Anybody Hit A Deer While on Their eBike ...

Ya think?

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If it were my money you were spending, I'd get an older model like a GoPro Hero 4 Session, which is perfectly adequate for basic adventure shooting. No image stabilization but if you are like me and typically just grab stills that isn't such a big deal. And they are cheap (less than $150) on Amazon.
Thanks. Good to know. 👍 That's a cool image. So how does one 'shoot' an image with a helmet cam? As opposed to cutting one out of a video?
Got lots of pics; underwater (UW) photography was my thing years ago. Still got several Nikon Nikonos water proof camera setups, all 35mm of course 🤣. No ebikes involved however!
A retired friend was a semi pro photographer for many years ... SLRs and a darkroom in the basement. He sold his digital gear a few years back and is shooting weddings with a 35mm again. He says they will come back RSN (Real Soon Now) when this internet fad finally blows over ...
Thanks. Good to know. 👍 That's a cool image. So how does one 'shoot' an image with a helmet cam? As opposed to cutting one out of a video?
You an either set the camera up to shoot stills continuously or you can record video and bust out individual frames. Either way works fine. I do both and honestly can't tell the difference between either approach.

Generally I set up the GoPro is to have it shoot when I turn it on and stop shooting when I turn it off. That's easy to do.
A retired friend was a semi pro photographer for many years ... SLRs and a darkroom in the basement. He sold his digital gear a few years back and is shooting weddings with a 35mm again. He says they will come back RSN (Real Soon Now) when this internet fad finally blows over ...
Heck, my UW cameras are all range finders, none of that fancy SLR stuff for SCUBA diving 🤣


A Nikonos III range finder 35mm UW camera, circa 1975. The last in the Nikonos series based on an earlier design by Jacques Cousteau. I alsom have a Nikonos II. Cameras are like ebikes, n+1 is always better!


My first UW flash. Yes, it used flash bulbs. They have plastic coatings that are surprisingly tough and water tight. Who knew?


Some more lenses, from15mm wide angle to 80mm 'telephoto' (the water makes this lens even longer). Of course the lenses can't be changed UW!

I should probably continue this under an 'Other' thread...
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A retired friend was a semi pro photographer for many years ... SLRs and a darkroom in the basement. He sold his digital gear a few years back and is shooting weddings with a 35mm again. He says they will come back RSN (Real Soon Now) when this internet fad finally blows over ...
Don't think so. Digital ate film's lunch at every level and I'm afraid that's just what is. This from someone who shot large formant for years and weeps ( almost literally ) at the passing. I would have stayed in if I could have justified the obscene expense of large format digital or even medium format digital but ... it's a rarefied atmosphere only known to the successful or the rich. I made prints 4 ft by 5 ft that literally astonished people with them but the art world put me off to the point I gave it up.
Don't think so. Digital ate film's lunch at every level and I'm afraid that's just what is. This from someone who shot large formant for years and weeps ( almost literally ) at the passing. I would have stayed in if I could have justified the obscene expense of large format digital or even medium format digital but ... it's a rarefied atmosphere only known to the successful or the rich. I made prints 4 ft by 5 ft that literally astonished people with them but the art world put me off to the point I gave it up.
Kodak agrees with you. My friend is just in denial😜. You can't easily make fake photos with film, that alone killed film.
He sold his digital gear a few years back and is shooting weddings with a 35mm again.
The advantage is no one tries to steal the 35mm gear. I've seen heartbreaking craisgslist posts along the lines of, keep the gear but please return the storage cards, no questions asked.
You know ... I believe it is time to get a go-pro camera.
It's not for me, Reed :) There are certainly people interested in videography, and some of them are really good at it. They probably spend more time reconnecting their GoPro to different parts of the e-bike, even sending their camera with the drone, then processing & editing their videos than riding their e-bikes :) A plain video made with a helmet-mounted camera feels boring to me. I love watching -- for instance -- the Electric Mountain Bike Network videos but these guys employ a good videographer.

Personally, I just prefer spending my time on riding. Yes, I may carry my DSLR camera on warm season rides but that's the maximum I can accept.
It's not for me, Reed :) There are certainly people interested in videography, and some of them are really good at it. They probably spend more time reconnecting their GoPro to different parts of the e-bike, even sending their camera with the drone, then processing & editing their videos than riding their e-bikes :) A plain video made with a helmet-mounted camera feels boring to me. I love watching -- for instance -- the Electric Mountain Bike Network videos but these guys employ a good videographer.
Yeah, body or helmet mounted angles are great as a way to record a ride for personal or insurance purposes, but unless you're riding somewhere deadly dangerous or staggeringly beautiful it's unlikely anyone else will want to watch.

To tell a story you need angles, and angles mean dismounting and setting up shots, which all sounds like a lot of effort unless you plan on being a MTB videographer. Which itself is a tough and competitive game to be in.
Yeah, body or helmet mounted angles are great as a way to record a ride for personal or insurance purposes, but unless you're riding somewhere deadly dangerous or staggeringly beautiful it's unlikely anyone else will want to watch.

To tell a story you need angles, and angles mean dismounting and setting up shots, which all sounds like a lot of effort unless you plan on being a MTB videographer. Which itself is a tough and competitive game to be in.
I bought a Hero GoPro 8 Black on sale last spring. I recorded this season's rides with a helmet mount and play the clips on a monitor which I view while riding my exercise bike. I found if I record in 4K video mode, I can also extract hi definition frame cap pictures. You can often get pictures of things that would be gone by the time you stopped and got out your still camera. I've included a few shots taken this way in my posts this season, including the rattlesnake pics in this thread.
Well no, I´ve more than a passing acquaintance with the local deer who hop into the yard from time to time for a snack of fallen fruit
or delectible blossoms. The later tends to infuriate the wife. I frequently encounter deer on my rides & often pause to share the local gossip
with them. They have no fear of me at all. Ocean Shores is another story. At any given moment there are probably 100 deer wandering around
town. They´ve actually reduced the speed limit there twice to prevent collisions. I very nearly clobbered a suicidal fawn last time there.
There are also quite a few bunnies here, but they tend to look both ways & use the crosswalks. It´ś cats & squirrels That seem to have no
regard for their own safety. In past dogs had been a problem, but I´ve got ´em trained now.🙄