Best Wireless Earbuds for Ebikes

While I’m a fella that likes gadgets I’m firmly in the many gimmicks are distracting crowd. Simple displays, not full color, iPhone off, and nothing that distracts my focus. Especially in traffic. But I do appreciate that younger riders are probably more in tune than old curmudgeons. I just invested 7k in hearing aids and accesories. They can act as iphone microphones and two taps on the right HA to answer a call. Amazing technology. I use an AirPod Max around the house. Cheap xiaomi mii ear buds are actually quite decent.
For those that talk on the phone while bicycling, how much does having a microphone windscreen foam cover help during a ride?

For those that talk on the phone while bicycling, how much does having a microphone windscreen foam cover help during a ride?

I talk @18mph plus and have no issues with clear communication while using my sena r1 helmet.
These fuzzy "Cat Ear" wind noise reducers are quite effective at reducing wind noise by at least 50%. I don't leave home without them. Helmet strap tension needs to be comfortable but snug enough to hold them firmly against your cheeks and jaw to work most effectively.

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Have used these for years as well and really like them.

Recently tried a pair of Helmet Angels, and was really disappointed- went back to CatEars one ride later.

I’ve often thought even a larger fuzzy strip would be beneficial. When I hold my forefinger next to the CatEarz, wind noise is reduced even more.

I’ve found the Apple ear pods to be a torture device for my ears, so may try a pair of those AfterShokz…
Although I've never tried Shokz, I have used a variety of other headsets with CatEars over the years. The CatEars offered an improvement in wind noise reduction in every case.

Like @El_Binco mentioned, the best setup I've found so far is the Sena bike helmet & CatEars. The mike and speakers are located in the helmet brim and there are no earpieces or mic booms to interfere with hearing & vision. They are Bluetooth enabled for making calls or listening to music. They also have a full duplex (no push to talk or VOX) intercom feature which lets you communicate with other riders.

If you're interested, there are several threads on the Sena helmets, including this one:

I replaced my earbuds with a pair of Bose Audio Frames. Nice thing is I can also hear car noises while listening to music.

Is anybody here using the Car-Ears with Shokz?
I borrowed a spare pair of my friend's Shokz to try with my Cat-Ears.

The added bulk of the Cat Ears put rearward pressure on the Shokz, which made it just a little uncomfortable, but the more annoying thing was on more bumpy gravelly rides, that pressure on the front created a pivot point causing the back of the band to bounce up and down more, tapping against the helmet adjustment dial (Fox Speedframe Pro).

I suspect a less aggressively low adjustment dial (or non at all) would mitigate this, but since this helmet is the first one that fit me like a glove AND has good airflow, I wasn't going to replace it for a theory :)

I borrowed a spare pair of my friend's Shokz to try with my Cat-Ears.

The added bulk of the Cat Ears put rearward pressure on the Shokz, which made it just a little uncomfortable, but the more annoying thing was on more bumpy gravelly rides, that pressure on the front created a pivot point causing the back of the band to bounce up and down more, tapping against the helmet adjustment dial (Fox Speedframe Pro).

I suspect a less aggressively low adjustment dial (or non at all) would mitigate this, but since this helmet is the first one that fit me like a glove AND has good airflow, I wasn't going to replace it for a theory :)

Shokz now have a "mini" version of the Openrun Pro, where the band is not as long.

I wonder if that would lessen the bounce, as I too, am not willing to compromise my Speedframe Pro either.
Best fitting helmet I've ever had.

I ordered the Opencomm version (on sale) as my headset I use for Video Conferencing became a cat toy and I needed a new headset anyways.
I hope I don't experience the bounce...

We'll see how it works while biking - I demoed the Openrun Pro at a local shop and was blown away by the quality of the audio.
On sale and a 45 day easy return policy made it worth trying.
I borrowed a spare pair of my friend's Shokz to try with my Cat-Ears.

The added bulk of the Cat Ears put rearward pressure on the Shokz, which made it just a little uncomfortable, but the more annoying thing was on more bumpy gravelly rides, that pressure on the front created a pivot point causing the back of the band to bounce up and down more, tapping against the helmet adjustment dial (Fox Speedframe Pro).

I suspect a less aggressively low adjustment dial (or non at all) would mitigate this, but since this helmet is the first one that fit me like a glove AND has good airflow, I wasn't going to replace it for a theory :)

I returned my regular Aftershokz because they tended to bounce and catch on collars and hoods as I have a semi forward riding position. I replaced them with the Aftershokz Mini which has a shorter band and is a lot less likely to hit my helmet or collar. They've been much more comfortable for me. YMMV

Edit to add: Yes, @RandallS , the mini was definitely better for me.
Shokz now have a "mini" version of the Openrun Pro, where the band is not as long.
I'll have to check the local shops to see if they're in stock... not willing to completely give up
I wonder if that would lessen the bounce, as I too, am not willing to compromise my Speedframe Pro either.
Best fitting helmet I've ever had.
I ordered the Opencomm version (on sale) as my headset I use for Video Conferencing became a cat toy
Nuff said! Can't get anything done when the beast is in a mood. :)
I just wear my helmet to cut out wind noise while maintaining awareness of surroundings. For CarPlay/nav and music I use a set of speakers connected to an amp powered by accessory battery. Just like any other electric vehicle. Rather not be unaware of my surroundings with some expensive ANC setup when passive isolation from helmet is more comfortable and better. If I’m on a call or otherwise don’t want everyone hearing audio output I can switch the head unit over to a small mic and speaker embedded in the helmet. But the EQ/sound quality is poor since it’s a 25 min DIY job so I don’t use it a lot.

I’ve made it a habit to use the helmet even going around the corner slowly just for the privacy/tint it has. And it paid off when I wrecked and helmet saved my ass.
Unbeknownst to my wife, who has been complaining about her earbuds, i bought her some Shokz Openruns and test rode them today. Loved 'em and she may never see them...

Just kidding, as my Opencomm ones showed up while I was out riding. Tested them on a few calls and both sets are staying, even if just for me. I really like the waterproofing on the Openrun version which I think is better suited for rigorous excercise, which can happen on an ebike too.

Both pairs were purchased with pretty good discounts. I took other comments about Cat Ears to heart and those are in transit. I really enjoy listening to audiobooks while riding, but am trying to be safe.
I would consider that dangerous. You couldn't hear your surroundings with noise cancelling ear buds. The number of times I have almost hit a pedestrian on a shared trail because they were wearing earbuds and couldn't hear me constantly ringing my bell, and they walk into my path at the last second.

I would go for a bluetooth speaker mounted to your handlebars or frame and keep the volume respectably low. I use the UE Wonderboom 2. Works great.
I have several pairs of earbuds but refuse to wear them riding. I often feel uncomfortable using them walking.
I use a UE Wonderboom 2 as well. Highly recommend one of these. I don't require stereo. CN
My Phonak Paradise rechargeable hearing aids stream calls, music, and are waterproof. Two taps on the right ear and the BTE hearing aid picks up the call and silences the music. One tap and it’s voice dialing. Anyone with hearing loss, mine is severe (Jet Ranger turbines and misc jet aircraft)) and these are amazing. Nearly 3.5 times the cost of my first Super Beetle but life changing technology.
I may be in the minority here but I've always been nervous when around drivers, walkers, joggers and bikers who wear earbuds & headphones on trails. As a result, I always approach these folks with extreme caution, pass at a snails pace and never use any product which covers my ears.

I apologize if this hijacks the OP's post but I had an incident yesterday while riding a local rail trail that I feel is appropriate to mention. I approached a middle aged man walking the trail while texting and wearing earbuds. A perfect storm of inattention! He did not respond to my bell, horn & shout as I passed at walking speed. Sure enough, he suddenly stepped sideways into me, knocking both of us to the ground! Luckily, there was no serious injury or damage. We both learned something from the accident, although he more than I.

From what I've read, pedestrians ALWAYS have the right of way in situations like this and I was in the wrong. The trail was 6' wide with a steep slope on one side and a high bank on the other which went on for over a mile. He was walking fairly fast and it would not have been possible to pass while walking my bike. Short of not being there at all, I don't know what I could have done to prevent the incident. Still, I would have been liable for any damage or injury.

In many states, driving a vehicle while wearing headphones is illegal:

California Vehicle Code 27400 recently extended this ban to include cyclists and earbuds as well.

I'm not a fan of any regulation like this since it is overly restrictive and difficult to enforce. I think the problem would be better addressed through educating the public about the dangers involved while using restrictive hearing devices in public.
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Everyone is going to have their own preference, but I found this video interesting. This fellow (Very much a traditional minimalist) test rode many of the systems mentioned in this thread just to examine the concept of music while riding. In the end he wasn't suddenly going to change his own personal practices, but his prior impression that 'music was dangerous' was not upheld by his own test experience. Most of his final opinions were molded much more by his sense of style and modesty, and his own image of what riding is about.

I've been using Aftershokz (now just called shokz) Aeroplex headphones for about two years now. I am on my second pair as the first one was warrantied and the current one is having the same issue. Something inside breaks loose and rattles around like a chime. I don't notice it while riding at this point but if it is like the first ones, it'll get that way. Another complaint is that they make wearing winter headwear difficult as they hold fabric away from the ears and prevent it from sitting flush with the skin on the back of the head.

That being said, I'm going to stick with Shokz headphones because I like hearing what is around me and there doesn't yet seem to be a better solution.