordered some new Berghaus ones for her.

Xmas Eve Flat (Snowcrash)

That's unbelievable!
I discovered I had not enough of Coke Zero for the holiday. Despite of a snowcrash, I bravely rode out on my Vado SL. Just a kilometre away, my bike began behaving erratically. What gives? A rear wheel flat! On Marathons Winter Plus! (I still don't know the reason and will find out in the morning). Had to walk my e-bike back home... (I hardly can walk, so what?) Irritated very much, I went back to the parking lot with a battery, produced my big Vado from the trunk of my car and completed my chore in several minutes :)

Never ever before setting up my Vado for the ride and packing it back was so quick! :D And I can tell you: that heavy powerful e-bike is a dream if you need to ride in a snowcrash, and especially upwind...
Dear EBR Forum members: Especially David Berry, RabH, kahn, mschwett, DiggyGun, fooferdoggie and Art Deco... I don't post to EBR because I can only ride e-bikes when I stay with Mikes in Poland (and that has been rare because of the pandemics). I promise to post here at the first opportunity of riding with Stefan in Poland, and I firmly declare that his Dove Gray Vado SL is actually mine
I love reading your posts, and admire your photos and adventures! Let every single day now and in 2022 is a day of all of us staying healthy! Many happy miles on your wonderful e-bikes! Brix, Walworth, London, England, UK
Dear EBR Forum members: Especially David Berry, RabH, kahn, mschwett, DiggyGun, fooferdoggie and Art Deco... I don't post to EBR because I can only ride e-bikes when I stay with Mikes in Poland (and that has been rare because of the pandemics). I promise to post here at the first opportunity of riding with Stefan in Poland, and I firmly declare that his Dove Gray Vado SL is actually mine
I love reading your posts, and admire your photos and adventures! Let every single day now and in 2022 is a day of all of us staying healthy! Many happy miles on your wonderful e-bikes! Brix, Walworth, London, England, UK
Hello Brix ... now that you have claimed the Vado SL, and we understand that Stefan is part of a 'package deal', you two make some sense ! Just kidding Stefan a bit ...
Dear EBR Forum members: Especially David Berry, RabH, kahn, mschwett, DiggyGun, fooferdoggie and Art Deco... I don't post to EBR because I can only ride e-bikes when I stay with Mikes in Poland (and that has been rare because of the pandemics). I promise to post here at the first opportunity of riding with Stefan in Poland, and I firmly declare that his Dove Gray Vado SL is actually mine
I love reading your posts, and admire your photos and adventures! Let every single day now and in 2022 is a day of all of us staying healthy! Many happy miles on your wonderful e-bikes! Brix, Walworth, London, England, UK
Back at you and ALL. A very healthy, happy and mileage or kilometer intense year.
Christmas Day ride…

Beside the Brisbane River

Newstead beside the Brisbane River
It was almost 7:30 am on Christmas morning when I reached Newstead Park, and spied an unoccupied bench in the shade! One always looks for shade in December.

I braked, circled back and parked the Homage before taking possession. First a photo. He who hesitates is lost: I had been beaten to it! Too bad. After the ride, I headed back to Ipswich to spend some special time with the wonderful woman who has shared her life with me.

MAP : Ride with GPS
Merry Christmas to all!

Big snow and cold coming to the great PNW starting tomorrow - Christmas - doesn't look like I'll get out on the La Free again this year 😢. Looking forward to posting in David's new 2022 thread whenever things settle down here😁!
This forum moves so fast, bit of a hangover this morning, read a few posts.
Looks like we are lockdown free , thousands of people out in the bars, no masks, no restrictions, maybe 2022 will be our rebirth.
Happy Christmas to you all...now to explain to the wife why her present hasnt arrived.

I'll need a mask for that.
Dear EBR Forum members: Especially David Berry, RabH, kahn, mschwett, DiggyGun, fooferdoggie and Art Deco... I don't post to EBR because I can only ride e-bikes when I stay with Mikes in Poland (and that has been rare because of the pandemics). I promise to post here at the first opportunity of riding with Stefan in Poland, and I firmly declare that his Dove Gray Vado SL is actually mine
I love reading your posts, and admire your photos and adventures! Let every single day now and in 2022 is a day of all of us staying healthy! Many happy miles on your wonderful e-bikes! Brix, Walworth, London, England, UK
Welcome Brix, please do me a favour and slow Stefan down a bit....I need time to catch up! 🤣 I look forward to you posting about your future rides, make sure he doesn't try to make you tag along on that 200km ride! ;)
This forum moves so fast, bit of a hangover this morning, read a few posts.
Looks like we are lockdown free , thousands of people out in the bars, no masks, no restrictions, maybe 2022 will be our rebirth.
Happy Christmas to you all...now to explain to the wife why her present hasnt arrived.

I'll need a mask for that.
And possibly shin and elbows guards! Good luck with the explanation - you can always blame it on the SUPPLY CHAIN!
Merry Christmas to all!

Big snow and cold coming to the great PNW starting tomorrow - Christmas - doesn't look like I'll get out on the La Free again this year 😢. Looking forward to posting in David's new 2022 thread whenever things settle down here😁!
Oh, come on what's a bit of 15-18F (-9C for those living in primitive regions!) temps and snow?

Yes, I'm planning on hunkering down, too. With luck I'll be able to cross country ski around Greenlake like last year.