Watt Wagons Critical Product Availability Status

Now second thoughts arise - recalling 'no good deed goes unpunished', contemplating my reaction to being called a fraud, liar or ponzi artist.
I congratulate Pushkar on attaining god like powers to know the future - in the minds of some - but still see him as fallible, subject to time and unforeseen circumstance.
I am all confused on why you think we are all picking on pushkar. You seem to be taking my reviews of Watts wagon as some personal attack.

Let me give you an example of my one gripe.
The critical product page states that all chips are here for orders placed before 9/1. A recent post states that Wookie's bike will be shipped soon if the chips come in (his original ship date was in Aug). Wookie has to resort to coming on the board to try to get information on his bike that was supposed to be shipped in Aug. I understand that you have stumbled on here recently, but my problems have never been the delays. They have been the promises on a date and then no follow up when that timeframe comes and goes. I personally dealt with this through 3 renditions of the helios. We started aluminum thought are bike was on the way. Switched to carbon, was told the bikes were shipped and in customs. Switched to full suspension and those were due this month. During each one of those phases, we were led to believe that everything was on track until it wasn't. We had to beg for updates as to where our bikes were that we had paid for months and then a year before. Each time we were promised more transparency. I think it is very fair for Wookie to get an explanation as to exactly what parts of his bike are still missing and what the hold up is. He also deserves as accurate of a timeframe as is possible and the right to be refunded if he is not agreeable to the new timeframe. I do believe that if that courtesy had been extended to the founders the project would still be going on.

That has always been the problem. Timeframes (given by the company) come and go and when that happens the company goes quiet. Yes, it is hard to tell the customers the bad news, but that is what is going to either make WW successful or just another one of the hundreds of companies that have tried to produce ebikes.

How would you feel if in 9 months your bike is not here and you can't get anyone to respond to your request?
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Now second thoughts arise - recalling 'no good deed goes unpunished', contemplating my reaction to being called a fraud, liar or ponzi artist.
I congratulate Pushkar on attaining god like powers to know the future - in the minds of some - but still see him as fallible, subject to time and unforeseen circumstance.
On relevant topic, things seem to be picking up in China. The problem is getting the empty containers shipped back takes 2 months - normally - and we have thousands sitting in ports waiting to be emptied first.

Thanks for positive postings.


*Note: Don't give out Phone Number - or it'll be "Sir? I have a collect call from Tasmania" - at 3:00AM
Who called you any of those names? Are you Watt Wagons? I said your posting sounded unhinged, and you haven't done much to dissuade me of that.

I don't expect Pushkar to know the future - I expect him to be reaching out to explain why I don't have the bike I was promised months ago rather than hanging on to my cash in effective silence - I've made that clear in every post I've written, going so far as to bold it. Is your reading comprehension this poor, are you being dishonest, or are you just (as I suspect) a lunatic?

As I said to Acme, I shouldn't be getting generic updates about the state of the shipping industry from outsiders - I should be getting specific, informed updates from the people that owed me a bike months ago.

On the 3am call, let's use your baseless speculation as a thought exercise - How long does Pushkar need to hold my money without explanation before a 3am call is justified (I'm in Australia but understand how timezones work)? I've tried the website, I've tried chat, I've tried support tickets, I've tried email, and now I'm trying the forums - the latest on the forum is that it'll probably be painted soon - after I was told it was painted over a month ago. I'm the one losing sleep over my missing money and bike - given the lack of information, why should I be protective of the sleep of people that have taken thousands of dollars from me, missed commitments, then ignored me?

While we're chatting, I'll be producing a fleet of gold plated electric Rolls Royces - you seem like just the kind of "no questions asked, no update needed - it'll definitely get here someday" kinda client I'm looking for - one of them is yours for my incredibly low founders price of $10K - you'll never see them again at this price, and the resale value alone is incredible - want me to sign you up and send my BTC wallet address?
Updating page once a month doesn't seem unreasonable, hell updating every week wouldn't be unreasonable. In fact:
We plan to update it every week moving forward.
Its been much longer. Even when status hasn't changed for items, knowing stated status/ETAs for items is still up-to-date is informative.

Also even if there is bad news and some item didn't get shipped and new ETA is unknown or whatever it may be... IMO that information should be given. Or don't have the page. Like don't pretend you're being transparent when you're going to filter information. Although if you don't have the page, then you should still be providing this information to customers who have been waiting longer than the originaly stated build time when their order was put in.

IMO this is all just a bad look for WattWagons. Good intentions but execution is a problem, and really its not the delays, everyone is having delays, it making promises:
We plan to update it every week moving forward.
And then not following through. Today 11/29 and page last updated on 9/8. This is not a premium experience.
Updating an Update page com on... why would a reputable company do that? Wasn't there supposed to be a semi weekly you tube channel posting also on info and projects being worked on.
Don't forget the "oppertunitity" to pony up 8 bills for an Ultra motor "PEEK" gear set and new housing, plus shipping, plus ZERO warranty what could go wrong with that?
Wookie did they follow up with you today? Being told your frame was painted a month ago and that it was in paint now is a real slap in the face.

Seems like they think so little of you that they are not willing to take the time to see where your order actually is either this time or on 10/5 when it had supposedly been painted.
I cancelled when they skipped my bike.

When kwseattle got his bike before yours? I mean that seems unusual situation, whoever returning bike cause frame size was wrong and they gave it to next order who wanted that size and color? That bother me at first when it was unclear wtf was going on, but when you learn that it seems reasonable. I got my bike 11 days later, should have been a few less if Fedex didn't take so long. This doesn't seem like huge deal.

You guys still discussing rideability problems with Watt Wagons?
I rode 100 miles in last week. Would have more if not for work, holiday, and a 2 year old taking up time. The end product is great, IMO. Only issues I had with entire process was lack of updates. Took 8 months to get my bike, I never thought to cancel order due to delays. I did think to cancel order due to lack of updates, mainly out of principal. Mostly gave them benefit of the doubt, their intentions generally seem good, just some areas need better execution.

I dunno man think you're trying make big deals over stuff, what happened to having to cancel your order due to plumbing problems? Or was it cause they skipped your bike? Or cause you wanted that Biktrix bike? I don't actually care. Just seem to be derailing thread about updates.
Wookie did they follow up with you today? Being told your frame was painted a month ago and that it was in paint now is a real slap in the face.

Seems like they think so little of you that they are not willing to take the time to see where your order actually is either this time or on 10/5 when it had supposedly been painted.
Still nothing (though I should clarify Pushkar seemed uncertain about the status and said he'd confirm) - I shot another response on my support ticket today, and I'll likely post a new thread with the full content/history of the support ticket in the next couple of days.
You guys still discussing rideability problems with Watt Wagons?
I wish - I'm just trying to figure out what the hold up is on my bike, and when it will arrive.
Took 8 months to get my bike, I never thought to cancel order due to delays. I did think to cancel order due to lack of updates, mainly out of principal. Mostly gave them benefit of the doubt, their intentions generally seem good, just some areas need better execution.
Exactly this (plus the growing fear that I'm going to lose my money) - as I've said in every post, I understand delays happen, but the lack of communication is inexcusable at this point. I have no idea when my bike will ship, what the current hold up is (I only have the scarcest of details on the previous delays after chasing updates), and I'm beginning to worry that Watt Wagons is insolvent considering the Helios refund delays. If I knew what was going on, I'd be a hell of a lot more patient. @pushkar knows we're here - he's active in the forum, I've tagged him, and have even directed him to this thread. We're being ignored. His last post in this thread was over 6 months ago.

@pushkar - get your s*it together, and prioritise communication with those you owed bikes months ago rather than grabbing photos for Instagram to sell more bikes you seemingly can't fulfill, and seeking testers for new parts like PEEK gears and belt tensioners when your history with the Helios should have taught you that new product development is a delay-riddled time sink that will likely prove to be a distraction from your existing obligations to your customers. I'd love a belt drive, but this is no way to run a business.

I'm at the point of passing this to my bank to resolve.
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Here is a quick status that most everyone shoudl see a formal update on this week.

Assembled waiting for motors: Motors showing ETA of Dec 4th. Hope to get these ready to ship by mid next week.

@ paint: Paint is typically 1-2 weeks right now. Will be assembled and ready to assemble /ship in 14 days - 21 days. Some deliveries may be affected by controller availability.

Waiting on critical parts:
1446 -- Kindernay
1521 -- Kindernay

In terms of updates - we are close to being current on most orders. I dont have a concrete plan on end user communications - we haven't focussed on it over the past 60 days since we finally got the parts and were building as they came in.

We have the process and structure down. Will come back with a plan so we can get statuses out on a weekly basis starting this week.
In terms of updates - we are close to being current on most orders. I dont have a concrete plan on end user communications - we haven't focussed on it over the past 60 days since we finally got the parts and were building as they came in.

We have the process and structure down. Will come back with a plan so we can get statuses out on a weekly basis starting this week.
Thank you for the update Pushkar.

I do, however, maintain that the level of communication has been atrocious - while it may not have been a focus for you, you're holding people's money, and when your timelines are missed, without explanation, your commitments to updates are missed, and requests for information via support ticket remain ignored after over a month (I hadn't been told the motors were a problem and had nowhere to get this info - even when I asked), you should absolutely focus on communication with your creditors over general chit chat here.

I look forward to hearing my bike has shipped with the correct saddle and brakes (I anticipate they will be the next little surprise, but would hope I'm wrong) in the next couple of weeks.
Who called you any of those names? Are you Watt Wagons? I said your posting sounded unhinged, and you haven't done much to dissuade me of that.

I don't expect Pushkar to know the future - I expect him to be reaching out to explain why I don't have the bike I was promised months ago rather than hanging on to my cash in effective silence - I've made that clear in every post I've written, going so far as to bold it. Is your reading comprehension this poor, are you being dishonest, or are you just (as I suspect) a lunatic?

As I said to Acme, I shouldn't be getting generic updates about the state of the shipping industry from outsiders - I should be getting specific, informed updates from the people that owed me a bike months ago.

On the 3am call, let's use your baseless speculation as a thought exercise - How long does Pushkar need to hold my money without explanation before a 3am call is justified (I'm in Australia but understand how timezones work)? I've tried the website, I've tried chat, I've tried support tickets, I've tried email, and now I'm trying the forums - the latest on the forum is that it'll probably be painted soon - after I was told it was painted over a month ago. I'm the one losing sleep over my missing money and bike - given the lack of information, why should I be protective of the sleep of people that have taken thousands of dollars from me, missed commitments, then ignored me?

While we're chatting, I'll be producing a fleet of gold plated electric Rolls Royces - you seem like just the kind of "no questions asked, no update needed - it'll definitely get here someday" kinda client I'm looking for - one of them is yours for my incredibly low founders price of $10K - you'll never see them again at this price, and the resale value alone is incredible - want me to sign you up and send my BTC wallet address?
Yeah. Me. Probably just a lunatic.
You. Already shown shooting you're mouth off when current evidence is 100% to the contrary.
I think thou protest too much - with your 'forced into a couple hundred Aussie dollar upgrade on your suspension' problemo.
I don't want you to anything. I think we all get what we deserve.
They have medications for people like you - that are losing sleep. See the appropriate authorities.
If it was my company and you stared talking that trash, I'm sure I'd provide appropriate service. I'd refer you to Legal, Legal would say DO NOT TALK TO THIS POTENTIAL LITIGANT and you'd rave until the shrimp burns on the barbie.
Don't take my advice. Keep raving. Idle threats and criminal accusations always stimulate a positive outcome.
Hope they're more gentle than I am, but it appears they have reasonable people to communicate with first; priorities.
The things you've averred RE: 'the company's intent', is cause for legal action - Bucko.
You sling that crap around there in the outback, just fine. If It was my company and you'd published that 'a ponzi scheme' statement, you'd have already received a cease and desist demand letter, via a process server.
We "Lunatics" play by the rules and some of us are sick of those that don't.
Told you I can't give advice. All I can say is "you can't write and send a registered letter"?
Sneering as I say it, you don't deserve that info. Happy I am, it'll go right over your "I can't sleep" head.
Perhaps bone up on American Civil Legal Procedure? Not my problem and I'm not sympathetic.
I do hope your bank works things out for you. LOL. My dentist told me about a great place to eat.


Winding up a bit Faster n' Furious
Fast n' Furious what's wrong with you? No need for the personal attacks. While I have been supportive of WW, I can appreciate the frustration of @WaxedWookie and others. He has raised many valid points and it shouldn't come to this to get a response. I'd think any purchaser would expect an nquiry as to the status of their order be responded to in a reasonable amount of time, more so if it has been delayed significantly. I just don't understand how these communication issues continue to manifest. Is there really that much going on at WW that emails, texts and phone calls are just ignored? No excuse for this.
I think you made your points very clear by now @WaxedWookie :)
Point taken - I've got my update, I can drop it now.

You. Already shown shooting you're mouth off when current evidence is 100% to the contrary.
Citations needed, champ. What evidence contradicts me? As I said, my next step was a new thread posting ticket logs - but there's no longer any need for that. I feel I've made myself heard.

I think thou protest too much - with your 'forced into a couple hundred Aussie dollar upgrade on your suspension' problemo.
I don't want you to anything. I think we all get what we deserve.
I never said I was forced, and I paid 460 US dollars - are you seeing things, or are you being dishonest? I'm still going with insanity. Blaming me for not getting the bike I was owed months ago confirms that much. No matter - I'm still happy to sell you that gold plated Rolls.

They have medications for people like you - that are losing sleep. See the appropriate authorities.
No need, I got my update - I can rest easier now. If only your issues were so easily solved.

If it was my company and you stared talking that trash, I'm sure I'd provide appropriate service. I'd refer you to Legal, Legal would say DO NOT TALK TO THIS POTENTIAL LITIGANT
If you were my legal counsel, I'd sack you on the spot - that's a fast-track to being out of pocket on a chargeback, or failed litigation and publicised issues that would seriously degrade confidence in your company. Any decent counsel would recognise fault and seek to resolve long before this reached court.

Don't take my advice. Keep raving. Idle threats and criminal accusations always stimulate a positive outcome.
Don't worry - there's no risk of me taking your advice. I'm still curious though - you've dodged the question - how long do I need to be ignored via multiple channels before my reaction is appropriate?

You sling that crap around there in the outback, just fine. If It was my company and you'd published that 'a ponzi scheme' statement, you'd have already received a cease and desist demand letter, via a process server.
I've justified the ponzi statement, and you've failed to meaningfully challenge it, but I'm happy to park that. Are you going to fly a server here to unnecessarily serve me a C&D I don't need to be handed, and will ignore? This is getting silly. If I call you more names, am I in danger of hearing from your jet-setting process server? Lunatic.

As for your outback, shrimp on the barbie noise, it's no surprise you'd come after my nationality given you've failed to make any substantive point.

We "Lunatics" play by the rules and some of us are sick of those that don't.
Handing over thousands of dollars without expecting product or explanation? Lunatic. Did I mention my bargain gold plated Roller? I'll even knock off another 10% for ya.

Told you I can't give advice. All I can say is "you can't write and send a registered letter"?
Sneering as I say it, you don't deserve that info. Happy I am, it'll go right over your "I can't sleep" head.
Perhaps bone up on American Civil Legal Procedure? Not my problem and I'm not sympathetic.
I do hope your bank works things out for you. LOL. My dentist told me about a great place to eat.
Why deal with further delay and cost to send a letter when I've resolved the issue here? No need to bone up on US legal procedure when this can be resolved here - out of court, and as a fallback, my bank would run the charge back.

Good for you and your dentist. We're done here. This is entirely unproductive, and I've got no interest in continuing - you've added nothing of any value to this thread, your rambling is exhausting, your eagerness to jump in to defend this behaviour is nothing short of bizarre, and continuing to engage with you in this way feels ableist - even if I am still keen to offer you that gold plated Rolls Royce.

Be well.
Pushkar. There are a lot of things in business that we have no control over. Customer service is not one of them. It does seem like a slap in the face when you see ww pumping some nicely produced Facebook add, but unable to find the time to let someone like Wookie know why his bike is getting painted twice. The goodwill you have built up on this message board is a testament to you and your high end products, but it is not endless.

F’ing, you know you got problems of Tom calls you out.
Guys just ignore the tool. He obviously likes to jump in the middle of anything. As far as his eloquently writing of his prose is concerned it sounds like he's in JH school wanting to impress his teacher. I can barely follow half of what he says. Didn't your Mama teach you anything? Speak when spoken to and if you don't have anything nice to say shut the F _ _ _ up.

Probably come back at me now.
Fast n' Furious what's wrong with you? No need for the personal attacks. While I have been supportive of WW, I can appreciate the frustration of @WaxedWookie and others. He has raised many valid points and it shouldn't come to this to get a response. I'd think any purchaser would expect an nquiry as to the status of their order be responded to in a reasonable amount of time, more so if it has been delayed significantly. I just don't understand how these communication issues continue to manifest. Is there really that much going on at WW that emails, texts and phone calls are just ignored? No excuse for this.
How do you know he's telling the truth? What valid points?
He accused me of lying. You're okay with him accusing Pushkar of misappropriation of funds and ponzi schemes - while presenting ZERO proof?

Point taken - I've got my update, I can drop it now.

Citations needed, champ. What evidence contradicts me? As I said, my next step was a new thread posting ticket logs - but there's no longer any need for that. I feel I've made myself heard.

I never said I was forced, and I paid 460 US dollars - are you seeing things, or are you being dishonest? I'm still going with insanity. Blaming me for not getting the bike I was owed months ago confirms that much. No matter - I'm still happy to sell you that gold plated Rolls.

No need, I got my update - I can rest easier now. If only your issues were so easily solved.

If you were my legal counsel, I'd sack you on the spot - that's a fast-track to being out of pocket on a chargeback, or failed litigation and publicised issues that would seriously degrade confidence in your company. Any decent counsel would recognise fault and seek to resolve long before this reached court.

Don't worry - there's no risk of me taking your advice. I'm still curious though - you've dodged the question - how long do I need to be ignored via multiple channels before my reaction is appropriate?

I've justified the ponzi statement, and you've failed to meaningfully challenge it, but I'm happy to park that. Are you going to fly a server here to unnecessarily serve me a C&D I don't need to be handed, and will ignore? This is getting silly. If I call you more names, am I in danger of hearing from your jet-setting process server? Lunatic.

As for your outback, shrimp on the barbie noise, it's no surprise you'd come after my nationality given you've failed to make any substantive point.

Handing over thousands of dollars without expecting product or explanation? Lunatic. Did I mention my bargain gold plated Roller? I'll even knock off another 10% for ya.

Why deal with further delay and cost to send a letter when I've resolved the issue here? No need to bone up on US legal procedure when this can be resolved here - out of court, and as a fallback, my bank would run the charge back.

Good for you and your dentist. We're done here. This is entirely unproductive, and I've got no interest in continuing - you've added nothing of any value to this thread, your rambling is exhausting, your eagerness to jump in to defend this behaviour is nothing short of bizarre, and continuing to engage with you in this way feels ableist - even if I am still keen to offer you that gold plated Rolls Royce.

Be well.
Point taken. Full-of-it acknowledged.
I'll take that Rolls - playing by your rules.
So, You deliver, then I pay.
In fact, I'll take a hundred. Old Spanish saying "trapped like a fish by it's mouth' sums it up.
You promised, now your obligated and I'll roast your tail endlessly if you fail.
I bet you'll use the money you promised to build my cars and burn me.
We have an agreement, published here in front of all to see. From the start your intent is fraud. It's Federal too. Using the wires to facilitate fraud; 841 - 853 USC.
That's the difference. You're full-of-it, but WW is a real business in a real world.
They turn mind into matter. You fantasize grandeur, vast success and complain the world won't do it all for you.
I'd no idea a shrimp was your national heritage. My bad, and condolences at the implications.
Your whole role has been to degrade the company - and (just as I predicted) not one retraction.
Certainly gave me a warm fuzzy feeling.
Good to see they even work with Coprolalia patients.
Very encouraging.
I'll take that Rolls - playing by your rules.
So, You deliver, then I pay.
My rules are the rules you've been defending - Pushkar's rules - payment in full up front. You've already spent a lot of time defending that model - don't go getting cold feet now.

BTC segwit address is bc1qv6y9jwf9kclnlt780ul39p60tzkuvhms4zjzz7
At the current exchange rate, that's. 016 BTC.

Time to put up or shut up - you've already told us you'll get the outcome you deserve. There's nothing else worth discussing.

I look forward to more insanity posting that'll be ignored unless the BTC hits the account - anything else is spineless posturing. Show us you believe what you're saying - that you have principles - that you're not an abject coward.
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