Generic MD 1000 and HD 750 ebike model discussion

Bloody cold! 3-5 Degrees Celsius. Something like that. 🙂
You're right, at that temp and considering you were pegging it the whole way and not pedaling much, those are respectable numbers. I'm in California and the weather is mostly mild. :)
I’m just in from a 30 mile round trip. PAS 5, Sport all the way, totally wrung it’s neck all the way there and back! 28% battery left. Not bad.
Also, I’d say it’s mostly a small uphill incline most of the way there then the opposite on the way home.
You're right, at that temp and considering you were pegging it the whole way and not pedaling much, those are respectable numbers. I'm in California and the weather is mostly was mild. :)
I’d say all in all it did well. I’m happy with its performance today. Another thing I noticed was it didn’t lag any as the battery depleted. Still pulled like a train right to the end of my trip.
This does seem to suggest that some modification of controller settings might allow eeking out a few more miles per charge. Since you are the only person in the world with one of these bikes, I nominate you as the guinea pig for this experiment. ;-)
This does seem to suggest that some modification of controller settings might allow eeking out a few more miles per charge. Since you are the only person in the world with one of these bikes, I nominate you as the guinea pig for this experiment. ;-)
Ha ha! My controller to PC cable came today which is a day early so I may just get itchy fingers tonight. I’m kidding. I want to read up a bit more before I start fiddling with any settings. From the stuff I have read it seems you can tweak it to your personal preference quite easily. Lots of time for that though. 🙂
Ha ha! My controller to PC cable came today which is a day early so I may just get itchy fingers tonight. I’m kidding. I want to read up a bit more before I start fiddling with any settings. From the stuff I have read it seems you can tweak it to your personal preference quite easily. Lots of time for that though. 🙂
Is the throttle on the left or right side of the handbar?
Do you find it annoying with it on the left side?
No, i find it ok on the left. With the rear brake and thumb trigger on the right i find it easier to control at junctions and stuff. I rode Moto X when i was younger so i thought i'd maybe find it awkward to get used to but i took to it no problems at all. With it having PAS too it's completely different to how you use the throttle on a motorbike.
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You'll find too the throttle is quite violent when it kicks on. I don't mean it'll wheelie out from under you but it defo sits you down a little. It's like the throttle starts at half twist then you have a bit of control to full twist if you were comparing it to a motorbike throttle. I think because it's a thumb throttle too it's not as easy to feather at low speeds as a twist throttle would be. These are things that can be fixed in programming quite easily i believe. It's like the factory controller settings are all set kinda "middle of the road" rather than more gentle and more violent than the motor is capable of. These are not major problems, i'm just trying to give you guys the most info i can. Like i said earlier the bike performed great on a decent run i had it on today, just now i've ridden it a few times i'm noticing things i could make a bit more personnel to my riding style. As many changes making it more gentle as making it faster and using more of the power it possesses. My legs are real weak so i use the throttle a lot.
Sure do appreciate the pics!!! now to find the correct reducing nut from a 13/32" to a 3/8".... ugh.
No problem! If I can help with anything else just shout. Taking a photo I can do... finding reducing nuts etc... I dunno! lol
at those temps that actually damn good range especially since you were getting on it! thats a big bike with big wheels!
That’s what I thought too. I was happy with it. Considering half the trip was a small uphill incline most of the way there and I was pushing it hard all the way, same coming back although that would have been on a small downhill those huge tyres have a fair bit of rolling resistance even on a hard tar surface. Pin it hard and even on a small downhill you’ll soon slow right down to maybe 5-10 mph when you come off the throttle. I’m sure when turned round at the halfway I was at 54% battery and when I got home I was at 20%. Although if others are correct the % on the battery means whatever and it’s nowhere near accurate. I’m going to start using the Voltage for measuring battery and see how I go with that.
That’s what I thought too. I was happy with it. Considering half the trip was a small uphill incline most of the way there and I was pushing it hard all the way, same coming back although that would have been on a small downhill those huge tyres have a fair bit of rolling resistance even on a hard tar surface. Pin it hard and even on a small downhill you’ll soon slow right down to maybe 5-10 mph when you come off the throttle. I’m sure when turned round at the halfway I was at 54% battery and when I got home I was at 20%. Although if others are correct the % on the battery means whatever and it’s nowhere near accurate. I’m going to start using the Voltage for measuring battery and see how I go with that.
What tire pressure do you run?
What tire pressure do you run?
I had them both @ 20 PSI (MAX) since I was riding on good road all the way. If I was heading off road I’d let some out depending what I was riding on. I keep a small rechargeable pump in my backpack. I’d advise you to get one too the tyres take some pumping up with a hand pump! Lol
I use a double barrel foot pump at home which does it “toot sweet” but don’t fancy chucking that in my backpack LOL
I also have tyre liners fitted which I don’t know how much difference they will make to the ride as I’ve never ridden it without them as I fitted them right out the box.
Another thing I forgot to post was I weighed myself yesterday before I set off with everything on and I was a hair over 80kg. It may make some things easier to compare for some of you. That’s 80kg with pack, helmet, heavy jacket... everything! Lol