Sorry I'm late, but congrats. You waited longer than anyone. Biktrix got mine shipped quick but I'm still having issues, so speaking of which, here's an update: I've been in contact several times, and they're not laughing in my face but do want better evidence. We've had a multiple rounds so far. The problem is that the upper battery is only slightly out of alignment, like a millimeter, which is hard to see on a photo taken in my garage on a smartphone camera. So yesterday I managed to get some video in the last of the sunlight. That millimeter is enough to keep the lock from engaging. Also I've been through the do-you-know-about-the-slider stage (it won't engage) and did-you-try-both-batteries stage (of course). I would feel worse about this except that workmanship issues other people report here sound just as bad, and if I do ultimately have to send mine back, at least the turn time will be reasonable.