Mixed (conventional & e-Bikes) Group Road Rides

Thanks Cowlitz and slayer1962 for your comments!

It's cool to read everyone's stories of giving respect and getting it back from riders on "conventional" bikes!

Having, packing (or in a sag van), and needing a spare battery is yet another story, and expensive one at that!

Slayer1962: Did you pass that car on its right or left?

Later everyone!
Alaskan, if you don't mind sharing your story I would love to hear it and relay it to my brother. He has not exercised in years and had bypass surgery about 8 months ago. I have been trying to get him on an ebike and he's mildly interested but hasn't taken the plunge yet. I think your story might be enough to push him over the top. I can send you my email address via DM if you prefer that.
I passed the car on the left on an unlined road it would have been perfectly fine if i was in a car i am sure. Captain slow if you get your brother on one he will like it. I was too lazy and out of shape to pedal far so biking was boring. I have been on several 5-6 mile treks in sand with no issues. I pedal lightly to save some battery and enjoy the sights
Alaskan, if you don't mind sharing your story I would love to hear it and relay it to my brother. He has not exercised in years and had bypass surgery about 8 months ago. I have been trying to get him on an ebike and he's mildly interested but hasn't taken the plunge yet. I think your story might be enough to push him over the top. I can send you my email address via DM if you prefer that.
@Captain Slow I have sent you the story of my heart attack and recovery using an ebike via conversation here in the form. If you want photos or more details please respond to the conversation with your email.
bikatwk, had we gone any farther, I would have needed that extra battery! My display wasn't blinking, but it had shown the last bar for a while.

The group leader actually invited me to go on rides with her and said she might get an ebike because it looked like so much fun. Unfortunately, to ride with her would be a three hour one way drive.

She feared her kids would want ebikes.
The Mayor of Ft. Worth, Texas is a big bicycle rider and holds many rides through out the year. I did watch many of these rides on YouTub to see if any ebikes were in the rides, I personally did not see any ebikes other then the ebikes that the city has for rent in the rides. I decided to contact the Mayor's office and I was told that ebikes are welcome in the rides, so bring your ebike and you will be welcomed with other bicycle riders. We are in our 70's so riding somewhere in the pack toward the rear will work for us just fine, were going to give it a try when the weather is warmer.
Trainman i am 58 and would say the same thing. If i get tired i us throttle for a couple minutes until breathing recovers. You just do not get nervous about making it home as much lol
I also find since i get to go further and see more i am more interested in riding
Thanks to everyone for the continuing comments and wonderful stories of e-Bike use in a mixed group road ride or individual settings! They will help with my upcoming presentation at the RWBTC Bicycle Club meeting in February! See attached.

As I had previously promised, I will share the outcome at my presentation!

Be safe out there everyone!


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