I am finding it too hot to ride

Perhaps this should now be I Am Finding It Too Smoky To Ride.

Red tinge to the sunlight this morning. However, not close to what it was last Sept. Our air quality is rated Moderate so it isn't horrible. Smoke is coming down the valley from British Columbia. I thought the border was closed! :)
Quite a difference compared to a couple of days ago when it was 30C and the air was too smoke filled to ride. It’s 3C and foggy this morning here in Lake Louise, AB and snow was visible in the mountains near Banff. We’ll need to don an extra layer for the start of our ride today. 🥶
Recent heat wave appear to killed Groot , right, & Greta, left, pink flowers, but both have made
a miraculous recovery. Groot is back for his 5th season. My 35 yr. old Ford is also in robust health😜
Other than rides out to eat I wait till 7 pm to do my exercise ride. By that time it’s low 90’s and droppin.
Probably time to revive this thread. My daughter in Phoenix reports 115 F, and it's 99F here in central Pennsylvania .

Two local rider friends are training for a century ride next month, and said they quit after only 25 miles this morning.
It was well into the 90's here -- the "feels like" was in the triple digits -- but I did 25 miles today. I set my PAS so that I'm always providing at least some of the horse power.(but but it is an ebike!) I guess I'm somewhat heat-tolerant. There was a very noticeable lack of traffic on the greenway though, for sure..

We have to stay out in the open when things start getting warm (85+). If we venture back into the trails/2 tracks (woods), the deer flies makes things absolutely miserable.

Breeze in your face is even hot when past 90....
In the summer heat, I usually ride canal or rail trails along a river with plenty of shade. It may be 90+ in the nearby countryside but a good 10 degrees cooler on these trails. As long as I keep moving, the heat and insects aren't a problem.
I have changed to start riding at sun down until 10/11pm, if the winds die down,
it's very nice after the cool down, have to wear Good clear eye protection around here,
except the Buffalo Gnats are out in force, just the same height as your face,
and they don't taste good.
I tried an experiment last night, I made a red lens cover for the main bike light,
I can see very well and it sure made a difference, rode right up on several critters,
nice seeing the wildlife out an about.
I bet it sure looks weird, red light showing to the front and a flashing blinking red lite towards the rear, along with the flashing Red helmet lite also going off............LOL