Our Rides in Words, Photos & Videos

Wasn't really sure where to post this one, but these guys needed some studded tires on their ride.
But, there was also lots of road riding at higher speeds (much too fast I think).

Filmed in Yorkshire - the route looks like one I would really enjoy!

That looked hard work.
When he had to turn the assist down on the ice, thats about 80 mins from here, might give it go in the summer.
Last ride of the week. Park City, UT here we come... 2 feet of fresh white stuff! ;)

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Happy to say the return of nice weather has finally broken the frozen stranglehold the ice and snow had held on our area for way too long. So the temps rocketing up from the bitter 20sf (-6c) to a balmy 64°f (18c) in less than 24 hours melting the snow like butter on hot corn on the cob, could only mean one thing. Time for a bike ride!!

Heck why stop at one ride? Just make it two rides back to back.

Yup. Did the first ride solo on the Class 3 riding a fast and furious 25 miles of almost traffic free paved rural roads, the second ride of 9 languid blissful miles on our quiet rural gravel roads on the Class 1 with neighbor G (who had just gotten her 1st Covid-19 vaccination shot) who was grinning from ear to ear the entire time she was so happy. I had my 2nd shot on Monday, so I was still grinning from ear to ear as well.

Everyone and everything was grinning from ear to ear: the local horse population finally getting shed of their blankets to run naked in the fields, every motorist in passing, the bikes at the chance to finally hit the roads again, even the snowmelt puddles alongside the road. Everything was happy in that warm lovely sunshine. Even the snow in its changing wardrobe from dingy white and cold with splattered dirt to sparkling liquid reflecting the blue skies.

The only thing not happy? My knees. Both of them. They were not happy at the accumulated miles, and certainly not happy at the duration of time on the bike, especially the 45 minutes I spend standing in the road chatting with my neighbors across the way. No, the knees were not happy. Not one little bit. They are still making their displeasure known by complaining non-stop even as we speak.

So I'll leave you with a photo and a road map...and the assurance that despite the knees the rest of me had a blast being back on the bike.



The remaining remnants of our last snowfall. No studded tires required.
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Flora, it's good to hear from you! I'm glad you got vaccinated. I sympathise with you because of your hurting knees!
You mentioned no need for studded tyres -- we're going to have a warm day here in Mazovia Poland, too. Still - surprises! My direct neighbourhood is located in the woods. The snow's melting very slowly, creating icy patches. Guess what. I almost fell twice in two recent evenings when I rode onto an icy patch (not seeing it). The studded tyres on both e-bikes luckily saved me! I hope Winter won't return - neither in Virginia nor Mazovia! :)
The bike ride on top of the 2nd vaccination shot was icing on a big ol' cake. A sweet treat generously spread on top of comfort food.

Winter hasn't departed yet, although the already shedding winter fur coats on the horses has declared otherwise. The bluebirds are back checking out the nest boxes, and the tulip bulbs are starting to make an appearance. All signs that "bike ride season" is fast approaching.

G and I were careful to take the more open, less treed gravel roads to avoid any left over frozen snow. Neither of us are willing (brave enough? crazy enough?) to trust slippage. As it was, almost all the roads were clear of icy pitfalls, but at the same time the gravel roads are extremely wet, extremely soft and very vulnerable. We stopped at one point to examine and discuss the deep impressions of two sets of hoofprints traveling in the center of the road, determining one horse was clearly shod, but the other was wearing boots. Much to G's amusement I pointed out one set of deep skid marks as the spot where the booted horse clearly had spooked, solidifying my conjecture as to the owner of the horses (an old endurance friend of mine), and their breed (Arabian).

I suspect we will be seeing a huge influx of cyclists on our roads this weekend. A cursory glance at the main suburban bike path (while out shopping yesterday and passing several railtrail intersections as well as paralleling the path along the road) showed the MUP still deeply covered in packed snow and ice for vast stretches. The perfect canvas for anyone using studded tires. Anyone else with an urge to do any decent cycling is going to head west in our direction this weekend. There isn't much to sightsee out in our area right now unless one yearns to visit the dismal ocre, dank gray, and lifeless yellows of a landscape still clutching mid-winter, and lots of horses wearing colorful blankets. On the upside the roads are safe and snow free, and traffic is close to non-existant.


Yesterday on my solo ride I was highly amused to see a herd of about 30 horses in a massive field all rugged out in matching bright red turnouts. Every single one sporting the exact same couture. I supposed if any escaped the field it would be simple to identify where they belonged and return them home, but left nothing to identify which horse was which. On a bright note the gang did provide an amusing addendum of living and breathing red highlights to a winter dull vista. I tried to snap a shot of the entire herd but they were too spread out and the photo looked like a scenic landscape with red dots everywhere. So here is a zoomed shot of some of the red-coated equines enjoying a companionship stroll up a hill, a drink from a running creek, and some high grazing in front of a brilliant blue backdrop.

I'm guessing we will get one, perhaps two, more snowfalls but that will be it.

And yes, my knees are still out of sorts with me even after I slept the sleep of the dead last night (thank you bike ride for that). They better get with the program, however, because I plan another ride today and don't want to hear any whining.
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Let This Picture Talk...


18°C (60°F) and full sunshine on February 25th, 2021 in Mazovia Poland. A single really warm day...

A mysterious bus just standing in the fields 😊


A single February day with pretty high temperature! I rediscovered my hub-drive 250 W motor Lovelec Diadem. The thing rides so fast on average! (Vado can be that fast or even faster but at the cost of far higher energy consumption).
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The forecast today was showing heavy rain showers until around 10am so I waited patiently and the skies cleared nicely and off I set! It was pretty mild again for the time of year but there was a bitterly cold gusty wind blowing at around 30mph! I had this strong wind behind me for 8 glorious miles, I was flying along with an average over 18mph, the first few miles were uphill but once I reached the plateau the downhill was a real breath of fresh air!😁

Then I had a few miles of crosswinds but luckily it was pretty sheltered, then came that 30mph headwind! I had to use active (level 3) assist to make headway into it but I had my spare battery (I managed without it) with me just in case, it dropped to 7% when I got home! In the distance I could see rain clouds and knew I was going to get wet, thankfully I always dress expecting rain so was well prepared!;) As usual it was close to home when the rain hit, just 5 miles to go but it was great to get out on the bike!

I was tempted to take this road which goes down very steeply into a valley but remembered its really bad for flooding and we had very heavy rain recently so decided not to chance it!


The road actually takes you to the top of the hill in the distance in this photo where the sun is shining but its pretty rough in some spots!


The weather is looking promising going into next week with lighter winds at last, I can't remember the last time I was riding in winds less than 30mph so I can't wait to get out there! No doubt winter will have a sting in the tail but I will make the most of this weather while it lasts!


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Monday's Ride was eventful although not serious.

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Weather was nice again today, I started at +4C and finished at +8C. Once again I went clockwise on the map.
I chose a different route south, and went through some residential areas until I got to the pathway system that runs just south of my normal park where I trail ride.
Here's a couple of shots on my way south. Picture #2 is what my English literature teachers called "foreshadowing...".

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At about the 6.5km mark, with me now on the pathways that run south of Nose Hill park, at the X mark on the map, a medium sized black dog decided he wanted to get really close. It was fairly congested in there and this one was running free. About 60 seconds later, I noticed a bit of pain from my calf and I thought about reversing my tracks and going to find the owner. But there were a LOT of people and dogs and I didn't see the point of doing so unless I could identify the specific dog and I wasn't going to even try that without checking my leg. So I pulled over - at a bench (spot Y on map) and checked it out.

Yup - he got me!

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I had a first aid kit in my backpack, so I grabbed some polysporin and a bandage and patched myself up and went on my way. Lesson learned - if it happens again I am stopping and am going to press the issue.

Where I stopped to do the first aid, was right by the southern entrance to Nose Hill Park which is served by a pedestrian/cyclist overpass. I often come off the park there, and follow the route I'd just came, to get home.
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As far as routes went, I was winging it and decided to head north. Some packed snow , which was now becoming much too soft, and lots of bare and dry paths.
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I eventually ended up on the north side of the freeway ring road called Stoney Trail and started eastwards.
Yes, the word Stoney is spelled correctly as it refers to the Stoney Nakoda indigenous people who live in the area.

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I had to pass by a Costco, but I didn't need to stop and get gas...

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The pathway from there had some tricky snowdrift covered patches, but within a few hundred metres, it was back to bare and dry.

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I kept heading east and road up to the bluffs that are on the north side of Country Hills Golf Course.
I've certainly posted pics of this area before, but perhaps not with snow.

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All in all a good ride, not withstanding the canine interactions (as there were 2 more - but no more tasting episodes).

Audio book was a continuation of Peter May's "The Man With No Face".

Tomorrow will be a maintenance day - my drive train is filthy!
Just need to figure out a way of not making too much of a mess.
@RandallS...I sympathize. Yesterday cycling up a hill, the same pitbull and his buddy came after me. The owner yelled, again the dogs kept after me. Even on my ebike it took all I had to barely pull away. Today both my hands hurt...I must have been gripping the handlebars while pedaling with everything I’ve got. 😕🚴‍♀️
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@RandallS...I sympathize. Yesterday cycling up a hill, the same pitbull and his buddy came after me. The owner yelled, again the dogs kept after me. Even on my ebike it took all I had to barely pull away. Today both my hands hurt...I must have been gripping the handlebars while pedaling with everything I’ve got. 😕🚴‍♀️
I know it's a bit of a cliché, but the dogs aren't bad - it's the owners. If I am in your yard it's different, but when I am in a public space, that IS NOT labelled "off leash", I shouldn't have to deal with this kind of stuff.
And I have no doubt, that if I'd kicked out to protect myself, +90% of the people there would think that it was ME who was the problem. That is, unfortunately, from experience.

Ride on regardless...

<heavy sigh>
I know it's a bit of a cliché, but the dogs aren't bad - it's the owners. If I am in your yard it's different, but when I am in a public space, that IS NOT labelled "off leash", I shouldn't have to deal with this kind of stuff.
And I have no doubt, that if I'd kicked out to protect myself, +90% of the people there would think that it was ME who was the problem. That is, unfortunately, from experience.

Ride on regardless...

<heavy sigh>
It's unfortunate that some pet owners consider many public areas as ‘off lease’ to their animals. I’ve had a number of close calls with dogs but thankfully haven’t been bitten….yet. How many times have you heard this remark, ‘Oh, don't worry, he's friendly’. It doesn’t matter how friendly they feel their dog is, it's simply rude, illegal and doesn’t prevent passers by and other leashed dogs from feeling more at ease. On the flip side, the number of incidents doesn't diminish the many owners who I do see practicing proper pooch etiquette.
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Yesterday’s ride today took me to one of my favorite winter haunts, the Riverbend Rec Area where I played around on the hills and trails. There was still plenty of snow so I made good use of my time out there. I also took advantage of the below freezing temperatures which made for superb ground conditions.
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The main entry into the area is this footbridge over the river. The recent warm weather created slushy conditions but then freezing temperatures overnight made access somewhat tricky.

Footage of yesterday's ride around Riverbend. :)

I know it's a bit of a cliché, but the dogs aren't bad - it's the owners. If I am in your yard it's different, but when I am in a public space, that IS NOT labelled "off leash", I shouldn't have to deal with this kind of stuff.
And I have no doubt, that if I'd kicked out to protect myself, +90% of the people there would think that it was ME who was the problem. That is, unfortunately, from experience.

Ride on regardless...

<heavy sigh>
Exactly. And yes, the problem is with the owners. 😕🚴‍♀️
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Yesterday’s ride today took me to one of my favorite winter haunts, the Riverbend Rec Area where I played around on the hills and trails. There was still plenty of snow so I made good use of my time out there. I also took advantage of the below freezing temperatures which made for superb ground conditions.
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The main entry into the area is this footbridge over the river. The recent warm weather created slushy conditions but then freezing temperatures overnight made access somewhat tricky.
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Footage of yesterday's ride around Riverbend. :)

Oh goodie! Below freezing temperatures!!! 👏. You all amaze me. Beautiful video. 😁🚴‍♀️
Two days of shorter rides - including some interesting weather today.

Yesterday's ride, after Tuesday's maintenance, was short and sweet and included a short visit at my mother's place.
I was really just bedding in new front brake pads and checking out the conditions on the hill - (and delivering muffins too....)

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And now for something different - here's the route but showing on a satellite image. Obviously not real time!

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I've shared plenty of shots up on the hill, including some with and without snow.
As I sometimes do, there's a shot with part of my orange gloves in my pictures.

Here's some of me approaching a parking area where I can enter the park. I use 7 or 8 different trails to enter the park.
These shots show a parking lot off of 64th Avenue NW that have 3 trails that are good to enter., depending where you want to go.

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Then some paths and the obligatory bike shots.

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Today, Thursday, was a nice temperature but the wind was howling.
Environment Canada reported gusts up to 59kmh, and although I can't verify the actual velocity, it was not something I wanted to pedal into for very long!

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Once again - some satellite imagery.

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Because it was so windy, I tried to keep to the trees on the hill. I found another Tee-Pee structure as well as a Swing Set!

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One of these days I will get an action cam so I could show some video of how strong the wind was up there.
After exiting the park, I took some suburban paths and roads to get some distance in, and there were a few times where I was almost blown over with gusts.

I only had a partial charge when I started, so I limited the ride as I did NOT want to run out of battery before getting home.
The 60 Kmh headwinds, that I knew I'd have to ride in to, create some severe range anxiety!


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