Solid e-Scooter Tire Installation


Well-Known Member
Petaluma, CA
I know it is not an electric bike. But there is some overlap between bikes and scooters with many users owing both. Solid scooter tires have real advantages, such as no flats. They are very hard to get on a rim. I discovered an easy way. First get yourself a Park Tool PH-10. That is a foot long 10mm p-wrench. Heat the tire for 20 minutes at 200 F to soften and expand it. Cover the rim with dish soap and place down some card board in front of a chair. Put the tire on the card board while seated and put two feet on the rim pressing down. The PH-10 fits into the perimeter holes. Use it to lever the tire on. It takes 90 seconds with no sweat.
pictures, or it didn't happen
Hey, that is quoting me. The thing is that it takes all four limbs! You would need to set up a video camera or have a second person. I failed with motorcycle levers, and pry bars. Someone will post a video because it it so cool and works. I hate to admit, it took four hours to come up with the 90 second solution. I was covered in sweat and gave up three times. The lady wants me to make an electric bike for her so I couldn't just say __ it. She is testing a bike in the morning. What's the best is that you get the Chinese scooter-tire-tea to drink after!
I use the Lemmon/Lime slime. It adds a smooth texture to the Chinese Tire Tea.

i have heard using the Microwave for 3 minutes and then another 3 minuts or soacking in hot water
those 10' tires are very hard to take off and put on