Test ride on a Bikonit MD1000 (Mid-Drive) and HD 750 (Hub-Drive)

SA IGH, hopefully it works okay
Big dust up here about that issue. The IGH was my primary interest in the MD 1000 and I did ride it at Bolton (it was easily the coolest ebike I've ever ridden).

If you don't skip gears under power or shift under heavy load (it has a shift motor cutoff you may find annoying) and keep the cable adjusted, it should be fine. Seems like a lot of rules but treat it like the tranny on your dirt bikes and you should be fine. I am an optimist and replacement SA IGH's are relatively cheap.
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Big dust up here about that issue. The IGH was my primary interest in the MD 1000 and I did ride it at Bolton (it was the coolest ebike I've ridden).

If you don't skip gears under power or shift under heavy load (it has a shift throttle cutoff you may find annoying) and keep the cable adjusted, it should be fine. Seems like a lot of rules but treat it like the tranny on your dirt bikes and you should be fine. Despite my somewhat sarcastic posting style, I am actually an optimist and replacement SA IGH's are relatively cheap.
We are both very optimistic and agree the SA IGH isn't breaking the bank :)
Very true, I knew something was up when I was getting updates on Alibaba that my order shipped
Ordering these through Alibaba with their Trade Assurance contract and tracking capability makes this a fairly secure proposition. I was able to look at the actual GPS position of the cargo ship which is off the California coast and will be in Long Beach a day early. Getting it offloaded, through customs and out of the logistics distribution center is another matter. Same purchase security and refund capability should be true using any of the US resellers of these ebikes. Ordering direct from Leili without Alibaba ... not so much.

Purchasing ebikes has provided a rudimentary education in overseas business transactions and logistics. I would not be doing this without Alibaba's involvement.
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Hey all! I just wanted to update that you'll see several deleted posts on the previous page. The member shared his experience in this thread, several members commented and it began to take over the original subject here. I've asked that the member create his own thread so he can be heard and others may comment. Here's is the new thread.
Unintended consequences ...

So with the long wait for the MD 1000, I had plenty of time to research the bike. Two issues that needed investigation were adjusting the SA IGH and unlocking the Bafang controller speed limit. I found you tube videos on both topics graciously supplied by Biktrix and put references to those in posts here and elsewhere. It appears that both of the videos are no longer available on youtube. I even checked the Biktrix support web page and the text descriptors for both processes are still there but the videos are gone.

I get that Biktrix might have felt that putting up these helpful videos for non-Biktrix customers to view is helping the competition. I remember thinking how cool it was that they were doing this knowing there was the possibility that competitors selling the same or similar products might exploit this work. My hope is that my posting links here in the Bikonit thread didn't contribute to the decision to take the helpful videos down.

All that got me thinking (always dangerous) about this MD 1000/MD 750 Test Ride sub thread within the Bikonit brand thread. This sub thread contains content mostly related to non-branded MD 1000/HD 750 ebikes that are purchased direct from Chinese companies and sold on Alibaba at a considerable discount. Since I suggested the creation of a Bikonit thread, and created this test ride thread, I feel that much of the content here isn't directly applicable to the Bikonit brand of ebikes and so might be misplaced. I think this is an issue for the Forum mods to consider, I am open to suggestions and will respect their decisions.
RMK & Moderator/Admn, can we we just create a separate category e.g.; Bikonit/Non-braded or Leili MD 750/1000?
RMK & Moderator/Admn, can we we just create a separate category e.g.; Bikonit/Non-braded or Leili MD 750/1000?
Thanks for the suggestion. I reported this to the mods on Sunday and no response. Not surprising really as it involves a subject that is not necessarily covered by their rules.

I like your idea of a separate Thread in the Bikonit Brand section as these unbranded bikes are essentially the same as the existing Bikonit models. It does appear that companies other than Leili are selling this same bike so the description will be generic.
They are exactly the same bikes?
Out of respect for the Bikonit Brand. Ordering factory direct makes the transactions very different and the risk reward factor higher. Certainly the customer support will be very different. In any case, I started a separate thread and will be posting my impressions of the bike I ordered there.
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Ils ont vraiment fait un excellent travail sur la géométrie parce que cela semble serré et très agile pour une machine aussi grande. Je mesure 6'5 "210 lbs et ce vélo est définitivement de taille et de puissance appropriées.
Les petites personnes auraient l'air et se sentiraient probablement bizarres en le montant. ;-).

Les gros pneus de 4,8 "X 26" et la belle suspension pneumatique avant assurent une conduite incroyablement douce et confortable. Vous glissez simplement sur des surfaces rugueuses et inégales d'une manière que je n'ai jamais expérimentée sur aucun autre vélo. Même le parcours limité sur piste en terre battue que j'ai fait pendant l'essai était doux comme de la soie et je me sentais toujours en contrôle total de cette grosse et lourde machine. J'avais pensé que je devrais peut-être ajouter une tige de selle à suspension, mais après les essais, je ne pense pas que ce sera nécessaire.

Encore une fois, la seule déception a été l'une des principales caractéristiques qui m'a attiré vers ce vélo électrique unique. L'engrenage STURMEY ARCHER 5 vitesses était trop étroit à mon goût et à mon utilisation prévue. Ce vélo électrique a été conçu comme un véhicule de chasse / pêche dans l'arrière-pays (une alternative au VTT) et dans ce cas d'utilisation spécifique, la transmission par courroie et la plage de vitesse limitée seraient acceptables, voire préférables. Mon utilisation prévue du Bikonit est la navette et la conduite récréative pour faire de l'exercice. Un trajet régulier est un aller-retour de 60 miles sur des routes de campagne pour la plupart pavées. Pour ce type de trajet récréatif, la version à double batterie et à grande vitesse de ce vélo électrique sera parfaite.
Je suis tout à fait d'accord avec toi RMK
This has been stated before but one of the members here thinks he can remedy it by adjusting the shifter.
I will look forward to reading reports of members who have put in 3000 miles on such a setup (Bafang ultra + SRAM RX5 setup)
I use x-RD3 , my remedy is to remove the races from the bearings. Take the plastic race and bin it. The small bearings inside the hub number from 14 to now 24 , and the larger wheel bearings number from 7 to now 10 , this method , basically packing the bearings loose by hand. This way the bearing surfaces are increased giving more strength . Just be sure not to over tighten. It takes skill and a sensitive hand, but works a treat.
Altering the selector system does nothing except adjustment or maladjustment. Put the yellow line where they say and leave it alone. Slack is top gear tight is first gear , two is in the middle of that, so once you get that feel you don’t need to look at the coloured ring because it will be where it’s supposed to be.