Watt Wagons Critical Product Availability Status

I think this is a great place to update your process. This message board is used for potential buyers to form their opinion on how they want to spend thousands of dollars. There is plenty of praise for the bikes and when you get yours I believe it will be sweet.

The cool bikes are part of that decision. Delivering the bike on time is also part of the decision. If scrambler and barnboy don’t want to be party to it, they can ignore us or this thread at anytime.
I stopped posting on here because of the BS, drama, and whiner queens. If you have a problem with Pushkar work it out directly with him offline. That’s the correct way of handling things. People who canceled their order and got refunded need to STFU and go post elsewhere. Your issue has been resolved so no need to keep whining about it. Also repeated daily posts about the same issue gets old quick. Probably why WW doesn’t want to deal with you. I’ve said my part, piece out ✌️
If it's my fault I don't have the bike I was promised months ago, and still don't know why (I think we're waiting on the correct saddle after wattwagons cocked that up, but I don't know if there are other issues), I'm open to specific suggestions on how I should handle this better @BarnBoy - sit in silence, find Jesus and pray for the bike to be delivered some time in 2022 if that's not too much to ask?

@Zachdds, I keep updating here because the comms I do receive result in more missed commitments, but for the most part, I get silence no matter the channel. When I updated on the fact that the bike should ship the week of 12/19, it's worth updating weeks later to say that didn't happen, and that I can't get an explanation why or an update.

All this relates to availability - but is the consensus that I should I start a new thread for people to follow up on / vent about the bikes they were promised but never delivered? Seems like that wouldn't be necessary if Pushkar delivered on post 1 in this thread.
No dude- be civil! Don’t act like the crazed and upset buyer that you clearly are. Don’t bring your fight to a public forum as you have. Call him on the phone. Do not leave a message, text or email. Use the many other phone lines to WW and get a person you can trust since you clearly do not trust Pushkar anymore. I have my contact but he begged me to keep him out of the fray of this kind of madness!!!

So I offer this to you, send me a PM and I will use my contact to help you resolve your issue. All I ask is COMPOSURE and no more of this blamestorm….
Don’t leave an email to the company? Are they that big that they can’t answer email? How about a ticket on watts wagon?

If I am not mistaken Wookie lives in Australia. Maybe he is deaf. Who the hell knows, but he should not be told how to contact the company by someone from a message board. If Pushkar or someone there wanted to talk to him, they could send him an email and ask him to call. Ignoring him is just not right. Leaves him very little options.
Don’t leave an email to the company? Are they that big that they can’t answer email? How about a ticket on watts wagon?

If I am not mistaken Wookie lives in Australia. Maybe he is deaf. Who the hell knows, but he should not be told how to contact the company by someone from a message board. If Pushkar or someone there wanted to talk to him, they could send him an email and ask him to call. Ignoring him is just not right. Leaves him very little options.
Definition of insanity…. Keep doing the same things that fail assuming it will only get better…..

Clearly you didn’t read my words either. I know this forum is international. Selling/shipping this bike and “battery” system outside the continental USA is a challenge. That might be the issue, IDK! Thus why I offered to help liaison communication to WW since @WaxedWookie is having issues using his current communication methods and style…..

If you want real answers getting a live human is the best method, period! I was asked that question and provided my answers. Sorry you didn’t like them…
If you have a problem with Pushkar work it out directly with him offline. That’s the correct way of handling things.
I tried that first - it failed. I've recently updated on the delay in response to my different offline communication threads - should I wait another 3 months for an update to my support ticket? What's the appropriate time to go public with this dumpster fire of a support experience? I should also mention that I've requested a call from Pushkar... No prizes for guessing whether or not that happened.

I've now booked a live chat for the 17th, but don't feel I should have to wait that long for an update. @BarnBoy I appreciate the offer of help, but given my experience to date, I'm past the point where I can guarantee what you'd define as civility - I think my frustration is more than justified. If anyone would like to share a contact number for wattwagons, I'll try giving them a call in US hours to discuss directly.

Alternatively, @pushkar - what's the update?
Absolutely @Zachdds - you read my words with such negativity you misconscrew (pun!) my points. I follow a policy on this forum, and one that many clearly are not aware of….

Voice your grievance and move on….

Clearly you boys can’t use civil language to hold a conversation as clearly noted above. So why would anyone want to talk to you??? That was my point….

I will not and do not need to apologize for Pushkar’s broken promises. Only he can….
Where is this policy stated? Waxed Wookie was providing an update. I don't think it's unreasonable to follow up.

After seeing his positive update before the holidays, and a personal friend finally get their bike, I was hoping Watt Wagons had turned a corner.

Like you, I've never had a problem getting a hold of pushkar. When others complained about lack of updates, I suggested they call, as I found that was the easiest way to get a hold of him. Eventually though, I couldn't in good conscience continue to make up excuses, like telling someone to use sugar instead of vinegar. I apologize for spelling it out, but, that's just BS. At some point you got to keep it real.
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Where is this policy stated? Waxed Wookie was providing an update. I don't think it's unreasonable to follow up.

After seeing the his positive update before the holidays, and a personal friend finally get their bike, I was hoping Watt Wagons had turned a corner.

Like you, I've never had a problem getting a hold of pushkar. When others complained about lack of updates, I suggested they call, as I found that was the easiest way to get a hold of him. Eventually though, I couldn't in good conscience continue to make up excuses, like telling someone to use sugar instead of vinegar. I apologize for spelling it out, but, that's just BS. At some point you got to keep it real.
Lack of civility will not help….

Lack of civility will not help….

Do you think you could cite an example of my Incivility? I ask because while I've used words like misled and ponzi, I think I've justified those claims.

While I don't think I'm being friendly toward wattwagons by any stretch, I don't think I'm being uncivil - My claims are based in fact, and I think my biggest crime is calling a spade a spade.

I should also point out that my "civility" early in the process didn't help either - at least the transparency is a little cathartic.
Barn Boy, It would help if you pointed us to the bolded terms you referred to. As far as civility, I have ignored one poster long ago, so can only see your replies to them. Would suggest you do the same so you don't preach about civility while calling others fools, etc.
Barn Boy, It would help if you pointed us to the bolded terms you referred to. As far as civility, I have ignored one poster long ago, so can only see your replies to them. Would suggest you do the same so you don't preach about civility while calling others fools, etc.
Read this fine post from @Court ….

Thread 'EBR Etiquette (Please Be Kind)'

Edit- @TomD yes I used the word “fool “to @Rome but wanted to use a much harsher word. So yes I was being civil….

  • EBR is meant to be a constructive place, if you're in an uncomfortable position with a company and wish to share about your experience, please be as respectful and professional as possible. This is a two-sided issue, we value transparency and hope that any feedback from one user can help the next, but we don't want this to become a place for negativity and threats. We care about all parties involved and request that you post thoughtfully and with constructive language vs. emotional hurtful language.
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I've read it. I even searched for Voice your grievance and move on to no avail, shrug. Not sure what you were referring to.
This forum used to full of people that cared about ebikes.
I care plenty about ebikes - mostly the status of the one I paid thousands of dollars for and was owed months back. I care so much I'm doing plenty to find out where it is publicly and privately.

It's a bit hard to post about all my great experiences and happy rides with my ebike without that bike.
This forum used to full of people that cared about ebikes.
There are a ton of places in this forum to discuss ebikes and and a whole sub forum to discuss watts wagon ebikes.

The idea that one topic on here discussing the problems with getting the ebikes and specifically the lack of communication about the problems is ruining the whole board is asinine.

You literally have users making up guidelines. Others telling people how they should act. How they should conduct their business. How they should sit in the corner and stay quiet. How if they are not invested in this that they need to “stfu and go post elsewhere”? Who died and made you god? Maybe just maybe those of you that got your ebikes months ago had a different customer experience then those in line now.

Just because you don’t find it productive doesn’t mean others do not.

If you were trying to determine an ebike would you care more about missed deadlines with no communication or installation of a race face plate? No one is jumping in that thread and discussing how it has nothing to do with ebikes or watts wagon. No. People who want to read about it do and others move on. (I personally like the race face plate).
It’s like we’re on two entirely different planets. I have talked to Pushkar once this week and I have talked to Gregg twice this week. My issues were solved shortly after they were notified of them. There is conflict resolution and conflict escalation. Have you ever heard you get out of life what you put into it? You can’t honestly be wondering why they’re not engaging with you.