Show us pictures of where you ride your ebikes!

Great afternoon in Northwest Washington.


FireShot Pro Screen Capture #073 - 'Bosch eBike Connect' - www_ebike-connect_com_ebikeconnect_...jpg



Whoa! 40.4 mph!
That is moving fast.
Very impressive!

The bike paths look so nice! So. Cal is so far behind in their infrastructure for bikes, but it does seem to be on the city's agenda, but so slow to implement.
That 40 mph peak was down a steep hill in open country, straight road in good condition and no cars in sight. I was not pedaling. Later, after pedaling at 24- 27mph for several miles, I stopped to feel the motor and battery for any heat. They were both cool to the touch. My heart rate was around 124.
Mondays ride ... todays ride was to see how karon and her new Nevo with the enviolo hub gear handled going up hills ..... (she hates them) ,so I picked a route that I use to gauge my own fitness ... and I was very impressed with both her and the Nevo .... and not to leave out my own supercharger gx rohloff it just flew up (its awesome piece of kit) :):) ... 66miles and 4,703 feet

Mondays ride ... todays ride was to see how karon and her new Nevo with the enviolo hub gear handled going up hills ..... (she hates them) ,so I picked a route that I use to gauge my own fitness ... and I was very impressed with both her and the Nevo .... and not to leave out my own supercharger gx rohloff it just flew up (its awesome piece of kit) :):) ... 66miles and 4,703 feet

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Looks great. Was Karon impressed by the Enviolo?:)
Frank Sinatra, wanted one as soon as he set eyes on it. Apparently, even HE had to wait. They couldn't make them fast enough for the UK market. Mine was in black.
I like your ”by the way comment” Mine was black.
Envy? A little. But envy is one of the seven deadly sins so I must fight it. I think you were a fine XKE owner.?
I like your ”by the way comment” Mine was black.
Envy? A little. But envy is one of the seven deadly sins so I must fight it. I think you were a fine XKE owner.?

I've just recalled since reading this about E Types, it's brought it all back to me. When they where launched, the E was a ridiculous amount of small money. Don't recall the figure, but compared to the Italian offerings at the time, it was a bargain. We are talking of paying a small premium over a standard Jag.
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30 miles with 1300 feet up the Helderberg Escarpment (near Albany, NY) in the middle of it. Went up the mountain in Normal assist, 3rd gear. 60 miles range left at the end of the ride... I’m keeping this bike!


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30 miles with 1300 feet up the Helderberg Escarpment (near Albany, NY) in the middle of it. Went up the mountain in Normal assist, 3rd gear. 60 miles range left at the end of the ride... I’m keeping this bike!
Dave I will be coming to stay at your place during the Saratoga race get ready for me and my bike . If I start out in Seattle ,how long do you think it will take me? (-: