Watt Wagons Critical Product Availability Status

I am still waiting for my titanium frame.. lots of "updates" but all talk and no follow through...
Me too. I expect delivery next month. Any change in your info?
Which Ti frame, Commuter or Cross Tour?
Good news. The K VII went down in price to about $1k, and the XIV to about $1385 retail.
I think we're days from finalizing, assembly and then delivery.
Keep the faith!
I heard A bunch of the titanium frames were in and the builds were being held up by late arrival of the Kindernay XII. your stuff will be there soon. You will have the best time ever that bike
I talked to Pushkar a week or so ago about the UC Pro frames. I've found the medium to be too large for me, so we talked about switching the old stock, medium I have for a new framed UC Pro.

Unfortunately, Pushkar said the new smalls are very similar in size to the older mediums, so they won't work for me. There are new re-configured small frames coming and there is also the new Helios ebike coming.
I'd prefer the new Helios frame over the UC Pro frame. I like the titanium frames, but I don't like the cables running on the outside of the frame and the 'add-on' battery.

If I could get a new Helios framed bike, with the same running gear as my UC Pro I'd be one happy camper. 🥳
Latest update:
After my emails to Gregg were ignored, I started copying in Pushkar... after they were ignored, I filed a support ticket.
That support ticket was picked up by Amit, who processed a refund for the difference WattWagons calculated between what I paid for and what they sent me. Nice, but not their decision to make - I've said this isn't an acceptable outcome and requested they send me the parts I ordered.

The programming software password remains unsent, my emails to Gregg and Pushkar remain ignored.
Latest update:
After my emails to Gregg were ignored, I started copying in Pushkar... after they were ignored, I filed a support ticket.
That support ticket was picked up by Amit, who processed a refund for the difference WattWagons calculated between what I paid for and what they sent me. Nice, but not their decision to make - I've said this isn't an acceptable outcome and requested they send me the parts I ordered.

The programming software password remains unsent, my emails to Gregg and Pushkar remain ignored.

Everybody else is up, running and gone and a guy as smart as you, with all your experience and wisdom is still complaining, idle.
I'd so like to be glad for you that you got your bike, but you make it sound like negotiating Dante's inferno and everything went wrong.
It's so depressing, is there anything you've found to your satisfaction? Maybe the grips?

And, you're dropping names in close association with WW's split-off rival. An errant disclosure, but I note you say "it's a Good thing" you ordered another bike from [WW's competition] ... when you don't have the bike yet ?
Sounds like real trust and a better relationship with them. I hope that works out.

Clicked on the page, seems like he has the same issues as WW with getting frames. Is what it is....
Clicked on the page, seems like he has the same issues as WW with getting frames. Is what it is....
My new bike order due April 15th 2022 now shipping April 2023. So many products are unobtanium. Shanghai locked down. Not looking good.

4 or 5 ships waiting for a berth in the Port of Vancouver alone.
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It's bonkers to think how much maritime shipping happens on any given day. Even worse that these things burn what is essentially tar at room temperature... I bet 15% of it is 1000 flavors of the same cheap garbage bound for an Amazon warehouse :p

In more positive news WW got back to me and told me they can get my order shipped to arrive before the end of this month - I know I've heard it before but in the past week I've seen quite a few people get their Hydras so this time I let that spark a little hope in me.
So Amit sent me the software info and updated to say that they made the call to send me the downgraded parts to avoid further delay. I'd chalked it up to incompetence, but this leaves 2 alarming possibilities I can see:
  1. They sold me parts they didn't have and couldn't get in the 9 months it took to fulfil my bike, downgraded them without telling me, and hoped I wouldn't notice.
  2. They sold me parts they did have, gave them to someone else, couldn't procure replacements, downgraded them without telling me, and hoped I wouldn't notice.
Now to be fair, Amit has refunded the difference (as calculated by Wattwagons) and said he'd ship the parts "in a reasonable time", but this was only after the downgrades were pointed out.
As a kicker, the 5W (though not 8w) Satiator is available today from Grin, and WattWagons still advertise the pedals I ordered in spite of the unreasonable lead times for supply.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again - the supply issues are largely (though not completely) out of Wattwagons' control - I take issue with the way that they conduct business around those issues.

@Acme, feel free to step in and provide an explanation that doesn't leave people with the conclusion that Wattwagons are engaging in unethical, arguably fraudulent conduct - It's clear @pushkar is nowhere to be seen. I'm sure he's working hard to make sure the X-tours he's selling amount to more than renders and more broken promises.
So Amit sent me the software info and updated to say that they made the call to send me the downgraded parts to avoid further delay. I'd chalked it up to incompetence, but this leaves 2 alarming possibilities I can see:
  1. They sold me parts they didn't have and couldn't get in the 9 months it took to fulfil my bike, downgraded them without telling me, and hoped I wouldn't notice.
  2. They sold me parts they did have, gave them to someone else, couldn't procure replacements, downgraded them without telling me, and hoped I wouldn't notice.
Now to be fair, Amit has refunded the difference (as calculated by Wattwagons) and said he'd ship the parts "in a reasonable time", but this was only after the downgrades were pointed out.
As a kicker, the 5W (though not 8w) Satiator is available today from Grin, and WattWagons still advertise the pedals I ordered in spite of the unreasonable lead times for supply.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again - the supply issues are largely (though not completely) out of Wattwagons' control - I take issue with the way that they conduct business around those issues.

@Acme, feel free to step in and provide an explanation that doesn't leave people with the conclusion that Wattwagons are engaging in unethical, arguably fraudulent conduct - It's clear @pushkar is nowhere to be seen. I'm sure he's working hard to make sure the X-tours he's selling amount to more than renders and more broken promises.
Did you get the bike out of customs and are now riding it after all of this mess?
Did you get the bike out of customs and are now riding it after all of this mess?
Yeah - after spending another $2K.
...Though I've now realised they also forgot or deliberately left out the programming cable - endless problems.
Someone else recently told that they had gotten stiffed on the cable.
I also paid for the cable and have never received anything. Its been nearly two years since my order. They did fix most of the other things they got wrong with my order after I complained. I also had a downgrade that they did not mention that I only got credit for once I complained.