Our Rides in Words, Photos & Videos

a ride along the Clacamas river. we had to turn around as a mudslide blocked the road. little waterfalls and fog in the hills. I cant tell what the plants are its winter but they are growing they look like a primeval forrest.
We are allowed to travel 5 miles outside our boundaries but today I stretched it by 2 miles (what a rebel🤣)
How far does your jail yard...opps, I mean "boundary" ... extend mile-wise because a metric century in a confined area is very impressive. Especially done on a cold day with spotty ice on the roads. Just curious . And I do apologize if you described those boundry limits elsewhere and I wasn't paying attention.
How far does your jail yard...opps, I mean "boundary" ... extend mile-wise because a metric century in a confined area is very impressive. Especially done on a cold day with spotty ice on the roads. Just curious . And I do apologize if you described those boundry limits elsewhere and I wasn't paying attention.
The boundary actually stretches 30 miles north to south and 19 miles east to west so it is a fair size, I am actually almost smack bang in the middle! However to the west is densely populated so for the most part its a no go area, the south is a little less populated and the east is the least populated, the north is rugged terrain and is mainly used in better weather! The east is my favourite direction but is mainly untreated back roads!

Thanks. Interesting that your government can do a plan like that and get the population to agree. It definitely wouldn't fly over here, especially in the current political atmosphere which, friends and critics agree, is a complete dumpster fire being tackled with just tiny paper cups of water. We can only hope big fire hoses will be turned on it full blast come Wednesday.

Good that you can keep riding, and even enjoy the heady rush of being a bit of a scofflaw by extending a toe over the line now and again. Here's hoping your vaccine rollout is both fast and effective so your stories and photos can be further reaching soon. I'm going to hope the same for myself, although I'm not confident enough to put any money on the odds.
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First of all @RabH, congratulations for your metric century, especially now, in Winter, and during lockdown!
Now, the news for Poland is the mild Winter shall return here soon, with temperatures around +1 C since the coming Tuesday. Cannot wait!
The abandoned paddock …
Brisbane Valley Rail Trail, Fairney View

Brisbane Valley Rail Trail
Fairney View
The cyclists had the trail all to ourselves. This is where we often meet up with Humpty the Camel, but not today. Too lush? Bad news: rain poured down during the afternoon.
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Thanks. Interesting that your government can do a plan like that and get the population to agree. It definitely wouldn't fly over here, especially in the current political atmosphere which, friends and critics agree, is a complete dumpster fire being tackled with just tiny paper cups of water. We can only hope big fire hoses will be turned on it full blast come Wednesday.

Good that you can keep riding, and even enjoy the heady rush of being a bit of a scofflaw by extending a toe over the line now and again. Here's hoping your vaccine rollout is both fast and effective so your stories and photos can be further reaching soon. I'm going to hope the same for myself, although I'm not confident enough to put any money on the odds.
Thank you! I wish I could tell a proper story like your good self, your posts are always a great read! 👍 Our lockdown rules are actually written in law so we are duty bound to abide by them! I don't think the police would hammer me for being a mile or 2 outside the 5 mile boundary law though, fingers crossed!

I hope everything will be sorted in your neck of the woods soon, it sure has been a traumatic time!

@Stefan Mikes I hope you are right about the weather improving, can't have you going out in big snowdrifts again!;)
don't think the police would hammer me for being a mile or 2 outside the 5 mile boundary law though, fingers crossed!

@Stefan Mikes I hope you are right about the weather improving, can't have you going out in big snowdrifts again!;)
They better not, as your PM has certainly led by example when he cycled 2 miles out of his own legally defined containment area. Heck, you wouldn't even need a lawyer to contest the charge.
A bit of random trivia... can anyone identify what these chevron structures are used for? ;)

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Perhaps a method of diverting storm water from the top of the hill as way of preventing erosion? Then again you folks likely won't receive that much precip to warrant building a structure such as this.

Okay, I just noticed that you just beat me to the buzzer! ;)
Blizzard (And Other Adventures)

I had known that would be a cold day. Suffice to say, the weather forecast of 20s F and strong wind made me wear my Winter Armour Ultimate for the Saturday' s ride. Consisting of some 30 individual items, it now includes five clothing layers on the torso, four for the legs, heated socks and insoles as well as double gloves. I rode out quite early for me, at 8:47 am. The ride out was quite uneventful. Mild tailwind, dry, and despite of the frost, I was warm in my Armour. I used 50% Sport assistance on that ride leg.

Giant LBS disappointment

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Bikeman.pl, a Giant LBS in Warsaw Ursynów, the southern quarter. The skid-plate for my Trance E+ should have been there since Friday afternoon. It was not there. Making me quite irritated. So I rode 30 km for nothing?!

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The architecture of Ursynów North has its origins in 1980s. (An InPost parcel locker seen at the right). It was already snowing a little.

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Riding southwards via Jan Rosół Street. There was a small sledging hill at my right hand side (I regret I took no picture!) As you can see, the more southwards you go, the more modern architecture appears.

Good Vittles at Anita & Lech

Friends, Anita & Lech is a married couple living in South Ursynów at their house. Both have high-profile jobs. Anita served me a brunch, consisting of excellent victuals! From pierogi to organic sausage, ham, etc. Even if I'm on a diet, I allowed myself to become satiated :)

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Lech has been working in Africa for couple of years. He served this delicious Nigerian bitter in microscopic glasses :) (I don't drink and ride).

Anita Buying An E-Bike!

What a story! We've been talking with Anita to get her an e-bike for more than a year. While staying with the couple, I asked if they would like to drive to the Warsaw Specialized Brand Store to size a Como for Anita. Yes, we drove up there. The first person met was the sales guy Mateusz, who recognized me as the owner of "the Vado on winter tyres"! Our dialogue:

-- I'll serve you in a minute. Just let me bring my Levo from my car inside the store! -- he said.
-- Ah, so you're an MTBer! I recognized you were not a roadie from the very start! -- I smiled at him.
-- How come?
-- You're not arrogant. On contrary, you are very polite and friendly! :D -- and he laughed at that.

So Anita tried a Como 5.0 inside. And bought it! (She even managed to get some discount!)

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This brand new Como 5.0 (EU version on 700C wheels and with suspension fork) has not been ridden before. It is a miracle you still can buy an e-bike in Warsaw. (I told Anita it was the last moment to get an e-bike at all in many months!) I'm so happy; my friend getting the premium comfortable e-bike!

I tried a Vado SL 4.0 EQ myself. Friends! I crave for that e-bike! So nice to ride!

Blizzard Imminent

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On my return trip, I noticed the wind becoming very strong. So strong I had to ride in 100% Turbo mode to maintain any decent speed. Here, in the bike path southwards Puławska Street, the southbound Warsaw avenue. As you can see, the bike path is not maintained. I noticed first ride stability issues there.

The Blizzard

It started snowing heavily. And I lost my way. Thanks to my GPS navigation, I could return to the route, and then the blizzard exploded.

Blizzard building up. You can hear me panting; it was more from me being tired on pedalling that from the scare :)

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I was not scared. What could potentially go wrong? I was still full on food, drunk with oxygen inhaled, happy. The Winter Armour Ultimate held, and I was warm. I had a spare battery. Yes, the wheels of my Vado were occasionally slipping in fresh snow but come on... So I was riding happily in the blizzard :) It was my first
difficult ride during which I didn't panic :D

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Battery swapping in Falenty on sunset. What you can see on my tubular hood is a thick layer of ice :)

Yes, there had been some issues. Because of the battery contacts contaminated with snow, the Vado motor experienced occasional "hiccups", No Battery messages and the like. So what? I was so much on adrenalin I was ready to go back home on pedals alone! Ha! I stopped for warm coffee and to buy some tissues at BP gas station in Sokołów. A quarter of hour spent there (outside the building of course) meant I and Vado got covered with snow but eventually the blizzard ended, the battery and motor warmed up and the electrical problems disappeared.

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At home, 17:00. It turned out the ventilation holes of my Vado motor were blocked with a clump of snow. No worries! It was no danger for the motor to overheat...

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The ride map with POI.

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For me, the ride meant a feat equivalent to climbing the K2 in the winter :)
I love that post, but I also hate it