Faraday vs. Kalkhoff


New Member
I am 62 years old and live in a hilly town, and have decided to invest in an e-bike. I have travelled to several different bike shops to try out different models (Trek, Pedago, Townie, Faraday and now Kalkhoff). For my body shape and fit, the Kalkhoff fAgattu Impulse (2016 model) feels like a better bike, but the "lightness" and portability of the Faraday Courtland S made me feel more in control. My average commute to work on the bike will only be 3 miles each way, but I am worried about the range on the Courtland. Any users out there who have ridden these two models have any suggestions? THANKS!
We sell a lot of Cortlands. With a 3 mile commute you will have plenty of range for a two way commute. Average range for them is 15-20 miles. Hub drives get up to speed more easily and have less wear and tear on the drive system (chain/derailleur). Mid-drives have more torque and require more work as a road bike but have better torque for steep hills and also tend to have more efficient battery usage. From what you tell me you can go with either setup with no problem as a 3 mile commute is very short.
We sell a lot of Cortlands. With a 3 mile commute you will have plenty of range for a two way commute. Average range for them is 15-20 miles. Hub drives get up to speed more easily and have less wear and tear on the drive system (chain/derailleur). Mid-drives have more torque and require more work as a road bike but have better torque for steep hills and also tend to have more efficient battery usage. From what you tell me you can go with either setup with no problem as a 3 mile commute is very short.
Thanks for this reply. Another question:
One of the other factors with the Faraday Courtland is that I can't take the battery off. That means either finding space indoors for the whole bike during sub-zero months (Iowa), or leaving it in unheated garage during same. Does keeping the battery in a very cold garage for months at a time have an impact on the resilience and overall life span of the battery?