I've probably spent months (

) researching (folding) ebikes that claim to handle 300+lbs (mea culpa, i'm a fattie) and more and narrowed it down to the Eahora X5 / X7 and the Qualisport Beluga.
Got into a discussion with a very knowledgeable bike expert and he dissuaded me against the X7 because according to him, the rear shock is "not a very high end shock, and they are garbage". He recommended a similar bike but with a solid rear. Anyone chime in on any issues with the rear shock on the X7?
Was thinking of the X5 Plus instead and wanted to get in touch with Eahora with some questions. Sent emails, no response. Found a number (323 area code), called it, goes to fast busy. Basically can't even get in touch with them. (Does not bode well in my opinion of them so far.)