Our Rides in Words, Photos & Videos

Afternoon team ride... with a bit of climbing today.


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Encounter with a dragon …
Got crocs?
Not today! There are no crocodiles, outside Steve Irwin's Australia Zoo, within a thousand kilometres of Brisbane. Realistically, you can double that distance before you run into the wild variety.

Reed, your question is not fanciful because Brisbane, at around 27º south, is at the equivalent latitude of central Florida where, as we all know from watching YouTube videos, interstate golfers expect their rounds to be interrupted by at least one reptilian encounter. (Typically, this occurs over restorative rounds at the nineteenth hole.)

Anyway, here is this weekend's encounter of the reptilian variety. It occurred around 70 km (map above) and featured a common bearded dragon sunning itself on a small termite mound beside the rail trail…

Common Eastern Bearded Dragon : Pogona barbata

Common Eastern Bearded Dragon, Pogona barbata
Brisbane Valley RT, Pine Mountain, QLD
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Brakes and handlebar …
Whenever you 'see' a photo, stop and turn around!

Kholo Crossing : Brisbane River

Kholo Crossing, Brisbane River
The river photo was taken with 'real' camera (fixed-lens compact, actually), so the GPS track indicates where my ebike was parked (with the iPhone on the handlebar) rather than where the photo was taken.

Honestly, I wasn't going so fast that I left the road!

BVRT : Pine Mountain

Lizzie's Photo
Once again: stop and go back! The scary dragon's portrait was taken with my iPhone so the GPS track links to the photo.
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We had a taste of Spring today with a temp of 10C but very windy once again! It was so good to get out without 10 layers and heated gloves ;) It was such a joy to get back on the quiet back roads despite lots of loose gravel after all the rain, I just had to be a little more careful this time! Lots of climbing today so I got quite a workout!

I was doing a big climb which I have done many times and I stopped for some photos part way up and I could see a young girl climbing in the opposite direction and I could see she was really struggling, as she passed I said be glad you are not going the other way to which she replied "I know these roads well and would never attempt the climb you have done" and then she noticed I had an e bike and said "I need one of those, was it expensive?" I said very expensive, you will need to save for a long time!🤣

Then I noticed she had a friend making even harder work of the climb, she said her friend definitely needs an e bike! 🤣 Her friend had a good laugh with her about that:D They were both very pleasant and wished me a nice day :) They had come from the top of this hill where the white house is and into the valley and then had the tough climb where I was stopped to take the photos! The photo doesn't do the climb and descent justice of course!


They then had this lovely descent which is great fun! Further down its an even steeper descent where I hit 46mph despite the rough road surface!;) If they ever fix it which I doubt 50mph would be doable:p


There are still some remnants of the snow on the hills, no doubt winter isn't over just yet!


I had such a great day which was much needed, it was great to see so many cyclists out today also, all solo and abiding by the rules! Tomorrow is looking nice but I have commitments that can't be changed, I may get a chance later in the afternoon though! Tuesday and Wednesday are looking horrendous so I will be hibernating! :p


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A Very Warm February Day!

Weather forecasts -- as valuable as they are -- can be quite misleading. No forecast predicted what actually happened on this Sunday where I live.

Agreed with Social Care Home I would see Magda at noon, I rode out prepared for +1 C and cold wind. Lucky me I started the Vado trip very early! First thing I noticed on our street was blinding sunshine...

Warm Day (1 of 3).jpg

That let me go back and replace clear goggles with tinted ones... Then, I noticed I wore too warm clothes! Had to remove some at a bus stop in Żukówka. Having a plenty of time, I even stopped at a gas station in Radonice for ice-coffee, so thirsty I became :)

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Five minutes before riding up the Social Care Home. I had my balaclava donned as a face mask. Note my torso clothing: just a thin base layer and a thin windbreaker! So warm it was. (There is a strange bus parked in the fields behind me. I need to check why it is standing there -- next time!)

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After seeing my daughter, I set off for a longer ride that involved several segments of disgustingly straight roads :) I now use gloves as seen on the photo - just as protection against the wind.

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A screen dump from Strava Flybys: animated ride history (only subscribers can create their Flybys).

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I was riding with 40% assistance on the outbound part and 50% assistance on the return. These values mean respectively 1.28x and 1.6x pedalling amplification for my specific Vado motor.

Coming Wednesday and Thursday are promised with +14 and +16 C temperatures!!! Still in February! Just after serious frost we had experienced lately.
P.S. I returned just in time to watch Welsh Open Snooker tournament finals. Nowadays, all snooker tournaments take place in Milton Keynes, England!
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Typewriter Ride

A Messenger talk:
-- Stefan, do you live near to Brwinów perchance?
-- Maciek. I do live in Brwinów. You've been to my place... What's up?
-- As you know, I deal with collector's typewriters. There's a 1977 Erika, Polish type and all to be cheaply got in Brwinów...
-- Maciek, as much as I love you buddy, I won't ship that thing to Silesia. Ideas?
-- I transfer money to you. Just ride up the address and give the cash to the guy. He will ship the machine to me himself.
-- Done!

And I got stunned with the weather. Let me just describe my clothing:
  • MTB shoes
  • Autumn bibs
  • A jacket, no windbreaker!
  • No gloves! No gloves!!!
+14 C, Full sunshine.

I didn't have much spare time today but I managed a short ride on a lovely sunny day, very windy again but hey ho! Not much to report, just a fun little ride with no incidents worth reporting! The next 2 days are looking pretty nasty so I will give my legs a nice rest!



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went on a 30 mile ride it was going to be 40 but I was trying Apple Maps for bikes and it was killing my battery and I could not find the cable I thought I had so we turned back. it also looked like it wanted to rain so it was time. way out in the country all 2 lane roads. Portland Oregon and the land around it got hit by frozen rain and ice, man the ice damage to the trees was everywhere, bike paths had branches cut away but all the Debris was still on the paths. got out in the country and it looks like the roads would have been covered in tree parts and impassable till cleaned up. saw a few telephone poles down too with wires stallion the road (not live) with branches hanging on others. Smelled a cow far before we saw it and all these plastic domes. coming back I saw calves in them little cow houses. I saw this downed light pole and was like How would that fall over with ice? but then I saw the stump of a tree and now I see. I saw trees with nice straight trunks big enough they should be strong snapped off. lots of trees that got topped.
Setting out early …
Mahons Road, Pine Mountain, QLD

Pine Mountain, Ipswich, QLD
4 km from home
There were traces of fog over the Brisbane River (centre of photo) and patched-up Mahons Road was still damp from an overnight shower. It was the perfect time to be out on what was predicted to be (correctly, unfortunately!) a warm summer day (37º max).

I was heading east with Ipswich city to the right, behind the straggly pine. The slopes of Pine Mountain, not at all spectacular, can be seen on the left. The road, though, is a joy to ride – constant switchbacks and changes from gravel to patched tar and back again. The grades can be severe. This is ebike territory! Actually, the roads around home are too difficult for me to tackle without some assistance.
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