Our Rides in Words, Photos & Videos

Another ho hum albeit chilly day on the trails. It was 2C when I departed on my ride. After a routine run through MacKenzie Bluff, I stopped by the bank of the local tributary and took in the solitude of the surroundings.



The local beavers have been busy of late. 🦫


Occasionally I’ll ride something other than the single tracks on my weekly outings. The Riverbend Ring is one such place. The south portion of the ring sees little use during the most of the year but is transformed into a groomed venue for local XC skiers during the winter season.



View from the top after rounding the south portion of the ring. Last year around this time the trails were already covered in snow creating a winter wonderland of sorts.

Some of you might remember this footage shot eight months ago.

It’s a great way to celebrate the kid in yourself with broad sweeping turns and a few exhilarating downhill runs. Of course, It can be just as much fun riding snow on studs… just might have to knock the speed down a notch or two. ;)
Great post Stefan, makes me wish I'd be cycling in Poland! After several cycle touring trips in Europe, my wife and I had plans on coming to Poland in Sept. 2020 and doing the Eurovelo 10 from Świnoujście to Elbląg and from there turning onto the Green Velo and going as far as 3 weeks would take us. But then Covid came along, and all was quashed. Hoping to still do that tour in 2022, but I'm not getting younger and time is running out. Although we have ebikes, we have been riding regular bikes in Europe. Usually we do aound 1,000km and the longest trip was from Rotterdam to Chur along the Rhine, 1,430km. I know that the cycling infrastructure in Poland is not at the level of the places we already travelled, but I speak Polish and am looking forward to coming to Poland. Happy Independence Day!
So much of the US is so regulated, thats what struck me the most last time I visited.
Us brits are far more, do what you like a long as you are polite and sensible.
Our 'No.....xxxxxxx'.
Are more notifications that someone wrote a law once..but hes not here and no one seems arsed.
"long as you are polite and sensible" might be what’s missing over here. 🤷‍♂️
"long as you are polite and sensible" might be what’s missing over here. 🤷‍♂️
I found most Americans to be very polite, but I did visit Colorado Springs and New Eng
Enjoying 11th of November, or the Poland's Independence Day...

...in peaceful and remote West Pomeranian Wilderness. (Surprised so many stores seem to be working during the holiday, and the pizzeria performs flawlessly!) Meanwhile, Warsaw suffers yet another Independence March organized by our own variety of Nazis, with full blessing of the State :(

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Enjoying the Nature...

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They say all fungi are edible (at least once) :D

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Weather Predicting Stone :D (You know it: when it is dry it's not raining etc). Strangely enough, it was not raining yet the Stone was wet! :D

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And the most importantly, enjoying @Brix in her hometown!

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Busting the "gravity anomaly" myth, Magic Hill between Tuczno and Wałcz. There is an apparent ascent, with objects and vehicles rolling uphill there.

Until you use a level. It is a 0.6% descent not ascent!

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Problems memorizing TUCZNO? Think of TUCSON :D
I have no idea how these things are celebrated across Europe, we had a minutes silence today for the war dead., it is very well supported.
I have no idea how these things are celebrated across Europe, we had a minutes silence today for the war dead., it is very well supported.
11th of November 1918 didn't only mark the end of WW I. On that day, Józef Piłsudski (who was released from a German prison) declared the independence of Poland in Warsaw, which we recognize until this day.
So much of the US is so regulated, thats what struck me the most last time I visited.
Us brits are far more, do what you like a long as you are polite and sensible.
Our 'No.....xxxxxxx'.
Are more notifications that someone wrote a law once..but hes not here and no one seems arsed.
That depends on where you visit! The vast majority of the Natchez Parkway runs through Mississippi. There’s not much you cannot do in Mississippi. That National Park guide forgot to mention one thing though - you shouldn’t ride a bicycle through Jackson Mississippi - at anytime of the day.
There wasn’t much improvement weather wise on my ride today. Despite the forecast which was calling for sunny skies, the sun never made an appearance making it seem even colder than 2 C. Trails remain in excellent condition and the lack of deciduous foliage along the Bluff trail makes it that much easier to spot minor obstructions. Meanwhile, snow is in the forecast for Sunday but around these parts, weather is unpredictable.


As I was going about riding my normal loop, I spotted a couple of yearling moose just as I was about to enter the Pines single track. It appeared that they were licking the salt off the nearby frozen stream. With an abundance of parkland, moose sightings around here can be fairly common even though they are relatively shy creatures.


Oops, wrong pic. My moose-take! 😊



Catching some air at Garden Heights.


As a a bit of a change up, I decided to head up a hilly trail that I’ve only ridden once before.

The Trance's torquey Yamaha motor has never disappointed. 👍

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