Our Rides in Words, Photos & Videos

A friend of mine in his 40s got covid, spent a month in a hospital, and could die (it was before the vaccines were available). Now, my fully vaccinated female friend is in a hospital with covid: she writes me she's not very ill.

This. Something can affect something else but something takes an effect :)

The moose can certainly be dangerous yet I am more afraid to be hit by a running doe or deer while riding an e-bike in a forest. We have at least three large regions of Poland full of large quadrupeds (West Pomerania, Podlasie, and the KPN), where such animals were crossing my path at their full speed. Honestly, I am less and less motivated to ride in forests; the road is my girlfriend :)
Getting English lessons from a non native speaker.
Nothing new here 😄
Im on a mini break with the grandchild, only an hour away up the coast, staying in basically a holiday resort.
Its not really my kind of thing, but I will admit its a very good one and the accomodation is top notch.
All the festivities are really well done and the little one is loving it.

Been out on the bike following the offroad segways around the trails, weathers good, had twenty cups of coffee, watched 10 different children entertainers.
Played the most awesome crazy prate golf, rode the bike around the course when no one was looking.

Anyway, the sand is nice and cold on the beach, so I rode this little ridge, looks pretty cool.
Crash consequence... only sand in my shorts.


The stars aligned today and I finally got out on my bike again, it was very mild for mid November so I headed up into the Campsie Hills and had a real blast! :D For the most part the weather was kind, although it did close in a bit when I climbed the summit at the far end and it started to rain! Thankfully it cleared up as I descended, this was the view from the top!


So it was a little damp down the big descent which took me 3 minutes longer than my fastest time but it was still a lot of fun! The Autumn colours were in full bloom today, I love this time of year!


This is the view from the other side of my first big descent, you can see the road I blasted down which really makes you smile from ear to ear!😁The last time I climbed this hill which doesn't make you smile so much!;)


Its good to see our reservoirs back to normal, quite a difference from earlier this year!


Bottom of the first descent, looking nice in the Autumn colours!


I hope this mild weather lasts but I wouldn't be surprised if it snows soon!;) What a fun day that was, I really missed getting out for the last 9 days! I just hope I can get out more this month, no more 9 day breaks if I can help it!🤞


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Actually, both effect and affect can be nouns and verbs, depending on what you mean to say:

and effect are sometimes confused. Affect conveys influence over something that already exists, but effect indicates the manifestation of new or original ideas or entities:

  • "...new policies have effected major changes in government."
  • "...new policies have affected major changes in government."
The former indicates that major changes were made as a result of new policies, while the latter indicates that before new policies, major changes were in place, and that the new policies had some influence over these existing changes.

The verbal noun uses of affect are distinguished from the verbal noun uses of effect more clearly than the regular verb forms. An affect is something that acts or acted upon something else. However, an effect is the result of an action (by something else)."

(from Wiktionary...)
Actually, both effect and affect can be nouns and verbs, depending on what you mean to say:

and effect are sometimes confused. Affect conveys influence over something that already exists, but effect indicates the manifestation of new or original ideas or entities:

  • "...new policies have effected major changes in government."
  • "...new policies have affected major changes in government."
The former indicates that major changes were made as a result of new policies, while the latter indicates that before new policies, major changes were in place, and that the new policies had some influence over these existing changes.

The verbal noun uses of affect are distinguished from the verbal noun uses of effect more clearly than the regular verb forms. An affect is something that acts or acted upon something else. However, an effect is the result of an action (by something else)."

(from Wiktionary...)
Yep, English lessons. Must be a classy forum. Anyone want to quote some Shakespeare? I can't remember anything that seems appropriate...
Yep, English lessons. Must be a classy forum. Anyone want to quote some Shakespeare? I can't remember anything that seems appropriate...
A rose is a rose except when it's a bike!

I kind of picked up along the way that if you could replace the word with IMPACT, than it was AFFECT.
“As flies to wanton boys so are we to the gods…they kill us for sport”
You sound like you had a really nasty English and/or Composition teacher .... I got hung up trying to remember any quotes about travel at all ... any rides on horses since he didn't have an ebike?
I just read Robert McCrum’s new book Shakespearean
It’s about Shakespeare’s relevance in our fraught times. A page turner believe it or not
I just pulled that quote from the dusty closet of my mind but it certainly comments on the existential scenarios we are dealing with today
A bike, a bike, my kingdom for a bike!

This one captures the feeling I get on my bike sometimes:
When I bestride him, I soar, I am a hawk: he trots the air; the earth sings when he touches it; the basest horn of his hoof is more musical than the pipe of Hermes.
Zeus, bring that ball back here!

Great Dane : Deception Bay, SE Queensland

Deception Bay, SE Queensland
9:25 am; 62 km
As is so often the case, the tide was out when, about three hours after setting off from Brisbane, I arrived at my Moreton Bay Cycleway turnaround point. The bay had drained out into the Coral Sea* and left the shallows to the dog-walkers. (Paddle boarders could have it to themselves later!)

As I sat in the shade of a tulip tree, a local man and his two dogs were having a game of fetch-the-ball fifty or sixty metres — I'm useless at judging distances! — from the shoreline. The pooches seemed to be taking it in turns to retrieve the tossed ball which was why the elder of the two missed out on being snapped by the paparazzi; either that or the youngster in the photo was simply more interested in licking his (obviously?) nose than chasing after a ball! (Not one of my party tricks!)
* Coral Sea (warm) : South Pacific off Queensland and northern New South Wales.
* Tasman Sea (cooler) : South Pacific between NSW and New Zealand.
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Went out on the bike today as feeling better. First ride for a few days.

Weather was chilly and cloudy, so plenty of layers, but at least it was dry for us.

We went to Grafham Water Reservoir in Huntingdonshire. Took a picnic with us and made a day of it.

There were some Fly Fishermen trying to find some fish as they said that, not a lot was biting.

The trees were looking good in their Autumnal colours, but the fallen leaves were a bit slippery in some areas, but caused no concerns. The water was surprisingly clear, given that it is Autumn with a lot of debris around.

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Went out on the bike today as feeling better. First ride for a few days.

Weather was chilly and cloudy, but at least it was dry for us. We went to Grafham Water Reservoir in Huntingdonshire.

There were some Fly Fishermen trying to find some fish as they said that, not a lot was biting.

The trees were looking good in their Autumnal colours, but the fallen leaves were a bit slippy in some areas, but caused no concerns. The water was surprisingly clear, given that it is Autumn with a lot of debris around.

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Good to see you were able to get out and ride.
Hi all!
I'm totally disgusted with the Autumn we are experiencing. It is 2 C, wet and foggy. For this reason I'm riding out only every second day, only in the evenings (need to work on daytime), and only for small grocery shopping. Interestingly, my "medium" Winter clothing is perfectly adequate; on the other hand, my rides are short.

The coming Saturday is promised to be pretty warm as for the season (+11 C is perfect for me nowadays), dry, and with strong wind. I have booked a demo ride on a Specialized Creo E5 with Specialized Brand Store. I hope I will be able to report something interesting for you! :) (I wonder If I would be able to ride upwind in the drops).

Ah, why didn't I buy a Creo before? :) (Short answer: Because I couldn't do grocery shopping with this e-bike!)


My coming Saturday's ride, in exactly the colour I'm getting.