Our Rides in Words, Photos & Videos

Heres a few pics from my visit to Bude in Cornwall after Devon.

We rented a little lodge just out of town that used to be a fishing centre, the pond us still full of huge carp and the missus, who is scared of everything smaller than a cat, was completely at ease swimming with them bumping into her.

Bude is right on the border with Devon and is the top part of that leg of England that sticks out under Wales.
Its a great surfing beach, full of nightlife, trendy bars and great places to eat.
Its where we filmed those morris dancers.

The canal went past our lodge and straight to the sea and we could cycle it in 5 minutes and walk back pissed in the dark in 50.
This is where the canal goes past the sea front bars, all very trendy and atmospheric at night.

The beach is dominated by a sea swimming pool and it attracts all manner of overweight people who take great delight in diving into the flokkin freezin water in the tiniest costumes possible.
The wife wears a wetsuit, fancies herself as a watersports expert but still holds her nose jumping in from 3ft.

Its classic British seafront, fish and chips, cornish pasties, bars with people who look like pirates and sound like them.
The local accent is very ooh and aarrr, but also has that gaining pitch and rise at the end which just has to be the ancestor of that American style that I have no idea where it comes from.
Its all errrrr at the end
I used to have it and everyone thought I was American.
I used to pronounce spider... spyduuurh.

Cornwall was ground zero for tin production and the old mine buildings can be found all along its coast perched precariously on the huge cliff edges with the mines extending many miles out under the sea, relying on newly invented steam pumps to keep them dry.
It was a major driver of the industrial revolution and in its day was seen as a harsh and unforgiving landscape, but now relies on tourism as the same landscale is now beautiful to modern eyes.
Theres actually few true Cornish left, the towns are full of city folk who have moved there, pushing uo house prices through the stratosphere and turning fishing villages into Kensington by the sea
Went out this late afternoon to try a new front light. Treated myself to the Moon Canopus. Found it on line in a sale at £129 GBP, reduced from £295. If you’re interested, I got it from JE James Cycles.

Turns out, it is a very good light, far more settings than I need, but if I have it on at 3000 lumens, it will run for 2’30”. So not too bad.

For the last few months, many of the cycle tracks and roads have been shut due the rebuilding of the East-West Railway (EWR) line. On this evening’s ride I went up to where I normally turn round due to the road closure, but on this occasion they were just removing the road closed and diversion signs. The chappie said to me, “that the road was now open and I would be the first cyclist to ride on the new bridge that they had been constructing”.

Not wanting to miss a record, off I went to look see. They’re still working in the area but it’s nice that the road has reopened and gives us some more flexibility where we can ride.

At the moment, it looks clean and fresh, with no graffiti daubed on it; I’ll have to see how long this lasts.

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Spring morning…

Leaving Home

Leaving home.
Tuesday, 5:30 am

R&M's front bag is loaded with breakfast goodies: hot chocolate, rusks, local fruit-in-season (aka mango & papaya), warm muffins…

A stop by to the river (as the morning mist lifts?) has been planned. We'll see.
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I went out to ride the Natchez Trace Parkway for the first time on my ebike. I haven’t ridden it many times because I have to load my bike up and drive 20 miles to get there. The Natchez Trace Parkway is a national park highway that has limited access and no commercial truck traffic. It’s 444 miles long. I only rode out 12 miles and back.

It felt like it has more bicycles on then cars. It’s very popular with bikers. Beautiful day for a ride so I was really enjoying it.


Just a nice cruise. No stops so my mph average got pretty inflated.



I like pulling my bike out and riding but that is a ride that is worth loading it up and driving out to.
Spring morning…

View attachment 106223
Leaving home.
Tuesday, 5:30 am

R&M's front bag is loaded with breakfast goodies: hot chocolate, rusks, local fruit-in-season (aka mango & papaya), warm muffins…

A stop by to the river (as the morning mist lifts?) has been planned. We'll see.
Rough life you have there. I hope there was a restaurant nearby to get some real food! ;)
Change of the plans...

Almost any bike parked there had rotten, totally rusted drivetrain. Shame! Nobody seems to hear about drivetrain maintenance. Nobody's using a bike rain-cover. I could spot only several bikes stored in corridors of the house. Probably the only people really loving their bikes... Because elevators are huge here and there is no problem to lift a bike upstairs. Shame on you, Poles!
Signs of a good sex life:
Yesterday was a bit on the chilly side but with current daytime/night temps still hovering above the historical average, it’s hard to find reason to complain. With balaclava fitted under my helmet and warmer gloves on to keep warm from the biting wind, there wasn't much else to do but continue on riding. :cool:

Screenshot 2021-11-09 at 09-08-36 Red Deer, Alberta 7 Day Weather Forecast - The Weather Network.jpg

Portions of Waskasoo Creek were frozen over as I made my way towards the trail head.



The entry down into MacKenzie Bluff.


Negotiating a tricky slope near the top of the embankment.


View from the top of the Bluff

Log strewn and root riddled sections of the Pine’s single track.


A brief stop over at Heritage Ranch paddock to visit a few familiar friends. What's up with the long faces? ;)

The trails continue to be in bare, excellent condition with the exception of leaves covering some sections at The Pines. Bonus wildlife feature at 4:45 of the video.

Three brothers and a friend

Cattle : Fairney View, Queensland

Mist Rising: Fairney View
Alongside Brisbane Valley RT

I wasn't too confident in coming home from my misty breakfast ride with anything to share. Photos of cattle? Yes: I was desperate!

'Line up in proper order for your photo!' I hollered at the stragglers.

And they did: 248, 249, 250! (But no smiles.)

3 Young Brahmans

I've no idea who their white friend with the green ear tag was.

Oh, the simple pleasures of a morning ebike ride in the country.
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Greetings from the West Pomeranian Wilderness!

So Brix and I are in Tuczno (Tütz) in the West Pomerania, Poland. I was wondering what really made the area so depopulated and far less picturesque than you can see on this old photo:

The answer is: World War II.

The area we are currently in was one of the last defence lines of the German Army in 1945, and it was known as the Pomeranian Wall. The fight was especially heavy in Tütz, leaving the town almost completely demolished.
School buildings have survived. And now we live at a guesthouse made in the former school.

EDIT: The text in italics is wrong. The fighting didn't involve Tütz. After the Soviet Army entered the town, the usual war atrocities were completed with looting, exploding the castle (later rebuilt), and demolishing almost all of buildings. The bricks from demolition were later used to rebuild Warsaw that had been earlier demolished by the Nazi... Sad stories.


Brix (Ewa) was raised in Tuczno. The guesthouse owner is a businessman who has always been active in the local community. And he could recognize Ewa despite of huge age difference between both of them! Oh, Tuczno is among the smallest Polish towns... With the majority of its population working abroad.


Positive things? If you order a pizza here, it is huge, rich, and inexpensive 🙂 On the other hand, getting coffee early in the morning requires a nine mile drive through fog and with wild animals crossing the road in front of you! 🤣 That's because there is only a single petrol station around!

Our current location (the blue point) in the map of East Europe. See how close we are to Berlin!
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Three brothers and a friend

View attachment 106362
Mist Rising: Fairney View
Alongside Brisbane Valley RT

I wasn't too confident in coming home from my misty breakfast ride with anything to share. Photos of cattle? Yes: I was desperate!

'Line up in proper order for your photo!' I hollered at the stragglers.

And they did: 248, 249, 250! (But no smiles.)

View attachment 106366

I've no idea who their white friend with the green ear tag was.

Oh, the simple pleasures of a morning ebike ride in the country.
The mundane becomes interesting from the right view point.
Yesterday was a bit on the chilly side but with current daytime/night temps still hovering above the historical average, it’s hard to find reason to complain. With balaclava fitted under my helmet and warmer gloves on to keep warm from the biting wind, there wasn't much else to do but continue on riding. :cool:

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Portions of Waskasoo Creek were frozen over as I made my way towards the trail head.

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The entry down into MacKenzie Bluff.
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Negotiating a tricky slope near the top of the embankment.

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View from the top of the Bluff
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Log strewn and root riddled sections of the Pine’s single track.
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A brief stop over at Heritage Ranch paddock to visit a few familiar friends. What's up with the long faces? ;)
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The trails continue to be in bare, excellent condition with the exception of leaves covering some sections at The Pines. Bonus wildlife feature at 4:45 of the video.

That vid feels like home...nice edit, scenery gorgeous
Greetings from the West Pomeranian Wilderness!

So Brix and I are in Tuczno (Tütz) in the West Pomerania, Poland. I was wondering what really made the area so depopulated and far less picturesque than you can see on this old photo:
View attachment 106377
The answer is: World War II.

The area we are currently in was one of the last defence lines of the German Army in 1945, and it was known as the Pomeranian Wall. The fight was especially heavy in Tütz, leaving the town almost completely demolished.
School buildings have survived. And now we live at a guesthouse made in the former school.

EDIT: The text in italics is wrong. The fighting didn't involve Tütz. After the Soviet Army entered the town, the usual war atrocities were completed with looting, exploding the castle (later rebuilt), and demolishing almost all of buildings. The bricks from demolition were later used to rebuild Warsaw that had been earlier demolished by the Nazi... Sad stories.

View attachment 106378
Brix (Ewa) was raised in Tuczno. The guesthouse owner is a businessman who has always been active in the local community. And he could recognize Ewa despite of huge age difference between both of them! Oh, Tuczno is among the smallest Polish towns... With the majority of its population working abroad.

View attachment 106380
Positive things? If you order a pizza here, it is huge, rich, and inexpensive 🙂 On the other hand, getting coffee early in the morning requires a nine mile drive through fog and with wild animals crossing the road in front of you! 🤣 That's because there is only a single petrol station around!View attachment 106386
Our current location (the blue point) in the map of East Europe. See how close we are to Berlin!
Nice, but where are those weird places Czechy..slwocja.
All maps should be from Englands perspective..I demand it.🙂
I looked up that defence, the Poles and the Russians fought alongside to defeat it, and how things turned out.
I went out to ride the Natchez Trace Parkway for the first time on my ebike. I haven’t ridden it many times because I have to load my bike up and drive 20 miles to get there. The Natchez Trace Parkway is a national park highway that has limited access and no commercial truck traffic. It’s 444 miles long. I only rode out 12 miles and back.

It felt like it has more bicycles on then cars. It’s very popular with bikers. Beautiful day for a ride so I was really enjoying it.

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Just a nice cruise. No stops so my mph average got pretty inflated.
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I like pulling my bike out and riding but that is a ride that is worth loading it up and driving out to.
So much of the US is so regulated, thats what struck me the most last time I visited.
Us brits are far more, do what you like a long as you are polite and sensible.
Our 'No.....xxxxxxx'.
Are more notifications that someone wrote a law once..but hes not here and no one seems arsed.
Enjoying 11th of November, or the Poland's Independence Day...

...in peaceful and remote West Pomeranian Wilderness. (Surprised so many stores seem to be working during the holiday, and the pizzeria performs flawlessly!) Meanwhile, Warsaw suffers yet another Independence March organized by our own variety of Nazis, with full blessing of the State :(


Enjoying the Nature...


They say all fungi are edible (at least once) :D


Weather Predicting Stone :D (You know it: when it is dry it's not raining etc). Strangely enough, it was not raining yet the Stone was wet! :D


And the most importantly, enjoying @Brix in her hometown!


Busting the "gravity anomaly" myth, Magic Hill between Tuczno and Wałcz. There is an apparent ascent, with objects and vehicles rolling uphill there.

Until you use a level. It is a 0.6% descent not ascent!


Problems memorizing TUCZNO? Think of TUCSON :D
Another ho hum albeit chilly day on the trails. It was 2C when I departed on my ride. After a routine run through MacKenzie Bluff, I stopped by the bank of the local tributary and took in the solitude of the surroundings.



The local beavers have been busy of late. 🦫


Occasionally I’ll ride something other than the single tracks on my weekly outings. The Riverbend Ring is one such place. The south portion of the ring sees little use during the most of the year but is transformed into a groomed venue for local XC skiers during the winter season.



View from the top after rounding the south portion of the ring. Last year around this time the trails were already covered in snow creating a winter wonderland of sorts.

Some of you might remember this footage shot eight months ago.

It’s a great way to celebrate the kid in yourself with broad sweeping turns and a few exhilarating downhill runs. Of course, It can be just as much fun riding snow on studs… just might have to knock the speed down a notch or two. ;)
Great post Stefan, makes me wish I'd be cycling in Poland! After several cycle touring trips in Europe, my wife and I had plans on coming to Poland in Sept. 2020 and doing the Eurovelo 10 from Świnoujście to Elbląg and from there turning onto the Green Velo and going as far as 3 weeks would take us. But then Covid came along, and all was quashed. Hoping to still do that tour in 2022, but I'm not getting younger and time is running out. Although we have ebikes, we have been riding regular bikes in Europe. Usually we do aound 1,000km and the longest trip was from Rotterdam to Chur along the Rhine, 1,430km. I know that the cycling infrastructure in Poland is not at the level of the places we already travelled, but I speak Polish and am looking forward to coming to Poland. Happy Independence Day!