Our Rides in Words, Photos & Videos

Hope you heal quickly, Stefan! Ice, heat, ice, heat, ice...

BTW, why are all the labels on the fancy beer in English?
We Poles love English, @ChezCheese:) 😊 It is because it were the Americans to teach the Polish how to brew Craft Beer. The story behind "Herod" is this:
A young boy dreams of playing the role of King Herod in a Christmas show. He begs to be Herod. The answer he gets is "You're too young to be Herod!" To which he resolutely answers "Was not Herod ever young?" And the answer is "Not. Herod was always old" 😁

P.S. After having drunk Samiec Alfa, I feel as new!
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I Nastily Crashed (Artezan Brewery Ride)

On last metres of my ride I lost my vigilance: what could have gone wrong? Well, the parking lot where I live now resembles a rough ice rink. And I crashed, painfully crashed. Fortunately enough, I fell on the non-drive side of my Vado SL, which saved the beer :) My left shoulder hurts badly! I don't think I broke anything though.
Hopefully your shoulder is not too bad.

I was planning to go out this morning to test my new Ortlieb fork bags, before helping a mate move house.

Didn’t go out in the end. The temperature was -1oC, but with wind chill, was around-5oC. Very, very cold and the roads and paths were very slippery.
Don't call them "palms"!

Pandanus beside the Moreton Bay Cycleway

Moreton Bay Cycleway
There hasn't been much variety in my riding, so I've been at a loss to find something different to photograph. Why not just photograph one of those ubiquitous pandanus palms. So here it is!

Botanists insist that they are not palms. (I had to look that up.)

Pandanus Fruit

Pandanus Fruit
I Nastily Crashed (Artezan Brewery Ride)

I've got an idea I would ride to meet Błażej and Agata in Warsaw on the coming Saturday. We have not seen one another for the whole pandemics I think! As Błażej is the guy who attracted me to the Craft Beer world, I thought I would ride to the Artezan Brewery and buy so called "stoß" (hit) beer for my friends there.

Hard weather. -2 C is nothing. It was the 35 km/h headwind that made the ride hard again, combined with a snowfall and ice on roads. I can just tell you that 100% SL Turbo on my Vado SL was not sufficient upwind. The headwind was occasionally slowing me down to 14 km/h despite of 240 W of motor assistance!

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At the side of the Artezan Brewery in Błonie. It is one of the best craft brewers in Poland, and only 10.5 km away from my place! I met Albert, the son of the owner there, and we had a pleasant chat before he went back to the work, and I went in the brewery's store.

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The four top Polish craft beers (all of them are brewed seasonally only and hard to buy):

  • Samiec Alfa (Alpha Male): Bourbon Barrel Aged Imperial Stout with coffee, 13% abv
  • Chcesz ciasteczko? (Wanna A Cookie?): Imperial Milk Stout with Raspberry and Cocoa Beans, 11% abv
  • (You're) Too Young To Be Herod: Christmas Stout, 11% abv
  • Preparat: Beech Smoked Barleywine, 9% abv.
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The return way was very pleasant, as I was driven by that very strong tailwind. I was hitting 42 km/h (26 mph) at times.

On last metres of my ride I lost my vigilance: what could have gone wrong? Well, the parking lot where I live now resembles a rough ice rink. And I crashed, painfully crashed. Fortunately enough, I fell on the non-drive side of my Vado SL, which saved the beer :) My left shoulder hurts badly! I don't think I broke anything though.

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Dedicated to @DaveMatthews:
In 2017, my London friends and I made this tune together, online :) I play the bass and "lead guitar" here :)
Hope you're on the mend soon, Stefan!
Another jaunt around town, to return MORE evil Amazon items (I've been having a devil of a time finding rain shoes that fit my feet correctly!), Then back to my military grocery store for supplies. Haven't been out on a "real" ride in weeks, due to the weather, and today was no different - dodging showers and developing gusty winds. At least, using the bike for errands, I get SOME exercise and fresh air!

Everything was going great, and I was even able to load up my trailer, now that I have my cargo net 😁.

I was all packed up, and had just begun to pull away when I noticed some squishy noise coming from the back. Hopped off to see what the master was, and the 🤬🤬🤬🤬 🤬🤬🤬 back tire was flat again! I had noticed on a couple of turns getting into the parking lot that it felt like the rear of the bike was siding out from under me, but thought that was because of the gusting cross wind...

My personal "mechanic" had accompanied me on this trip, to look for some sealant for one of the rear tires on my Prius, which has a slow leak(!). He took a look at the tire but didn't see anything obvious wrong, so we decided to pump it up and try to make it the .5 mile home. Our little porta-pump wasn't doing anything, so we decided to walk the bike over to the gas station across the street and use the air pump there. Got it refilled and made it home - in fact, it doesn't feel like it leaked any at all on the way 🤔⁉️ If not for the sliding rear on the last few turns in the parking lot going in, I'd suspect that someone had deflated the tire while we were in the store...

"Mechanic" had wanted the chance to take the tire and tube completely off the rim and reinstall in an attempt to deal with what may be a warped tire (see "Replacement Tire" thread)... I'm rather finished with it!

Way more "adventure" than that little 4.67 ride ought to have been! Screenshot_20220120-153438~2.png


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I Nastily Crashed (Artezan Brewery Ride)

I've got an idea I would ride to meet Błażej and Agata in Warsaw on the coming Saturday. We have not seen one another for the whole pandemics I think! As Błażej is the guy who attracted me to the Craft Beer world, I thought I would ride to the Artezan Brewery and buy so called "stoß" (hit) beer for my friends there.

Hard weather. -2 C is nothing. It was the 35 km/h headwind that made the ride hard again, combined with a snowfall and ice on roads. I can just tell you that 100% SL Turbo on my Vado SL was not sufficient upwind. The headwind was occasionally slowing me down to 14 km/h despite of 240 W of motor assistance!

View attachment 112316
At the side of the Artezan Brewery in Błonie. It is one of the best craft brewers in Poland, and only 10.5 km away from my place! I met Albert, the son of the owner there, and we had a pleasant chat before he went back to the work, and I went in the brewery's store.

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The four top Polish craft beers (all of them are brewed seasonally only and hard to buy):

  • Samiec Alfa (Alpha Male): Bourbon Barrel Aged Imperial Stout with coffee, 13% abv
  • Chcesz ciasteczko? (Wanna A Cookie?): Imperial Milk Stout with Raspberry and Cocoa Beans, 11% abv
  • (You're) Too Young To Be Herod: Christmas Stout, 11% abv
  • Preparat: Beech Smoked Barleywine, 9% abv.
View attachment 112315
The return way was very pleasant, as I was driven by that very strong tailwind. I was hitting 42 km/h (26 mph) at times.

On last metres of my ride I lost my vigilance: what could have gone wrong? Well, the parking lot where I live now resembles a rough ice rink. And I crashed, painfully crashed. Fortunately enough, I fell on the non-drive side of my Vado SL, which saved the beer :) My left shoulder hurts badly! I don't think I broke anything though.

View attachment 112317

Dedicated to @DaveMatthews:
In 2017, my London friends and I made this tune together, online :) I play the bass and "lead guitar" here :)

Ouch Stefan!
Ice & rest. Ibruprofen for pain. Heal fast.
Glad the SL is OK.
So sorry, Stefan! Ice is not nice.

Mend soon.
David, that was so silly! I was perhaps 2 seconds to finishing my ride. The courtyard/parking lot of our block of flats is in need of solid repair. Presently, it is like an ice-rink full of ruts. I simply should have dismounted before entering it! Because I was riding on ice often today and knew the studded tyres would hold.

The first thing I'm doing in the morning is driving to a pharmacy for a potent pain-killer. I don't think anything is broken but I'm heavily bruised. Good thing was the winter clothes, motorcycle gloves, helmet and goggles softened the fall. No road rash even really! But I cannot sleep, so I drink beer as ethanol is one of good analgesics :)
Another jaunt around town, to return MORE evil Amazon items (I've been having a devil of a time finding rain shoes that fit my feet correctly!), Then back to my military grocery store for supplies. Haven't been out on a "real" ride in weeks, due to the weather, and today was no different - dodging showers and developing gusty winds. At least, using the bike for errands, I get SOME exercise and fresh air!

Everything was going great, and I was even able to load up my trailer, now that I have my cargo net 😁.

I was all packed up, and had just begun to pull away when I noticed some squishy noise coming from the back. Hopped off to see what the master was, and the 🤬🤬🤬🤬 🤬🤬🤬 back tire was flat again! I had noticed on a couple of turns getting into the parking lot that it felt like the rear of the bike was siding out from under me, but thought that was because of the gusting cross wind...

My personal "mechanic" had accompanied me on this trip, to look for some sealant for one of the rear tires on my Prius, which has a slow leak(!). He took a look at the tire but didn't see anything obvious wrong, so we decided to pump it up and try to make it the .5 mile home. Our little porta-pump wasn't doing anything, so we decided to walk the bike over to the gas station across the street and use the air pump there. Got it refilled and made it home - in fact, it doesn't feel like it leaked any at all on the way 🤔⁉️ If not for the sliding rear on the last few turns in the parking lot going in, I'd suspect that someone had deflated the tire while we were in the store...

"Mechanic" had wanted the chance to take the tire and tube completely off the rim and reinstall in an attempt to deal with what may be a warped tire (see "Replacement Tire" thread)... I'm rather finished with it!

Way more "adventure" than that little 4.67 ride ought to have been! View attachment 112353
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Oh, you live all the way UP there! :) Which I kind of figured since you mentioned the military angle for the store.
Yep, the north end of the faire Isle of Whidbey...😊
Just dealing with my friend living about seven miles outside of Clinton was enough of a haul for me a number of years ago. I had parked UP THE HILL at the Mukilteo Chamber. I did not know where I was so coasted on down the hill and down the hill and, well, you get the idea, to the ferry. Rolled up and down to her house. At the end of the day I had to pedal up that damn hill and UP and.... And there was a ton of traffic on The Mukilteo Speedway (just the name gives the right impression) and making the left was quite the challenge. In my youth we did Whidbey a bit more often. Pedaling across the Deception Pass Bridge is always a treat - kind of! Kind of like pedaling across the Agate Pass bridge with all the casino traffic. I don't know what it is about those bridges connecting the main land to those islands!

But it is a really nice island.
Shady lane…

Pine Mountain Bush Reserve : Ipswich, Queensland

Pine Mountain Bush Reserve
Ipswich, Queensland
A week of short rides: sometimes, life's like that.

I was less than five minutes from home when the elderly owner of this motorhome pulled alongside and we had a chat about everything that needed sorting in the world. (Excluding how inconsiderate old codgers block the road). What passes for wisdom these days!

Pine Mountain Bush Reserve : Ipswich, Queensland
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Shady lane…

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Pine Mountain Bush Reserve
Ipswich, Queensland
A week of short rides: sometimes, life's like that.

I was less than five minutes from home when the elderly owner of this motorhome pulled alongside and we had a chat about everything that needed sorting in the world. (Excluding how inconsiderate old codgers block the road). What passes for wisdom these days!

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I’m intrigued by those strange looking trees David, Eucalyptus perhaps? Is there a reason why the bark is stripped off?
PD, I'm out of my depth in all things botanical. Twice in one page! The person who would have been able to help is my wife, Jen, who is now in dementia care.

There are three related genera of trees, Angophora, Corymbia and Eucalyptus, which are commonly referred to as 'eucalypts' or, when it is appropriate, 'gum trees'.

Many of the eucalypts shed their old bark, exposing the new bright green or orange bark – bet that's the wrong botanical term! The new bark in the second tree below was actually green a few weeks before the photo was taken.

Eucalypts are also branch-shedders extraordinaire. The first photo below is shows where a major limb has broken off at the tree's trunk: this is commonplace, not exceptional.


Late January

Eucalypt shedding bark.

Early November (2009!)
Areas of 'bush' like this are major fire hazards because of the debris and the flammable oils both in the leaves and exuded from them. Fortunately for SE Queensland, the hottest time of year – right now! – is usually the wettest. For Melbourne (VIC), Adelaide (SA) and Perth (WA), summers are dry: fire danger!

And one more thing: these trees are prone to falling over, as some in the photos are 'thinking of doing'!
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PD, I'm out of my depth in all things botanical. Twice in one page! The person who would have been able to help is my wife, Jen, who is now in dementia care.

There are three related genera of trees, Angophora, Corymbia and Eucalyptus, which are commonly referred to as 'eucalypts' or, when it is appropriate, 'gum trees'.

Many of the eucalypts shed their old bark, exposing the new bright green or orange bark – bet that's the wrong botanical term! The new bark in the second tree below was actually green a few weeks before the photo was taken.

Eucalypts are also branch-shedders extraordinaire. The first photo below is shows where a major limb has broken off at the tree's trunk: this is commonplace, not exceptional.

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Late January

View attachment 112464
Early November (2009!)
Areas of 'bush' like this are major fire hazards because of the debris and the flammable oils both in the leaves and exuded from them. Fortunately for SE Queensland, the hottest time of year – right now! – is usually the wettest. For Melbourne (VIC), Adelaide (SA) and Perth (WA), summers are dry: fire danger!

And one more thing: these trees are prone to falling over, as some in the photos are 'thinking of doing'!
We have a similar looking, shredded bark tree up here. The Pacific Madrone

"The interesting, peeling bark provides texture to the garden, although the bark and leaves can create litter that may require a bit of raking. If you want to grow madrone trees, consider planting it in a natural or wild garden, as the tree may not fit in well with a perfectly manicured yard. A dry, somewhat neglected area is best."

Read more at Gardening Know How: Madrone Tree Information – How To Care For A Madrone Tree https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/trees/madrone/madrone-tree-information.htm

Of course, the area they grow in, in Seattle is called Magnolia since from the distance, that's what the first explorers/visitors thought that they were. Another area is Seattle is more properly named, Madrona.