What Do You Do During The Lockdown?

I've just sat on my balcony bench and relished the splendid warm sunshine. I've listened to the wind whispering in the twigs of the trees. How refreshing the south-easterly wind felt...

Oh, no. Not riding today. Another 50 miles against that terrible and cold Power of Nature would kill me 🤣 I better wash both e-bikes instead ;)

Dedicated to @RabH :D
Very windy here today so no cycling today, my bike is spotless so I will have a lazy day! :D Although I did walk 2 miles (3.2km:p) to get my dad's medicine!

My Good Ole Mule got the hand wash and lubing, and it is ready for a ride to Grójec, "the market square of which would certainly be an exotic place for an Arab..." 🤣 The story develops before I have even ridden! Besides, I found out the suspension fork of that bike could be adjusted... after almost 2000 km ridden with it! Haha!


The worst moment happened when after the bike reassembly the motor wouldn't start. A connector was not fully pushed in. Sigh.
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I‘m lucky to have a 25,000 acre preserve 35 minutes away that’s still open. 9 miles of single-track, 65 miles of double-track and 25 miles of shell roads. I get out in the middle of that and there isn’t a person within miles.
Shell roads = road bed made with crushed sea shells? I'd forgotten about that. St. Pete also had shells mixed into the sidewalk concrete as I recall. Interesting patterns.
Also noticed many more walkers and riders out in Southern California. Lots of little kids on bikes.
And joggers. Gyms are closed, that's why. Besides, many people are on forced "vacation" 'cause they lost jobs or are on EI, and kids are with parents 'cause childcare and schools are closed. Dog owners are walking their pets several times a day. People everywhere.
Shell roads = road bed made with crushed sea shells? I'd forgotten about that. St. Pete also had shells mixed into the sidewalk concrete as I recall. Interesting patterns.
This is true. Some of the communities in St. Pete, like Isle of Palms in Treasure Island, were built into the bay in the ‘50s and 60’s (like what you see now in United Arab Emerites but on a much smaller scale) and were originally “paved“ with crushed shells.
Departing from the topic a bit - What most people don't realize about Florida is that there is NO rock here! Occasionally you see something that looks like rock, and if you hit it underwater is acts like rock (!!), but it's actually coral rock. Any REAL rock you see down here is imported! Point being, it's cost prohibitive to use it. Concrete is incredibly expensive compare to other locations..... so you see a LOT of shiny pavement....
Departing from the topic a bit - What most people don't realize about Florida is that there is NO rock here! Occasionally you see something that looks like rock, and if you hit it underwater is acts like rock (!!), but it's actually coral rock. Any REAL rock you see down here is imported! Point being, it's cost prohibitive to use it. Concrete is incredibly expensive compare to other locations..... so you see a LOT of shiny pavement....
There's even a State park on the way down the Keys that was a coral quarry originally supplying crushed coral for the railroad bed. Later on it supplied cut slabs for floors and other building uses that you see in many older homes and hotels. My wife, being a retired geologist, just had to swing into this park on our ride down the Keys last winter. Needless to say we were late meeting the group for dinner...
Departing from the topic a bit - What most people don't realize about Florida is that there is NO rock here! Occasionally you see something that looks like rock, and if you hit it underwater is acts like rock (!!), but it's actually coral rock. Any REAL rock you see down here is imported! Point being, it's cost prohibitive to use it. Concrete is incredibly expensive compare to other locations..... so you see a LOT of shiny pavement....
You know, I've never really thought about that. After being in FL for 11 years. I miss the mountains, hiking and rocks, so you'd think I would have noticed.

Well I can tell you after mountain biking here that what's missing in rocks is made up for in ROOTS!
There's even a State park on the way down the Keys that was a coral quarry My wife, being a retired geologist, just had to swing into this park on our ride down the Keys last winter.
I think of tedious hours when my wife wanted to see the set of the TV series Dallas, (1977) or the garage apartment where Dillenger stayed a week in Joplin. Then there are holes in the ground. Of which the Grand Canyon was the one we saw at the far point of the Rt 66 trip.
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I think of tedious hours when my wife wanted to see the set of the TV series Dallas, (1977) or the garage apartment where Dillenger stayed a week in Joplin. Then there are holes in the ground. Of which the Grand Canyon was the one we saw at the far point of the Rt 66 trip.
One project a day, today’s was weed whacking including the buoy patch.


Was a bit worried as to that space and saved it for last but my trimmer head was stout enough to move them out of way.

Best part of the day is when the sky is blue and the bikes charged and waiting afterwards

The Govt of Poland has announced that all citizens shall cover their nose and mouth as per April 16th, 2020. I could just use my balaclava but ordered a face shield. Wondering how that would fit together with the helmet. Meanwhile, I washed my e-bikes, fixed what necessary and now both of them come with Michelin Protek Max inner tubes.

I hope to set off on a long ride on Easter but the weather is still spotty here. It is too cold on some days and too windy.
There are so rocks in Florida:

There are so rocks in Florida:

Top of 3rd paragraph, "limestone". Like I said, may look and act like rock, but not really the classic rock I think of. Like the rock found in gravel for instance. Or in the bottom of rivers.
Nice saddle. One of my sons is a mechanical engineer for WTB, not that that has anything to do with my opinion...
Thanks, and that's cool! That's a women's saddle and surprisingly comfortable. I saw a MTB saddle shootout where the guys were rating it as the most comfortable so I tried it. Glad I did.

I've had a LOT of saddle issues...
At my age I'm all for going with the most comfortable solution!
I've just read a variety of sports and recreational activities were allowed in the Czech Republic as a measure against covid effective April 8th 2020. These are sports that involve individuals or maximum two players on each side of the field. Cycling is strongly encouraged.

Meanwhile in Poland...


OMG! Look over there! A CYCLIST!