Watt Wagons Critical Product Availability Status

I'm not sure why Wattwagons doesn't stop taking orders when there are more orders than they can fulfill with existing inventory like many other reputable vendors do. Once existing inventory is exhausted, they mark the product as "sold-out" and let you leave your email with them to get notified when more product is in stock. You might loose a few sales, but its much better than the negative feedback you get by not fulfilling orders. Wattwagons would still likely sell everything they make.

Another option is to set up and track a written waiting list with a very small deposit and let people know what their approximate place number will be in the waiting list before they send their deposit. Then send weekly automatic emails to everyone with their place number in the waiting list so they can see how their position in the list is progressing. Not zero effort like the "sold-out" option, but it would not be difficult to set up.
This. Someone bought a Hydra black after me and received it - seeing that post is what prompted me to make an EBR account and start whining. I whined to WW about it and they told me it was because the black frame ships to them with the motor installed, my order was waiting on a motor. Now 6 months later my order is waiting on a controller but this Hydra black order that was placed weeks after my order got a controller put in it? This is what gets me. For nearly 6 months I was under the impression this was all waiting on a motor, and in most of my attempts to contact WW I had sought assurance that a controller was set aside for my order so that this very thing wouldn't happen - which of course went unacknowledged (again they had announced ordered before (9/1 were covered by current controller supply, my order was mid-July so I can only guess where 6 weeks of orders worth of controllers went)

There's a lot of talk of "oh well they need the money to buy the stuff to build your bike, of course they can't give you a full refund if they can't deliver in 6 months what they promised in 14 days, they had to order the stuff and now without the sale covered they'd be out money." That's just not how business operates. You don't go to a restaurant and pay money then wait for them to go to the grocery store and buy the ingredients to make your meal. WW does not lose any money from a cancelled order if they still have those items they bought to resell for that order. They are not spoiling goods, and they've clearly no shortage of orders to try to keep up with. I'm also pretty positive sans-actual contract the multiple emails received with lead times, deadlines, and promises can be considered a contractual agreement and one could argue that due to the nature of the goods in question there is no financial loss to the seller and thus the customer should have 100% of their money refunded. I used lawyer words like 'sans, due, & thus' so I know I am right.
The 30 day rule depends on the definition of product. Here there are multiple products as well as services being part of the agreement. If someone orders a front shock and can’t get it the 30 day rule wold apply. I hope this helps.
What if I want to buy the shock and the manufacturer is out of stanchions? What if the stanchion manufacturer is out of aluminium, or the refinery out of bauxite? Surely you don't expect to be able to atomise every product sold into its sub-components and dissolve responsibility.

People are buying bikes, not a cart full of individual components. People buying an ebike have no use for the front shock without the core components of the product they're buying like the motor.
So after hearing "This week looks like for the bike" from Pushkar on 12/19, we're back to silence.

Yet another commitment missed without comment/warning/apology/explanation.
  • Sad
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This. Someone bought a Hydra black after me and received it - seeing that post is what prompted me to make an EBR account and start whining. I whined to WW about it and they told me it was because the black frame ships to them with the motor installed, my order was waiting on a motor. Now 6 months later my order is waiting on a controller but this Hydra black order that was placed weeks after my order got a controller put in it? This is what gets me. For nearly 6 months I was under the impression this was all waiting on a motor, and in most of my attempts to contact WW I had sought assurance that a controller was set aside for my order so that this very thing wouldn't happen - which of course went unacknowledged (again they had announced ordered before (9/1 were covered by current controller supply, my order was mid-July so I can only guess where 6 weeks of orders worth of controllers went)

There's a lot of talk of "oh well they need the money to buy the stuff to build your bike, of course they can't give you a full refund if they can't deliver in 6 months what they promised in 14 days, they had to order the stuff and now without the sale covered they'd be out money." That's just not how business operates. You don't go to a restaurant and pay money then wait for them to go to the grocery store and buy the ingredients to make your meal. WW does not lose any money from a cancelled order if they still have those items they bought to resell for that order. They are not spoiling goods, and they've clearly no shortage of orders to try to keep up with. I'm also pretty positive sans-actual contract the multiple emails received with lead times, deadlines, and promises can be considered a contractual agreement and one could argue that due to the nature of the goods in question there is no financial loss to the seller and thus the customer should have 100% of their money refunded. I used lawyer words like 'sans, due, & thus' so I know I am right.
I've learned a lot from listening to you - but now, you left out 'due diligence', 'good faith', 'as such' and 'moreover'. lol
Dunno 'bout 'talk' of needing money. Do know they must - after this recent 30% inflation price of bike parts.
Send me a controller, I'll replicate way cheaper than Socialist Germany can - and use Mil Spec parts, board sealed in water-proof epoxy - except it's the IC chips causing the problem. I'll be 100% honest - just addressing you and not soliciting other feedback.
Last Sept - Oct, 2021, sources alerted me Archon controller's 'chip unavailability' had 'no end in sight' until 2023.
A contrarian, I immediately ordered my machine.
Not so cool you were unaware. I feel you.
I put my money down - fully aware - betting on you and me.
Your bike will be awesome!
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What saddle are you going with?
Brown B17

Edit: I'm shooting for the general aesthetic below.
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  • No bike has shipped
  • No email response from Pushkar since 12/19 when he said "This week looks like for the bike 👍"
  • No reply to my support ticket since 26/10 when they scammed another $460 out of me to avoid further delay.
I've asked @pushkar why I'm still chasing updates, but think that's a question better posed to my shrink at this point - persisting with this doesn't seem rational.
What is game plan now?
You will get your bike but be prepared to do plenty of work on it to make it a decent rideable bike.

I cancelled my order because I don't want a $7000 fix her upper bike? other than that I would have waited
I hope you get your bike soon.
@Rome - why are you fibbing? Dude you have deleted almost all of your posts (down to 10 posts but still a Well-Known Member) where you wanted immediate refund monies because:
1. Needed money for a vacation
2. Needed money for new teeth
3. Needed money to go to Philippines for dentist
4. Needed money for house repairs
5. Didn’t like the violet/purple accents on the bike….
6. Others???? (@reed scott, @Merle Nelson or others help!!!)

And you did this literally weeks before your bike was to be shipped. So what is your REAL reason to BLACKBALL @pushkar as you do, not that I am interested nor believe a word you write??? Go back to stealing “Paka-Lolo” mate!!! At least your writing has improved. Mahalo…...

@WaxedWookie - could it be your continual negative comments to be the reason why nobody at Wattwagons wants to communicate with you? It is hard enough to give bad news to a sane person. I have no communication issues as I have been respectful despite my pains. Oh and I too have had issues that would blow your mind!!! But I know one key factor as told to me by my mother; sugar is easier to swallow than vinegar….

Please stop all the negativity…
Don't be a Forum bully.
I want a LL Bean Bike. When Pushkar has a dealer on the Island I will buy one.
@Rome Don't be a fool that deletes his posts only to support his current narrative….. (you will be taken more seriously!)

Are you not a forum bully blackballing @pushkar as you have????
@WaxedWookie - could it be your continual negative comments to be the reason why nobody at Wattwagons wants to communicate with you? It is hard enough to give bad news to a sane person. I have no communication issues as I have been respectful despite my pains. Oh and I too have had issues that would blow your mind!!! But I know one key factor as told to me by my mother; sugar is easier to swallow than vinegar….

Please stop all the negativity…

Sorry but that's bullshit. There is ZERO excuse not to communicate.
@Rome - why are you fibbing? Dude you have deleted almost all of your posts (down to 10 posts but still a Well-Known Member) where you wanted immediate refund monies because:
1. Needed money for a vacation
2. Needed money for new teeth
3. Needed money to go to Philippines for dentist
4. Needed money for house repairs
5. Didn’t like the violet/purple accents on the bike….
6. Others???? (@reed scott, @Merle Nelson or others help!!!)

And you did this literally weeks before your bike was to be shipped. So what is your REAL reason to BLACKBALL @pushkar as you do, not that I am interested nor believe a word you write??? Go back to stealing “Paka-Lolo” mate!!! At least your writing has improved. Mahalo…...

@WaxedWookie - could it be your continual negative comments to be the reason why nobody at Wattwagons wants to communicate with you? It is hard enough to give bad news to a sane person. I have no communication issues as I have been respectful despite my pains. Oh and I too have had issues that would blow your mind!!! But I know one key factor as told to me by my mother; sugar is easier to swallow than vinegar….

Please stop all the negativity…
There's an easy way to stop the negativity - they could deliver me the bike they owed me months ago... Or proactively explain what's gone wrong this time rather than leaving me to aggressively chase updates through multiple channels, some public. I also do this publicly so that others can make an informed choice whether they want to trust thousands of dollars with an operation that acts like this - something I wouldn't have done if I knew what to expect.

I'd also point you to the lie that was the first post in this thread - "We plan to update it every week moving forward. - It will be updated here." If this promise was delivered, I'd have no need to say a word.

This is an easy fix for Pushkar, but he doesn't seem to give enough of a s*it to solve it.

If you think Watt Wagons terrible communication and inability to meet the commitments they make is my fault, I sincerely hope you get the kind of customer experience you're defending in future. After waiting months and investing the time I have to try to get some idea where my bike is, I'm all out of sugar.
Sorry. There is ZERO excuse not to communicate.

I am with Tom on this 100%. He made a sale. He collected the money. He has an obligation to keep the customer in the loop if deadlines have come and gone. It is not Wookiee’s job to continue to cater to him if he is not providing details on why his multiple thousands of dollars bike is not being delivered as promised. The dude even paid an extra $480 to not deal with delays. I think at the very least that should be refunded to him.

Come on, why does everyone think that it is ok to continue to ignore the customer, and then try to shame the guy for pointing out the delays? He was told his bike was good to go 3 weeks ago and then nothing. Really? He is the one who is not “sane”? He is just supposed to act like nothing happened even when his tickets and emails get ignored.

Some say sugar and vinegar. Some say squeaky wheel. I don’t think we heard a word from Wooks here until months after his initial timeframe came and went. Seems like he tried your method and decided to switch gears. You act like he owes Pushkar something. I see it the other way. Pushkar owes him a bike.
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No one think that, but some feel, we got the message the first 256789 times :)

Then you must read barnboys post different then I do.

Seems to be the critical updates page is not the place for this guy to find out where his bike is. The email doesn’t work. The ticket on the web page doesn’t work. I guess the other place would be with the 30 rule that was referenced earlier? Google reviews?

So it is not cool to point out watts wagons faults but Luna is free game?
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Then you must read barnboys post different then I do.

Seems to be the critical updates page is not the place for this guy to find out where his bike is. The email doesn’t work. The ticket on the web page doesn’t work. I guess the other place would be with the 30 rule that was referenced earlier? Google reviews? So it is not cool to point out watts wagons faults but Luna is free game?
Absolutely @Zachdds - you read my words with such negativity you misconscrew (pun!) my points. I follow a policy on this forum, and one that many clearly are not aware of….

Voice your grievance and move on….

Clearly you boys can’t use civil language to hold a conversation as clearly noted above. So why would anyone want to talk to you??? That was my point….

I will not and do not need to apologize for Pushkar’s broken promises. Only he can….
If it's my fault I don't have the bike I was promised months ago, and still don't know why (I think we're waiting on the correct saddle after wattwagons cocked that up, but I don't know if there are other issues), I'm open to specific suggestions on how I should handle this better @BarnBoy - sit in silence, find Jesus and pray for the bike to be delivered some time in 2022 if that's not too much to ask?

@Zachdds, I keep updating here because the comms I do receive result in more missed commitments, but for the most part, I get silence no matter the channel. When I updated on the fact that the bike should ship the week of 12/19, it's worth updating weeks later to say that didn't happen, and that I can't get an explanation why or an update.

All this relates to availability - but is the consensus that I should I start a new thread for people to follow up on / vent about the bikes they were promised but never delivered? Seems like that wouldn't be necessary if Pushkar delivered on post 1 in this thread.