Generic MD 1000 and HD 750 ebike model discussion

I have had Alibaba messaging contact with Leili and basically demanded a tracking number or a refund. I was told they were waiting for word from their "Shipping Agent". Rather than the requested tracking number they sent me a BOL (Bill of Lading) pdf with no explanation. There were things missing on the BOL like dates and container number and it seemed like a incomplete document to me? I basically have said to Leili, locate and deliver my MD 1000 or give me a refund.

It is unusual (actually, fing infuriating) that they don't seem to know the location nor status of my bike and I don't know what to make of all of this. My last rather strongly worded messages were essentially get me the bike or a refund and I have not heard back.
Awesome, now I get to experience this after they actually build mine.
Awesome, now I get to experience this after they actually build mine.
Awe man! My heart skipped a beat there as I read the first half of your post! Excuse my French but I thought.... “thank France” they guys have started taking delivery! Then I obviously got to the 2nd half.... damn! I thought yours had been delivered. Then I realised you’ve not long ordered, have you?... Oh well! 🤨
Cool, what kind of date have they given you for delivery? Also is it from Leili?
Yeah it's Leili, and the latest update is a bit cryptic: Their response
"now the situation has changed ,:(some parts on the bike we also need to imported , its delayed .i think because of the covid it boosted the ebike businesses ,some parts the delivery time needs takes about 3months now.:( i have double checked with builder when your two bikes can be compelted ,he told me no later than Jan,"
Yeah it's Leili, and the latest update is a bit cryptic: Their response
"now the situation has changed ,:(some parts on the bike we also need to imported , its delayed .i think because of the covid it boosted the ebike businesses ,some parts the delivery time needs takes about 3months now.:( i have double checked with builder when your two bikes can be compelted ,he told me no later than Jan,"
I ordered on the 1st August with no dates for delivery or anything. Just the 30-45 days on the web site. I mailed them after 3 weeks or whatever and was told an extra 2 months for delivery as parts were coming from US and the frames were still being built etc. It seems I just beat the “rush” by a whisker. I was told a week ago that I’d have to wait 2 months for a replacement part I need as everything was on order again from the US. They must be run ragged with orders! Hope everything is sorted when yours goes out for shipping and it come on due date.
You were very fortunate Terry in the timing and ground shipping aspect of your order. Now, the demand far exceeds the supply of bike parts. Designing an ebike and fabrication of the frames is the easy part. Motor and and controller manufacturers are slammed as are all the rest of the standard bike parts companies. The big bike manufacturers get priority and the little manufacturers (like Leili) with smaller quantity orders are at the bottom of the list. I (and many others) have waited 7 months and still do not have a bike. My wife has a Doctor friend in China that she spoke to yesterday and she says things are pretty much back to normal there. She is probably spouting the "company line" as they are prone to do but if true that might help some.

Of course another huge problem is us as we are about to experience a real social and economic disaster when people who are not working start losing benefits and get evicted from their homes. It's nice there are some vaccines coming but in the meantime our hospitals are being overrun by C-19 patients many of whom refuse to do simple common sense things like wear masks and social distance (the Chinese being a more disciplined culture did this out of the gate). My wife works in a 600 bed Level 1 Trauma Center Hospital and believe me, this shite is real. Makes my little ebike delivery issue a very first world problem ...
Sorry for the off topic but I am not, even in the best of times a big fan of my species. This is just another example of the ignorance and greedy self interest of people. Rant over, peace and love to all ... :)
The wait is across the board. People who ordered bikes from Sondors during the same time period are all saying their delivery dates have been pushed back a couple months as well. My bike is en route but there is no detailed tracking of what ship it's on and where that ship is in the ocean at the moment. I just know the date it left Hong Kong. Shipping costs have gone up astronomically and I imagine that the smaller bike companies are no longer using the carriers that provide up to the minute updates about the package.
Who'd have thought it eh? COVID pandemic causes Ebike "panic buying" across the western world! People dying all over the place and you can't get an ebike anywhere for love nor money! It's a crazy old world we live in guys!

I may put mine up on ebay and retire to somewhere nice..... 🤪
Update on the MD 1000.

I talked to Frank Xu today and it was good and bad news. Apparently his Chinese logistics partner in Southern California picked up the shipment of bikes from the Customs warehouse on Dec. 7th. With the customs delay, they had to try and make a new delivery schedule with a shipping company for the land deliveries and in the meantime California implemented a Covid lockdown for all non-essential businesses. As the warehouse is not considered an essential business, the bikes cannot be shipped until the lockdown is removed. That could be 3 weeks or ?

I'm trying to think of some options and not coming up with any. It's a 6 hour drive to the warehouse and even then, picking up the bike could be tricky as the penalties for transacting business during a mandatory lockdown are severe for the business not deemed essential. So basically it's a giant cluster ####. All of you guys on the East Coast are probably fine but anyone with a bike in the same container as mine is in the same boat.
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You couldn’t make that up. The whole journey has been a giant saga!
So this must mean mine just got an additional month delay. This whole thing is bazaar, and COVID isn’t helping matters. I’m thinking March might be when I get it.
So this must mean mine just got an additional month delay. This whole thing is bazaar, and COVID isn’t helping matters. I’m thinking March might be when I get it.
Hope not brother! Hope it’s all fixed by then and deliveries are sorted out and on time.
Update on the MD 1000.

I talked to Frank Xu today and it was good and bad news. Apparently his Chinese logistics partner in Southern California picked up the shipment of bikes from the Customs warehouse on Dec. 7th. With the customs delay, they had to try and make a new delivery schedule with a shipping company for the land deliveries and in the meantime California implemented a Covid lockdown for all non-essential businesses. As the warehouse is not considered an essential business, the bikes cannot be shipped until the lockdown is removed. That could be 3 weeks or ?

I'm trying to think of some options and not coming up with any. It's a 6 hour drive to the warehouse and even then, picking up the bike could be tricky as the penalties for transacting business during a mandatory lockdown are severe for the business not deemed essential. So basically it's a giant cluster ####. All of you guys on the East Coast are probably fine but anyone with a bike in the same container as mine is in the same boat.
I’ve been racking my brain and can’t come up with anything clever or useful. You may have to just grab your nuts and do a “drive by” transaction! 🤯
See if you can pick it up and ask Frank for $$$ off for all the problems and also for you to pick it up.
I just wish they’d get their finger out and get your bike delivered to you. You’ve been so proactive throughout.
I'm actually sympathetic with Frank (Leili) as he has many people on his case about this. We forget that China isn't part of the free world and so he has very little visibility (they have no Google) when there are problems like this that arise in the US. His distribution partner (also Chinese) is probably intimidated by the lockdown and concerned if he violates the the provisions, he might get fined or worse loose his green card privileges e.g. his import/export business. I am not making excuses for Frank (Leili) but it's complicated and I'm just trying to understand a clean way out that gets me the damn ebike.

This whole mess started with an undefined bluetooth problem with some "Delfast" ebikes that were in the same container with my and other MD 1000's. Bolton's container of MD's/HD's was on the same ship and he received his 2 weeks ago with no problems. I believe California is the only state in C-19 total lockdown mode with So Cal being a significant hotspot so those of you in other states might have no issues with domestic delivery. I'm working on some ideas and it may come down to doing the long haul drive myself and doing a stealthy back door delivery. I'm not above a little bending of rules to get a job done ... :)
I'm actually sympathetic with Frank (Leili) as he has many people on his case about this. We forget that China isn't part of the free world and so he has very little visibility (they have no Google) when there are problems like this that arise in the US. His distribution partner (also Chinese) is probably intimidated by the lockdown and concerned if he violates the the provisions, he might get fined or worse loose his green card privileges e.g. his import/export business. I am not making excuses for Frank (Leili) but it's complicated and I'm just trying to understand a clean way out that gets me the damn ebike.

This whole mess started with an undefined bluetooth problem with some "Delfast" ebikes that were in the same container with my and other MD 1000's. Bolton's container of MD's/HD's was on the same ship and he received his 2 weeks ago with no problems. I believe California is the only state in C-19 total lockdown mode with So Cal being a significant hotspot so those of you in other states might have no issues with domestic delivery. I'm working on some ideas and it may come down to doing the long haul drive myself and doing a stealthy back door delivery. I'm not above a little bending of rules to get a job done ... :)
Ha, your first ride will be a “get away” blue lights and all! You’ll make the evening news!
All joking aside. It will be cool when you just get it to your door brother. I think I may be more excited than you now. Lol
Trying to keep the emotion to a minimum. Good news is I have a great ebike to ride in the interim. It is my workout escape machine and it will probably remain my high miles, goto ride. The test ride on the MD1000 left an impression and I am really anxious to see if it lives up to that demo ride experience. Your remarks about the bikes agility despite the large size reinforces my first impression. Pretty damn comfortable on rough surfaces as well and with the IGH it is a unique product in a sea of very similar ones.