I air condition to 80 F in summer to keep the piano from molding. Too much A/C ruins one's ability to get out & enjoy the sun. Only gets to 98 here most summers, I can ride unpowered in that. Usually I start after lunch and finish the 30 mile trip by 1700. Worst is a light following wind same speed I'm going, no breeze at all. I chop up tree limbs and chop down saplings too out at my summer camp. Thinking of buying a 2 kw inverter for my tractor to use the electric sawzall more. I'm not getting any younger. Running 23 hp tractor is an addition for 2020, before I used a Murray 16 hp rider mower.
I sunburn pretty badly and wear dark blue mechanics wear all summer. Long sleeves long pants. 100% cotton and no sun gets through. I'm never as hot as if I get sunburned. Father was a strawberry blonde, I wish I had my Mother's Native Am beigh skin. Full helmet on the bike with chinguard, but Fox Rampage has lots of vents. I carry a couple of 20 oz bottles full of water. Burned through one today just in town. I don't sweat more than required to cool me, a great benefit. My father used to drip everywhere when he mowed the lawn in Houston. I have a full brim hard hat for field work. Keeps the sun off my ears & wind blows up under it to dry my hair. Better than the mesh top straw hat I bought at the Biltmore souvenier shop. I wear cotton/poly gloves on the bike to keep hands from sunburning.
When I was working my way through college, I unloaded trailers of door kits in the Houston summer. Up to 100 deg, usually 100% humidity. No electric fan. I would drink a gallon of water a day and soak my blue jeans the trailer unload days. Delivering doors off the truck to new home developments was so much more fun, with those big vent windows to blow on you.
I've never passed out from heat but I have had my vision blink on me here in Indiana. Time to sit down in the shade a bit. Some lady was going to call an ambulance for me in Charlestown 2 summers ago, just what I need a $400 ambulance ride & my bike stuck out 18 miles from the hospital when they send me out the door. Got a friend from church to come pick me up & get me away from her.
We ran daily in Kansas heat in the Army. You can train up to get used to anything. Long as you are healthy.