Generic MD 1000 and HD 750 ebike model discussion

No problem 👍

It's honestly like a motorbike when you stop, it's so huge, if you and the bike are lined straight up your good. If you're leaning over even a little you'll feel it wanting to fall over.
The funny thing is how well it handles and how nimble it is when you're moving which seems strange. It's uncanny!
I also nearly got caught out when trying to pull away from a stop when i was leaned over a little after stopping at a pedestrian crossing, the bike was in 1st gear and i just gave it "the beans" expecting a quick lift off.
Next thing i know i was standing facing 1 way and the bike was pointing at 90 degrees to where i was wanting to go! Couldn't believe it! A bicycle doing bloody doughnuts! I was on tar too, not even dirt or gravel or whatever.

Oh.... another thing while i remember; keep a spare pair of pants in your backpack! True story!!

I like anything that goes fast enough to kill yourself twice over! I have to be honest though, i've had a few proper bum clenchers in the short time i've owned it. I have no shame admitting it either. You'll see!
You can for sure keep it calm and under control if you want to.
It'll give you what your after though if you abuse it and try to let it know who's "the boss"!! Toot sweet too! I'd have been off if i wasn't clued up on MotoX when i was a lad! I do like to hammer it though, it's hard not to. I dare one of you to ride it and not grin like an idiot! LOL
SoooOO.... i delved into the settings/programming today!

From what i can see it's set up for "hauling ass" right out the box! Only real restriction i can see is "top speed". The only setting "i" would change is the MAX speed. It is set to 40 kmph. I would change it to "set by display" which you can set to 60mph in the display settings. You can obviously change how quick it gets the power on and how gentle or violent it delivers it. In that you have to remember your drive train is going to be taking/or not all this power.

There we have it guys! 😈😈


i can vouch this cable works right out the box as i have seen some say theirs didn't.
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SoooOO.... i delved into the settings/programming today!

From what i can see it's set up for "hauling ass" right out the box! Only real restriction i can see is "top speed". The only setting "i" would change is the MAX speed. It is set to 40 kmph. I would change it to "set by display" which you can set to 60mph in the display settings. You can obviously change how quick it gets the power on and how gentle or violent it delivers it. In that you have to remember your drive train is going to be taking/or not all this power.

There we have it guys! 😈😈


i can vouch this cable works right out the box as i have seen some say there's didn't.
I'm sure I won't have my bike for months and months but I would love to know how to reprogram sed top speed 😎😉
SoooOO.... i delved into the settings/programming today!

From what i can see it's set up for "hauling ass" right out the box! Only real restriction i can see is "top speed". The only setting "i" would change is the MAX speed. It is set to 40 kmph. I would change it to "set by display" which you can set to 60mph in the display settings. You can obviously change how quick it gets the power on and how gentle or violent it delivers it. In that you have to remember your drive train is going to be taking/or not all this power.

There we have it guys! 😈😈


i can vouch this cable works right out the box as i have seen some say theirs didn't.
I had a feeling the temptation to tweak was strong in you. So, are you saying setting the top speed via the display alone won't get it done?
Ok, for FatTire and RMK I'll just do one post for both of you. You can't change it from the display RMK.

It's easy. Get a cable, the one i've linked to below works 100%. Use the site link below and read it through then follow the steps...

Just download the 2 or 3 files for your specific motor, it's all set out for you. Copy the default settings from your bike when your bike links to your laptop, change the settings you want to change and run it back into the bike. It's all set out so you just hit the correct button and the program runs


Site with steps......


If i can do it anyone can.
Thanks, I found this video and others from this guy helpful. I believe he does indicate (as did the Biktrix video) that the max speed could be set through the Advanced (PW protected) settings in the controller itself.
RMK, did Leilli confirm that your bike was released by Customs and is ready to be delivered to you? I messaged Frank Friday but didn’t get an answer yet.
I think my bikes are in the same container as your bike.
I bought a MD1000 for me and a Rambo bike for my wife.
Thanks, I found this video and others from this guy helpful. I believe he does indicate (as did the Biktrix video) that the max speed could be set through the Advanced (PW protected) settings in the controller itself.
RMK, did Leilli confirm that your bike was released by Customs and is ready to be delivered to you? I messaged Frank Friday but didn’t get an answer yet.
I think my bikes are in the same container as your bike.
I bought a MD1000 for me and a Rambo bike for my wife.
Frank indicated the container has been released from Customs but I am still waiting for shipment notification. I'm convinced he doesn't have much if any visibility of the shipments. I'm giving it another couple of days because the shipping company they are using (Estes-Express) is closed weekends. I assume they used this company (as opposed to UPS/Fedex) based upon cost and the ability to handle large heavy boxes. I just hope that Customs didn't open and damage the box/bike in their inspection process. I have read that they are not very considerate nor careful with the cargo they inspect.
Frank indicated the container has been released from Customs but I am still waiting for shipment notification. I'm convinced he doesn't have much if any visibility of the shipments. I'm giving it another couple of days because the shipping company they are using (Estes-Express) is closed weekends. I assume they used this company (as opposed to UPS/Fedex) based upon cost and the ability to handle large heavy boxes. I just hope that Customs didn't open and damage the box/bike in their inspection process. I have read that they are not very considerate nor careful with the cargo they inspect.
They are packed "ok" from Leili i would say. Not real good but defo not bad either. Mine was shipped over land too so dunno if that will make a difference. It had a few dings and bumps in the box. Mine arrived with the very end of the left pedal arm scuffed a little as it had came through the bottom of the box and the gear shifter stuck on gear 5. Nothing to cry about but would have been nice for it to be perfect, a wee touch up and you'd never notice the scuff. I only know where it is because i saw it before i touched it up, like i say though only a little scuff. I've posted about the problem with getting the shifter sorted out! I'll most likely buy my own and sort it myself. Leili customer after care is non existent so like i've said before...

MAKE SURE YOUR BIKE IS 100% BEFORE YOU CONFIRM DELIVERY AND HAND OVER YOUR FINAL PAYMENT GUYS. I'd hate to find out how they deal with a big problem once they have your cash. I'd HATE for any of you to "come a cropper" with them!

I've seen some unboxings where the company used cardboard or polystyrene blocks to save this from happening. Real nice touch.
Any news on your bikes guys? Hopefully this is the week for you all.... 🤞
Any news on your bikes guys? Hopefully this is the week for you all.... 🤞

People who ordered from Bolton will be getting their bikes soon. Mine was on the same cargo ship but in a different container. On Friday 2 weeks after it was supposed to be unloaded I received this terrific message; "as long as it is released, it will be going out soon".
I am more than a little unhappy with this situation.
People who ordered from Bolton will be getting their bikes soon. Mine was on the same cargo ship but in a different container. On Friday 2 weeks after it was supposed to be unloaded I received this terrific message; "as long as it is released, it will be going out soon".
I am more than a little unhappy with this situation.
I don’t blame you, you’ve been more than patient! I would feeling the same too by now. You could understand if it was something that could be used and/or considered a threat or whatever but a part on a damn bike, and at that a part on someone else’s bike at that! Come on.... the world has gone past crazy right? It beggars belief! I wish there was something I could say that would make you feel better about the situation but I’m “all out”! 🤨
Hang in brother....
I'm glad you got your ground shipment on time or early Terry. It gave me confidence that I would actually get my bike as ordered. I'm not sure what the problem is but in reading about US Customs inspections, if they discover a problem with cargo they charge the shipper for the detailed inspections (opening and resealing the cargo) and the warehouse storage fees. These fees can be considerable and they will not release the cargo until all fees have been paid by the shipper. Mix in the time difference and you have a real mess to clear up.

I can only speculate as my contact didn't respond to my demand for information yesterday. That may be because he doesn't have any answers and or, that he is trying to resolve this through his Logistics partner "OneTouch Agency Export". This entity seems to be an Alibaba subsidiary that will handle freight import/export for Alibaba's manufacturing customer partners. One possible scenario is that the bike is being held by US Customs pending thousands of dollars of inspection/storage fees that must be paid before cargo can be released. Or, it might just be a slow bureaucratic process that is holding things up. In either case, I don't have the ebike I ordered even though it arrived at the port of entry on November 16th (three weeks ago). I have no idea when/if I will receive it.

This ordering direct from China via Alibaba is turning out to be fun stuff ... (rolls eyes).
I'm glad you got your ground shipment on time or early Terry. It gave me confidence that I would actually get my bike as ordered. I'm not sure what the problem is but in reading about US Customs inspections, if they discover a problem with cargo they charge the shipper for the detailed inspections (opening and resealing the cargo) and the warehouse storage fees. These fees can be considerable and they will not release the cargo until all fees have been paid by the shipper. Mix in the time difference and you have a real mess to clear up.

I can only speculate as my contact didn't respond to my demand for information yesterday. That may be because he doesn't have any answers and or, that he is trying to resolve this through his Logistics partner "OneTouch Agency Export". This entity seems to be an Alibaba subsidiary that will handle freight import/export for Alibaba's manufacturing customer partners. One possible scenario is that the bike is being held by US Customs pending thousands of dollars of inspection/storage fees that must be paid before cargo can be released. Or, it might just be a slow bureaucratic process that is holding things up. In either case, I don't have the ebike I ordered even though it arrived at the port of entry on November 16th (three weeks ago). I have no idea when/if I will receive it.

This ordering direct from China via Alibaba is turning out to be fun stuff ... (rolls eyes).
Too bad you cant go to customs and get your bike pushed thru
I'm glad you got your ground shipment on time or early Terry. It gave me confidence that I would actually get my bike as ordered. I'm not sure what the problem is but in reading about US Customs inspections, if they discover a problem with cargo they charge the shipper for the detailed inspections (opening and resealing the cargo) and the warehouse storage fees. These fees can be considerable and they will not release the cargo until all fees have been paid by the shipper. Mix in the time difference and you have a real mess to clear up.

I can only speculate as my contact didn't respond to my demand for information yesterday. That may be because he doesn't have any answers and or, that he is trying to resolve this through his Logistics partner "OneTouch Agency Export". This entity seems to be an Alibaba subsidiary that will handle freight import/export for Alibaba's manufacturing customer partners. One possible scenario is that the bike is being held by US Customs pending thousands of dollars of inspection/storage fees that must be paid before cargo can be released. Or, it might just be a slow bureaucratic process that is holding things up. In either case, I don't have the ebike I ordered even though it arrived at the port of entry on November 16th (three weeks ago). I have no idea when/if I will receive it.

This ordering direct from China via Alibaba is turning out to be fun stuff ... (rolls eyes).
Yup, it sure is my friend! 🙁
I think you’ll get your bike soon as Leili gets nothing until you have it. It’s in their best interest no matter what is happening to get your bike to you as soon as they possibly can so they can get paid. Knowing the size of my box, a container load of them must be worth a hefty pile of $’s so Leili will want it in their account even if they have to pay up first to get it. The customs process I know nothing about but surely it’s not rocket science to work out if there is fees or whatever and get them billed and paid? It’s what they do all day every day so surely they have it down to a quick process. I know a ship will be a load to check but they’ve identified the problem already.
Let’s go to the port and do a

Just know that for all the waiting and all your enduring you’re saving a pile of $’s by going direct to Leili. You can buy yourself a nice cycling holiday to relax after your bike is delivered. 🤯

Hang in my friend. 👍
Hi Guys,
How did you get the shipping information from the Leilli? I asked them few times to be provided with some tracking number or cargo info and was ignored by them
Hi Guys,
How did you get the shipping information from the Leilli? I asked them few times to be provided with some tracking number or cargo info and was ignored by them
When did you order? Im sure I have some time to wait as I ordered mine I believe on the 19th of Nov.
Terry, did you say the bike came locked on top speed on 40 km pH?
But you drove 40 miles ph already didn't you, straight out of the box?
The top speed at 40kmph I found in the programming, it supposedly doesn’t mean the actual top speed of the bike. I can’t remember exactly what it relates to. I’ll try and find it again. The site I linked to explains it all. I myself have done 44.8 mph I am sure it was. I was going down a decent hill peddling like a mofo! Really hammering it! At that speed your eyes are watering like hell and you can’t see the speedometer properly as it vibrating like hell too. I would say that’s about as fast as I’ll ever get it to go. I’m reading up on the programming stuff now but the weather is rotten and I have murder ear ache too so I’ll try and get something solid on the best programming and stuff up soon. You need to read the stuff on the programming site to understand it but as far as I can see it’s well tuned right out the box.
Hi Guys,
How did you get the shipping information from the Leilli? I asked them few times to be provided with some tracking number or cargo info and was ignored by them
When did you order and where are you buddy?