Our Rides in Words, Photos & Videos

Here's one I made a few years back for a potluck

No need to share the road (with cars & trucks)…

Riverside Drive, West End, Brisbane

I can recall when Riverside Drive, near the heart of Brisbane, was an industrial area. Apartment blocks (behind me) have taken over and the old road has been transformed into a multi-use trail. That's the way to go.

The yellow stripe on the far side of the Brisbane River is a retaining wall alongside the Bicentennial Bikeway – the route that I took on my way home.

Click the What 3 Words link to locate the spot (click satellite view & zoom out).
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No need to share the road (with cars & truck)…

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I can recall when Riverside Drive, near the heart of Brisbane, was an industrial area. Apartment blocks (behind me) have taken over and the old road has been transformed into a multi-use trail. That's the way to go.

The yellow stripe on the far side of the Brisbane River is a retaining wall alongside the Bicentennial Bikeway – the route that I took on my way home.

Click the What 3 Words link to locate the spot (click satellite view & zoom out).
Those trees are incredible. Each time you post another image, I'm enthralled with the color.
Where to place a bikeway…

Indooroopilly Riverwalk

Indooroopilly Riverwalk

Brisbane is continually upgrading its cycling infrastructure with this 2021 addition built over the Brisbane River in the western suburbs being the latest.

Scooters amaze me, they look utterly unstable with those tiny wheels and foot wide handlebars.
For cyclists, the scary ones are those glued to their smartphone screens, like the two schoolboys in the photo above! (Some might argue that blocking the path with an ebike is also a hazard.)

And what is the purpose of those enormous backpacks these youngsters are lugging around? Are their 'whites' for playing cricket after school stashed away in there?

Indooroopilly Riverwalk
It was my lucky day today, the rain finally stopped and we even got sun! The wind returned of course though but I was determined to get out, I only had a 2 hour window so I made the most of it! After a full week of heavy rain I didn't want to chance the back roads, I think I made the right decision as most of the fields were turned into giant ponds!

The rain has helped my local loch get back to normal again, most of the sand bars are gone now!


It was good to get one last ride in before October ended, tomorrow is looking very wet so no cycling! Next week is looking more promising so I hope to get a few rides done!


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About 22 and a half with about 1,100 gain (oh, and loss!) One of my regular rides but today there was quite a north head wind and it's about the coolest temps as we enter deeply into Fall. But after the last few days with almost 1.75 inches of rain, today was really nice and sunny.







Feels like it's been forever since I posted a ride. I threw my back out in mid September and couldn't ride for 4 weeks. The back is better now but I'm stuck with 6-7 day work weeks for the forseeable future along with some lousy weather.

Today was a short workday and gorgeous(but chilly) out so I took the more scenic routes to and from work. Here's the view across the Sound towards the Olympics shortly after dawn.

On the way home this afternoon I rode back through Golden Gardens where lots of folks were enjoying our balmy 51 degree F day. As Kahn mentioned it was breezy so the kiteboarders were out in full force.

28 miles and just over 2000 ft of climbing today.
I SHOULD spend my off day tomorrow doing yardwork and laundry, but it's supposed to be nice again ....
Feels like it's been forever since I posted a ride. I threw my back out in mid September and couldn't ride for 4 weeks. The back is better now but I'm stuck with 6-7 day work weeks for the forseeable future along with some lousy weather.

Today was a short workday and gorgeous(but chilly) out so I took the more scenic routes to and from work. Here's the view across the Sound towards the Olympics shortly after dawn.
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On the way home this afternoon I rode back through Golden Gardens where lots of folks were enjoying our balmy 51 degree F day. As Kahn mentioned it was breezy so the kiteboarders were out in full force.
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28 miles and just over 2000 ft of climbing today.
I SHOULD spend my off day tomorrow doing yardwork and laundry, but it's supposed to be nice again ....
I came home from the ride and borrowed a large bin up the block and filled it with lots and lots of very wet pin oak leaves. Did the same yesterday with my bin refilling it just after they collected last week's dregs and hauled them away.

I like that log, too. Very handy for leaning a bike.

Nice to hear you back is better.
One of these days we'll pass each other on our respective routes.

Last time I decided to ride around Magnolia I made the mistake of taking the Ballard bridge across the ship canal. Talk about narrow sidewalks - I had maybe 3" clearance on either side of my handlebars. I ended up ping ponging off the railings when I got distracted by a guy on a Rad up ahead gesturing at me. Turns out he was trying to tell me that he would wait at the one spot wide enough for 2 bikes. Never again.

The final jacaranda photo…

Jacarandas in Goodna, Ipswich, Queensland

Goodna, Ipswich, QLD
West of Brisbane

It's almost time – tomorrow's November – to leave the jacarandas for another year. No more until next October!

The bikeway that I customarily ride into Brisbane can be seen between the railings on 'our side' of the sports field.

My guess is that Clearly the Google Maps photo was taken during October: you can see the annual (not including 2020 or 2021 for some reason!) Jacaranda Festival funfair set up on the sports field. Maybe, next year? Surely!

For those who, like me, are interested in ebike details: my Homage (2021 Touring) has an R&M front bag and an Ortlieb trunk bag.

Jacaranda Festival, Goodna, Queensland
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One of these days we'll pass each other on our respective routes.

Last time I decided to ride around Magnolia I made the mistake of taking the Ballard bridge across the ship canal. Talk about narrow sidewalks - I had maybe 3" clearance on either side of my handlebars. I ended up ping ponging off the railings when I got distracted by a guy on a Rad up ahead gesturing at me. Turns out he was trying to tell me that he would wait at the one spot wide enough for 2 bikes. Never again.

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I don't often take the Ballard Bridge and only northbound. It is rather narrow. Access to the southbound sidewalk from the north is circuitous and not bike friendly. Years ago, I suggested that you could grow carrots in the soil/sand deposits on its sidewalk - they were that deep. :p

Of course, the sidewalks on Aurora are even more adventurous but not like they use to be - no guardrail and a small curb. Bump it and you were dumped into traffic. I use to use it once a week to go to/from Yoga at the former Queen Anne High School. But we are talking decades ago. I think three cyclists might have used it today. Climbing Dexter they peeled off up the road that connects to Aurora. I gave it about two seconds thought - NOPE!

In good weather, I use to commute to Renton from Greenlake. I liked the morning better than the afternoon.

I did Golden Gardens the other day


Viking head headstones? In Washington State?

Leifur Erikkson. Leif Eiriksson.
Son of Iceland. Grandson of Norway.
Ancestor of all who emigrated from Nordic lands.

This is Golden Gardens Park: somewhere that, for more than a century, has been a 'destination' to escape to from the city.
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