I'm thinking that like here, your hospitals may be extra busy right now and they don't want more patients. Be careful out there.Good News
As I had been suffering strong aches as the outcome of my earlier crash, I started worrying and decided to spend this Sunday at the Emergency of a local hospital. Tomography and all. Even a covid test (otherwise I wouldn't be admitted into the hospital ward). So... Nothing broken or damaged inside my body. I am expected to suffer aches for the next six weeks though (Ibuprofen does me good).
Now, the surgeon started (almost) shouting at me: "RIDING A BIKE ON ICE (even on studded tyres) IS AN EXTREMELY IRRESPONSIBLE ACTION!" Hehe, I knew it would be pointless to tell him crashes used to occur to me at any season...
Weather note: Our forecasts will show the sun icon for the next day. I get up and there is fog when there is supposed to be happy clearing. Noticed this morning that there are no happy sun icons shown for the predicted future. They gave up! Sigh. WAIT! This one shows happy suns on Saturday. Teasing us? Or will the fog burn off? Stay tuned. https://www.wunderground.com/forecast/KOMK
I could hop in my pickup and head up to a higher elevation, I guess.